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*IRAQ: latest news and developments

Iraq's Debt, Unpaid Claims Likely To Cross $300b:

Its foreign debt and unpaid compensation claims, together estimated to be over $300 billion, are just one of the many economic burdens that the new Iraqi regime will have to take into account.

full: http://www.gulfnews.com/Articles/news.asp?ArticleID=95557


Sen. McCain: Says More Troops Needed In Iraq:

McCain, a member of the armed services committee, said from Baghdad - where he met the US civilian governor, Paul Bremer, and US generals - that troops had a tough time ahead and needed help.



Jim Hightower on Taking Back the U.S. Through Democratic Struggle:

Jim Hightower argues that the U.S. is ruled by “thieves of justice and liberty,” and it is time for the people to take back their nation. Audio & Transcript

full: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article4493.htm
The Iraq quagmire
The claim that an attack on the United Nations is a particularly heinous crime because the international agency’s only aim is to “help the Iraqis” is false. No doubt, among those killed in the bombing were people who believed they were serving the interests of ordinary Iraqis. But more than a decade of bitter experience has proven that the UN is by no means an innocent bystander in the tragedy that has been inflicted upon the people of that tortured country.

The UN approved and enforced punishing economic sanctions demanded by Washington in the wake of the Persian Gulf War of 1991, creating conditions of mass hunger and disease that claimed the lives of an estimated half a million Iraqi children. It oversaw a weapons inspections regime that served as a pretext for maintaining these sanctions by demanding that Iraq accomplish the impossible task of proving a negative, namely that no banned weapons or weapons programs existed on its soil.

Finally, just a week before the bombing, the UN Security Council voted to endorse the recently formed Iraqi Governing Council, an essentially powerless body of Quislings that was hand-picked by Washington’s proconsul in Baghdad, Paul Bremer, to lend an “Iraqi face” to the US military occupation. It likewise approved the establishment of a United Nations Assistance Mission, whose mandate included the training of a new Iraqi police force.

Thus, the UN acted to legitimize an illegal military occupation and train forces to repress the resistance. That those opposed to the occupation targeted the UN should hardly come as a surprise.
full: http://www.wsws.org/articles/2003/aug2003/iraq-a21.shtml
The Americans have captured a dead man

They've now captured Chemical Ali who was meant to have been killed weeks ago in a precision strike.

At least they've got him this time...
LONDON (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Geoff Hoon tried to stop parliamentarians quizzing scientist David Kelly over the dossier on which Prime Minister Tony Blair based Britain's case for war with Iraq, a senior politician said on Thursday.
Donald Anderson, chairman of the foreign affairs select committee, said Hoon approved Kelly's questioning only if he was not asked his views on Baghdad's weapons of mass destruction programs or the government's Iraq dossier.
The Americans have captured a dead man

Originally posted by J77
They've now captured Chemical Ali who was meant to have been killed weeks ago in a precision strike.

I have to admit that this did cross my mind! Not only was he killed in his luxury home but his body was identified using DNA testing!

You really can't believe a single word from the mouths of these fuckers anymore.

john x
US announces deaths of 2 more soldiers.

1 from First Marine Expeditionary Force in Hilla

1 from First Armoured Division in Baghdad

Thursday, the commander of U.S. forces in Iraq, General John Abizaid, said terrorism has emerged as the top security threat in the country. He said remnants of the Baathist regime, members of an al-Qaida-linked Iraqi group and foreign fighters all are active and might be cooperating in some areas.

So, I think that's clear - you illegally occupy a country, they resist, you call it terrorism

(isn't that directly from the Book of Sharon - Chapter 1 vs 8??)

Voice of America
Who hated Mr. Demello and wanted the UN to butt out of Iraq?

full: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article4500.htm


In case you missed it:

Security Council Reserved In Support For Iraq Governing Council

Members of the Security Council yesterday welcomed the creation of the Iraqi Governing Council as "an important first step" in Iraq's transition from occupation to sovereignty.

full: http://www.unwire.org/UNWire/20030723/449_6863.asp


U.S. Will Ask UN to Widen Force in Iraq:

The Bush administration, seizing on the bomb attack on the United Nations headquarters in Baghdad, is preparing a new Security Council resolution that would urge other nations to send troops and aid to secure Iraq.

full: http://www.nytimes.com/2003/08/21/i...L.html?ex=1062432877&ei=1&en=dadc211525eadd05
Spain Under Pressure to Withdraw Forces After First Casualty in Iraq:

Spain already has 744 soldiers there, but the death of one of their own number has shocked the population and opposition parties demanded a parliamentary debate in the belief that Spanish forces should be brought home.

full: http://www.spacewar.com/2003/030820162011.e0swgu59.html


Japanese Troops for Iraq Unlikely:

Japanese politicians say it's now unlikely Japan's Ground Self Defense Forces will go to Iraq following the explosion at the U.N. headquarters in Baghdad.

full: http://www.washtimes.com/upi-breaking/20030820-071406-1584r.htm


Poland to withdraw troops from ' high-risk area' near capital:

Poland scaled back its military commitment in Iraq yesterday in response to Tuesday's devastating attack on the UN headquarters in Baghdad.

