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*IRAQ: latest news and developments

when is a terrorist group a group of freedom fighters? - when the US may find them useful.

The US military has confirmed it had reached a ceasefire agreement with the Iranian armed opposition group, although a spokesman for the group said at their military base that the deal included allowing the militia to keep its arms, stay in Iraq and continue its fight against Iran's clerical regime.
However, officials at the US Central Command war headquarters in Qatar have repeatedly refused to comment on the Mujahedeen claim that the ceasefire deal allows them to keep their arms.
This has been seen as an early sign that Washington may be looking to recast the mujahedeen - which is believed to have thousands of soldiers in Iraq - as "freedom fighters".
US get stroppy with Kofi Annan re: him reiterating the GC rules and asking the US to abide by them.

Piece here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/2974035.stm

I had to laugh at this line though....

The BBC's Imogen Foulkes in Geneva says Washington is angered by the use of the term "occupying power", which it says may not be correct under international law.

And since when have the US been bothered about international law?! Funny how they dont give a shit about it one minute, then in the next breath use it to try and back-up their own argument.

I wish someone would ram the piece of cake Mr Bush wants to eat down his throat! GRRR I hate that man!:eek:
Originally posted by Barking_Mad
Tariq Aziz taken into US custody according to BBC tickertape. More soon, or so it says.

WASHINGTON — Tariq Aziz (search), Saddam Hussein's former deputy prime minister, is in United States custody, Pentagon officials said Thursday. The English-speaking Aziz, an outspoken defender of Saddam's regime during the months leading up to the Iraq war, was the eight of spades...
Relief effort for Iraq's animals
A team of vets is to enter Iraq to help rescue animals injured in the conflict to topple Saddam Hussein.
The relief effort is being co-ordinated by the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA), which is also working in Afghanistan, and the Society for the Protection of Animals Abroad (SPANA), which has experience in Kosovo and Zimbabwe.

UK troops returning from Iraq are to be offered tests to check for traces of depleted uranium (DU) in their bodies.
The Ministry of Defence (MoD) announced the screening programme after concerns were raised about the effects of exposure to DU, including a possible greater risk of cancer or kidney damage.

(Will the people of Iraq access to these tests and any subsequent treatment?)

BBC Link
US Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld says there will not be a cleric-led government in Iraq similar to the one in Iran

Is he really sure about that given hundreds of thousands have decared thats what they want?

What if they vote it in?

BBC Link
an iraqi medic says that over 40 iraqi civilians have been killed in a series of explosions in an arms dump in Bagdhad. Confusing reports, but claims that flares were fired into the arms dump by 'hostile forces' have been made by US military. :(
BBC reports that

"US troops tried to reach the site on the southern outskirts of Baghdad - but were reportedly beaten back by a hostile crowd."

apparently they had warned the US troops about storing the weapons near to residential housing but had been ignored.

source: BBC
Former head of Shell Oil to run Iraq oil Industry -the Times
Turkish Special Forces unit caught by US soldiers near Kirkuk . "Their objective is to create an environment that can be used by Turkey to send a large peacekeeping force into Kirkuk" So Iran & Syria get threatened not to meddle in Iraqs affairs but Turkey gets away with sending in a commando unit to destabilise kurdistan Iraq.
Farouk Hijazi, a former Iraqi intelligence official and Iraq's ambassador to Tunisia, was arrested near the Syrian border on April 25, unnamed U.S. defense officials said. Hijazi has been linked to the plot to assassinate former U.S. President George Bush in 1993, when Hijazi was the No. 3 official in Iraqi intelligence.
A number of armed people belonging to the nascent National Front For The Liberation of Iraq (NFLI) tried Friday, April 11, to assassinate Ahmad Chalabi, one of the prominent exile leaders and head of the Iraqi National Council (INC), in the southern city of An-Nasiriyah. Islam online via infoshop So thats one new terrorist group created by the war already. So much for this being a war to reduce terrorism!
As long as they're only targeting the army of occupation, they are not terrorists. IMO.

