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*IRAQ: latest news and developments

Rumsfeld: US Prepared To Send More Troops to Iraq If Commanders Request Them:

The United States will send more troops to Iraq "in a minute" if the top US commander in the region asks for them.

full: http://www.prolog.net/webnews/wed/db/Qiraq-us-forces.RHti_DaP.html


Army foresees doubling up tours:

For the first time since the all-volunteer Army began in 1973, significant numbers of U.S. combat soldiers may have to start serving back-to-back overseas tours of up to a year.

full: http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2003-08-24-army-tours_x.htm


The foot soldiers are rebelling:

We give our boys in their flag-covered coffins a suitably ceremonial farewell, but we do not question their sacrifice. They did their duty, didn't they? Why sully their memory by asking whether that tour of duty was strictly necessary?

full: http://www.guardian.co.uk/comment/story/0,3604,1028759,00.html


Iraq: Danish Soldier Was Killed By His Own Troops:
Pedersen's colleagues reportedly thought he was an enemy.

full: http://pub.tv2.no/nettavisen/english/article128211.ece
Imperial Racist Fantasies:

With habitually demented logic, President Bush – the unsolicited foreign invader – rails against “foreign” interference and “terrorist” attacks on US occupiers. Having packaged this act of thuggery as “liberation,” this administration is on the verge of discovering that the idiotic ideology of White Supremacy and global hegemony will not wash with Iraqis, for whom the real war of liberation has only just begun.

full: http://www.blackcommentator.com/52/52_nzito.html


Get real

"Driven by a neo-conservative dream, the US is loath to relinquish control in Iraq. But the price for Washington's stubbornness may be failure"

full: http://www.guardian.co.uk/elsewhere/journalist/story/0,7792,1029595,00.html


U.S. May Drop Bid for New U.N. Resolution:

After a high-profile pitch at the United Nations for more countries to send troops to Iraq, the Bush administration is encountering resistance and may not seek a Security Council resolution after all.

full: http://www.guardian.co.uk/uslatest/story/0,1282,-3070396,00.html
There will be no retreat from Iraq, insists Bush:

Mr Bush reiterated his case for America's fight against terrorism in terms of a battle between freedom and its enemies.

full: http://tinyurl.com/lcrh

DeJa-Vu: Excerpts from Speech Given by President Johnson April 7,1965. Our objective is the independence of South Viet-Nam, and its freedom from attack. We want nothing for ourselves only that the people of South Viet-Nam be allowed to guide their own country in their own way.

full: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article4553.htm


Thunder of '68 Rumbles Onward:

Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia bears a warning: Superpowers that turn bully risk self-destruction.

full: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article4554.htm
Hiding the Body Count
The Little Deaths

Except for the most egregious civilian deaths, which is to say those that take place when a lot of independent witnesses are present, the kills are all of guerillas, Al Qaeda, paramilitary whatevers, or they are ignored entirely. It's like Vietnam: if it's dead it's V.C. The only difference is, in Vietnam they bragged about the body count and in Iraq they hide it.
The count may be hidden from us, but they are not hidden from Iraqis. The deaths are real and specific. The dead all have names, every single one of them. They have families, every one of them.
Blast On Iraq Oil Pipeline NW Of Baghdad - Al-Arabiya TV

There has been explosion on an oil pipeline in Northern Iraq which feeds into the main Iraq-Turkey pipeline, Al-Arabiya television reported Thursday.
Bodies pile up as Iraq murder rate soars
Thu 28 August, 2003 16:13 BST
By Rosalind Russell
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Grieving women wail and beat their heads at the back door of the Baghdad coroner's office, waiting for the bodies of their murdered loved ones to be released for burial.
At regular intervals, the blue metal door creaked open and another corpse was handed over to be laid in one of the rough wooden coffins strapped to the roofs of waiting taxis.
Inside, amid the stench of death, coroners worked flat out, their daily caseload more than tripled by postwar Iraq's violent crime wave.
The UN, de Mello and the US occupation of Iraq
The US-led invasion of Iraq represented a turning point for the United Nations. It brought to the surface in the Security Council deep-going tensions between the US and Europe over their interests in the Middle East and internationally. Although the UN did not put the final seal of approval on the US invasion, by passing resolution 1441, it nevertheless legitimised the lie upon which the war was based: that Iraq had an arsenal of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons that posed an imminent threat to the world. After the event, the UN stepped in to endorse what was an illegal and preemptive war of aggression that had cost the lives of thousands, if not tens of thousands, of Iraqi civilians. The UN’s willingness to do so exposed its utter worthlessness in the eyes of millions of people around the world who took to the streets to protest the war.

Having sanctioned the US occupation, the UN sent its top troubleshooter to Iraq to repeat what he had done during the previous decade. But in the case of Iraq, the population had already suffered 12 years of bitter experiences of the UN acting on behalf of the US and its allies. The UN had supervised the devastating economic sanctions that are estimated to have cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians—men, women and children. Its offices in Baghdad were the operational centre for the UN weapons inspection teams and the intrigues that were used to justify one US military provocation after another against Iraq.