full: http://news.independent.co.uk/world/middle_east/story.jsp?story=435687
Behind the Failure :

The terrorist truck bomb that blew up the U.N. headquarters in Baghdad this week also blew up the pretensions of an arrogant strategy that assumed the United States could do nation-building on the cheap.

full: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A29303-2003Aug21.html


Powell Asks Countries for More Money, Troops in Iraq

full: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A25309-2003Aug21.html


Australia 'twisted Iraq intelligence':

A former senior Australian intelligence analyst has accused Canberra of exaggerating the case for going to war in Iraq, on the first day of an official inquiry.

full: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/3172505.stm
Red Cross to Reduce Staff in Iraq After U.N. Blast:
"The level of violence is very high and the authority in charge cannot ensure security throughout the country,'"

full: http://tinyurl.com/l12o


Britons flee Baghdad embassy :

The British embassy compound in Baghdad has been evacuated following a "credible threat" of attack.

full: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/3175513.stm


Half a Million Troops Needed to Bring Iraq Under Control:

Either the intelligence assessment was deficient or George Bush and Tony Blair were willing to take an unacceptable degree of risk in this campaign."

full: http://news.independent.co.uk/world/middle_east/story.jsp?story=436639
Why the lessons of Vietnam do matter:

The guerrilla war strategy against what was considered an inevitable US invasion has been perfected in Iraq for years. And the master strategist was neither an Assyrian nor a Mesopotamian general. A Must Read

full: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article4524.htm


Robert Fisk: The Cemetery at Basra:

Broken Remnants of Britain's Imperial Past.

full: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article4525.htm


Al-Qaeda Linked Group Denies Role in UN Bombing

full: http://www.msnbc.com/news/955406.asp?0cv=CA00
Hutton Documents Released:

The documents reveal the details of Mr Blair's private meetings inside Number 10 Downing St.

full: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/politics/3176329.stm


Tangled Up In His Flight Suit:

For Bush, war equals good politics—so long as the war’s going well, that is.

full: http://www.msnbc.com/news/956613.asp?0bl=-0


Groping In The Dark:

Iraq may be spinning out of control, but in the Bush administration, the spin was strictly controlled. From Baghdad to the White House, administration spokesmen went to elaborate lengths to argue that the presence of terrorists in Iraq was somehow a positive development.

full: http://www.msnbc.com/news/956618.asp?0cv=KB10
Will Lebanon’s Horror Become Iraq’s?:

As soon as I heard about the truck bombing of UN headquarters in Baghdad on Tuesday, my first thought was, oh, no, here we go again, the nightmare of Beirut, 1983.

full: http://www.arabnews.com/?page=7&section=0&article=30768&d=24&m=8&y=2003


In the Footsteps of Tony Blair:

Tony Blair and, to a lesser extent, John Howard have added new dimensions to the word "sycophant" in their subservience to George Bush. Now the Thai Prime Minister, Taksin Shinawatra, seems to be determined to follow them on this road to folly.

full: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article4527.htm
U.S. To Send 28,000 Iraqis For Police Training In Hungary

American officials had obtained permission from the Hungarian government to set up a large police academy inside an old Soviet military base there, Bernard B. Kerik, a former New York City Police commissioner told the New York Times.

He said the academy would be set up in the same site where hundreds of Iraqi volunteers received U.S. military training to join hands in the Iraq invasion.

Blair Rocked by Release of Secret Papers

SPIN chief Alastair Campbell gave boss Tony Blair a list of emotive phrases he should use to win support for going to war on Iraq, the new files reveal.

They included: "The joy on the faces of the children I met tells me we did the right thing."

"The work going on to build basic services denied to Iraqis under Saddam tells me we did the right thing."

"The mass graves and the appalling accounts of human rights atrocities now being told tells me we did the right thing."

Almost every instruction in a confidential memo by Mr Blair's director of communications, dated June 3, was followed by the PM over the following days.
Australia defies troop call:

AUSTRALIA is resisting overtures from Washington to consider a fresh contribution to coalition forces in Iraq as US officials publicly acknowledge a deteriorating security environment.

full: http://www.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,4057,7057608^421,00.html


World Balks at Growing Iraq Perils:

"People feel Iraq is a mess that could still go either way, and that explains to a great extent the reluctance to send soldiers,"

full: http://www.csmonitor.com/2003/0825/p01s02-usfp.html
A Must Read

Former UN Chief: Bomb was Payback for Collusion with US:

THE reason the United Nations headquarters in Baghdad were bombed is because the UN has been taken over by the US and turned into a "dark joke" and a "malignant force", according to one of the UN's most internationally respected former leaders. Denis Halliday

full: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article4532.htm


Fighting Erupts In Kurdish City:

Violence has broken out in and around the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk between ethnic Kurds and Turkmen tribesmen with at least nine deaths reported.

full: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/3176965.stm


Letters From An Iraqi American:

I started writing these Emails about the war, and sending them to my personal friends, to let them know about my family in Baghdad , and about what is really happening in Iraq.

full: http://www.thefourreasons.org/yasmin.htm
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