As for the explosions, the BBC's woman in Baghdad had an interesting take on it-she very nearly called the US troop liars:

"When this story first broke this morning, the Americans were saying that it was a controlled explosion, but once it became clear that several people had lost their lives, they came out with this story of a hostile attack."


She also made a point of stressing that the local people think that the (latest) US version of events is bollocks, it was a cock-up controlled explosion, according to them. They're very angry at the US for putting all those wepaons so close to their homes anyway, they has been complaining for several days.
Originally posted by jkmarx

As long as they're only targeting the army of occupation, they are not terrorists. IMO.

Yes, I agree.

The attempt to assassinate Chalibi mentioned earlier was perfectly legitimate, it's a shame they didn't succeed.

Chalibi has a private army of over a thousand men in Iraq amongst them US special forces and intel. spooks. They are heavily implicated in the systematic looting of Iraq's cultural heritage, banks and other properties, aided and abetted, of course, by the US military.

He also furnished the rent a crowd mob for the prime time toppling of the statue of Saddam, which filled the tear ducts of so many Americans to bursting point. Oh and yes, I nearly forgot, he's wanted for embezzlement next door in Jordan. In fact, he's exactly the type of guy the Bush Crime Family like to do business with!
Article Here

That should work. (stupid reuters, just take out the %20 percent and the br stuff and it will work)

In the end they went without a fight.

Marginalized in Kut by the U.S. Marines, who worked with other officials to coordinate joint Iraqi-U.S. foot patrols, restore electricity and water supplies, Abbas suddenly left the mayor's office -- and the city -- after U.S. troops threatened to arrest him.

"The Americans talk about changing things for the better," he told Reuters just hours before quitting the building. "But they will not make anything better because they do not know how to work with the Iraqi people."

"I do not have tanks and the Americans are persuading everybody to avoid working with me. I guess, sooner or later I'll leave. What else can I do?"

Abbas, a retired schoolteacher and religious leader said he was not a member of any political organisation.

His quiet departure and disappearance from the city was a relief to the Marines, who had avoided entering the compound for fear of sparking violence in a city that has seen stone-throwing at anti-American protests and sniper fire at U.S. bases.

So its not as bad as one may think from the previous post about it. The guy was just a local leader, supposedly, and he had his opinion.


Nothing more.
He also furnished the rent a crowd mob for the prime time toppling of the statue of Saddam, which filled the tear ducts of so many Americans to bursting point. Oh and yes, I nearly forgot, he's wanted for embezzlement next door in Jordan. In fact, he's exactly the type of guy the Bush Crime Family like to do business with!

Add Lebanon, and Switzerland to the list. He has defrauded some kind of a community fund in Lebanon and is convicted there, as well as banking fraud in Switzerland, where his brother has implicated him in the scam, while carrying the can!

This thieving little bastard is shoe horned in by the same bunch who went to war, Perle, Rummy, Wolfowitz, Abrams, etc.

Chalabi is a great friend of Perle, the fraudsters choosing one of their own only makes the case for free and democratic Iraq stronger!
Northern Iraq: Civilian deaths higher since war ended

(Arbil, Iraq, April 27, 2003) The number of civilians killed or wounded since the war ended in northern Iraq is higher than it was during the conflict, Human Rights Watch said today.
Extensive research at five hospitals and morgues in Kirkuk and Mosul suggests that the high civilian tolls can be attributed to general lawlessness after the collapse of local authorities; the ready availability of weapons and ammunition; and the vast stores of ammunition and ammunition components left behind by the Iraqi military, including landmines, rocket-propelled grenades, and other explosives.

Many of the victims have been children who play with explosives or pick up unexploded ordinance (UXO) as toys and sustain serious injuries as a result.

"In some ways, the peace has proved more lethal than the war," said Hania Mufti, London Director of the Middle East and North Africa division of Human Rights Watch.
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