De Mello was able to use his political skills, honed throughout the 1990s, to cajole, badger and bully various Iraqi politicians, religious leaders and emigres into forming a Governing Council as a front for the US occupation. But the illusion remained precisely that. De Mello could do nothing to halt the tide of frustration and anger, which is giving rise to daily attacks on occupation forces...
Fisherman By Day "Terrorist" By Night :
"I catch fish in the morning and Americans at night," he said. "Catching Americans is easier than catching fish."

full: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article4557.htm


Tuning Out the Dead:
Dover is home to the Charles C. Carson Center for Mortuary Affairs -- the largest Department of Defense Mortuary. It's where America brings its dead soldiers home, and these days, it's busy.

full: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article4558.htm


The jihad all-stars:

We decided to conquer an Arab country and drive the Muslim fanatics so crazy that they’d storm in, and then we’d kill them all? That’s the latest Bush rationale for going into Iraq?

full: http://www.abs-cbnnews.com/abs_news_body.asp?section=Opinion&OID=31830
Report Card on the Bush Administration’s “War on Terrorism”:

When bombs purposefully kill civilians, the U.S. government labels it terrorism; when a U.S.-led economic embargo does the same, it is justified as needed to make a despotic leader meet Western demands.

full: http://www.independent.org/tii/news/030828Eland.html


Hiding the Body Count

Every few days the U.S. Department of Defense issues a terse press release of US military deaths in Iraq from non-combat causes. These lack drama or narrative so they are hardly ever noted in newspapers or television newscasts in places other than the hometowns of the newly dead.

full: http://www.counterpunch.org/jackson08272003.html
Iraq Guerrillas Kill US Soldier in Convoy Ambush:

The death brings to 65 the number of U.S. soldiers killed in attacks since Washington declared major combat operations over.

full: http://publicbroadcasting.net/wnyc/news.newsmain?action=article&ARTICLE_ID=539568


Wounded, Weary And Disappeared
No hordes of television cameras await the planeloads of wounded soldiers being airlifted back to the states, unloaded at Andrews Air Force Base, and stuffed into wards at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and other facilities. We see few photos of them undergoing painful and protracted physical rehabilitation. The men and women injured in Iraq and Afghanistan have become the new disappeared.

full: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article4570.htm


Family of Soldier Displaying Outrage At President:

To show their disdain, the Vogels have hung a sign outside their business, Assured Staffing, on Main Street, stating: "Proud of our soldier! Ashamed of our president!"

full: http://archives.pioneerlocal.com/cgi-bin/ppo-story/archives/localnews/2003/ba/08-21-03-91378.html
Poll: Iraq War Makes US Less Safe:

A new survey shows more Americans now believe the war in Iraq will make the U.S. less, not more, safe from terrorism, representing a reversal of public opinion in recent weeks.

full: http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=34313


Witnesses testify to beating of Iraqi prisoners by four soldiers:

The case has caused an uproar in Pennsylvania, where relatives of the accused have enlisted the help of politicians, veterans' groups and friends to support the four reservists.

full: http://www.bradenton.com/mld/bradenton/news/world/6640333.htm
In Iraq - Labour Protest is a Crime:

On July 29, US occupation forces in Iraq arrested a leader of Iraq's new emerging labor movement, Kacem Madi, along with 20 other members of the Union of the Unemployed. The unionists had been conducting a sit-in to protest the treatment of unemployed Iraqi workers by the US occupation authority, and the fact that contracts for work rebuilding the country have been given overwhelmingly to US corporations.

http://www1.iraqwar.ru/iraq-read_article.php?articleId=17445&lang=en (taken from Counter Punch)
The Iraqi jobless......

Tarik al-Kubaisy, vice-president of the Iraqi Society of Psychiatrists, is a worried man. It's not just that the queue of patients suffering from severe stress disorders in Iraq's war-torn society is growing longer by the day.

Nor that a country of 25 million has fewer than 100 psychiatrists and many are planning to emigrate now that Saddam Hussein's restrictions on foreign travel have gone.

Bogus Iraqi defectors may have duped Allied spies

By Raymond Whitaker and Paul Lashmar

Independent on Sunday (UK) 31 August 2003

Intelligence agencies in the US and its allies, including Britain, are carrying out a major review to determine whether they were duped by false information from Iraq before the war, including the possible use of bogus defectors. The outcome could undermine key British claims about Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction.

The review began after the US was forced to admit that a passage in President Bush's State of the Union speech in January, saying Iraq had sought uranium from Africa for its nuclear weapons programme, was based on forged documents. Mr Bush said the information came from Britain, but the Government has refused to withdraw the claim, saying it has other evidence.

It also sticks by its assertion that Iraq was capable of deploying WMD within 45 minutes, despite further doubts raised by evidence at the Hutton inquiry into Dr David Kelly's death.

A senior US intelligence official told the Los Angeles Times that the aim of the review "is to see if false information was put out there and got into legitimate channels and we were totally duped on it". He added: "We're re-interviewing all our sources of information on this. This is the entire intelligence community, not just the US."

Former Iraqi intelligence officials are said to have confirmed that Saddam sent double agents abroad to spread fabricated intelligence on WMD and that some genuine defectors were fed misleading information. His apparent aim was to deter his enemies and boost his prestige at home and in the Arab world, which would help to explain why the West has failed to find WMD in Iraq so far, despite the conviction that it existed.

"We were prisoners of our own beliefs," the LA Times quotes a senior US weapons expert who recently returned from Iraq as saying.

An anonymous article now known to have been written by Dr Kelly will form part of the evidence to the Hutton inquiry this week. Written as part of a report on pre-war Iraq, the article said that the threat from Saddam's regime was "modest" but conceded that military intervention was the only way to "conclusively disarm" the country.
Britons want UK forces out of Iraq:

More than 60 percent of Britons believe their government should be withdrawing its troops from Iraq.

full: http://www.reuters.co.uk/newsPackageArticle.jhtml?type=topNews&storyID=366415&section=news


Americas Foreign Legion:

Nearly 40,000 of America's frontline soldiers are not US citizens.

full: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article4584.htm


Neocons Admit They've Blown It – Is the Draft Next?:

Somebody needs to call a halt to this. It will not be the neocon press or Fox News that does it.

full: http://www.vdare.com/roberts/blown_it.htm
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