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Immigration .. part of neo liberalism/Thatcherism??

durruti02 said:
so if you [SW] all [ agree with the idea that capitalism uses immgration and immigrants] why have you not

1)put it on the front cover of your paper!

2)gone to barking ( and all other points) ..

3)and explained that to people??

and p.s. you never answered this? :D
ResistanceMP3 said:
you seem to have got the wrong end of the stick. You started a thread on this topic. You have asked people to explain their different opinions on the topic. I was offering to have an honest and genuine dialogue, asking questions and discussingg the SW position, so you could understand it as I do. I was not offering to convince you with seven straight questions. I don't think you are genuinely interested in the SW position. You have made your mind up, and you are not going to change it. That is okay with me. Go in peace.:)

RMP 3 i am interested in what the SWP has to say on this and other issues. The SWP are very influential amongst many groups and individuals on the Left. ( Especially amongst people with similar views who see you as the big bad enemy etc)

2 Straight questions from me.

1 Do you think that Economic migration makes the World a more unequal place?

2 Do you think that Socialists should openly campaign against policies that make the world a more unequal place?
durruti02 said:
"you see this is my big problem dur, the debate is boring because it doesn't seem to move on from the absolute basics that have already explained to 'you' many times. I do not understand how you do not think I haven't already answered your posts. Perhaps you could enlighten me by explaining how your own research about Karl Marx, does not concur with what I had said, that there can be inter-working class conflicts, that can be deleterious to the working-class movement, that CAN accompany immigration (sometimes)."

not quite sure your point here .. i think it is that i do not accept a marxist would just say what you have said above

.. marx .. re chinese in New York and irish in England in the 19th C .. stated quite clearly that the bosses USED immigration against the organised w/c .. this goes beyond what you are stating above , that immigration simply causes intra class conflicts
durruti02 said:
and p.s. you never answered this? :D
I have already answered this. I've said because we have a different strategy to you. Your strategy is to discriminate against migrant workers, in favour of local workers. In another thread you admit your strategy is dangerous, this is one reason we do not choose your strategy. Secondly, our strategy is to build unity between migrant and local workers, emphasising things the way you do I think is a, partially misleading b, divisive, and soul is a barrier to achieving our strategy.
tbaldwin said:
RMP 3 i am interested in what the SWP has to say on this and other issues. The SWP are very influential amongst many groups and individuals on the Left. ( Especially amongst people with similar views who see you as the big bad enemy etc)

2 Straight questions from me.

1 Do you think that Economic migration makes the World a more unequal place?

2 Do you think that Socialists should openly campaign against policies that make the world a more unequal place?
you already know that I don't think banning immigrants is possible, or conducive to building a more equal society/world.:rolleyes:
ResistanceMP3 said:
I have already answered this. I've said because we have a different strategy to you. Your strategy is to discriminate against migrant workers, in favour of local workers. In another thread you admit your strategy is dangerous, this is one reason we do not choose your strategy. Secondly, our strategy is to build unity between migrant and local workers, emphasising things the way you do I think is a, partially misleading b, divisive, and soul is a barrier to achieving our strategy.

please qoute me properly .. yes the strategy has dangers but the dangers of ignoring the issue are far far far worse .. as we see in yorks and barking

your strategy is a non starter .. as you are being dishonest about why it is neccessary .. people see thru this almost instantly .. you equally can not balme capitalism if you deny what they are doing .. as you have over on the other thread and as knotted as shown that SW does NOT honestly deal with the issue

and the strategy is NOT to discriminate .. you always look at the negative in what workers do!:rolleyes: .. tbh it reminds me of the way certain papers refer to the unions generally .. ;) ( sorry cheap shot but you are a Trade unionist no?? )

it is about POSITIVE action .. it is workers (black white polish whatever) demanding that their kids are employed at proper rates .. not someone from outside the area on less money .. that the state/NHS spends money on training people to work in the NHS rather than saving money ( so the rich pay less tax) by importing workers from the philapines ...

is this really wrong????
ResistanceMP3 said:
you already know that I don't think banning immigrants is possible, or conducive to building a more equal society/world.:rolleyes:

why why why do you keep referring to bans???????

.. we are talking about POSITIVE here ... that employers must employ local kids on union rates NOT employ poles on a fiver an hour !!

you just can not say this is wrong!:D :D
durruti02 said:
why why why do you keep referring to bans???????

.. we are talking about POSITIVE here ... that employers must employ local kids on union rates NOT employ poles on a fiver an hour !!

you just can not say this is wrong!:D :D
tbaldwin said:
RMP3 So you want all carrott and no stick to deter economic migration?
How do you expect anybody to take that seriously?
durruti02 said:
it is about POSITIVE action .. it is workers (black white polish whatever) demanding that their kids are employed at proper rates .. not someone from outside the area on less money .. that the state/NHS spends money on training people to work in the NHS rather than saving money ( so the rich pay less tax) by importing workers from the philapines ...

is this really wrong????

Positive action is needed to defend wages and conditions in this country and improve them in the developing world. I think the thread on Walmart is quite interesting in that respect. But it seems a lot of people think any real change is impossible.
tbaldwin said:
Positive action is needed to defend wages and conditions in this country and improve them in the developing world. I think the thread on Walmart is quite interesting in that respect. But it seems a lot of people think any real change is impossible.
So you want all carrott and no stick?
How do you expect anybody to take that seriously?:D :p
ResistanceMP3 said:

i am not tbaldwin .. we agree with much on what is happenning but less on the solutions

please stop being a lawyer ;) an deal with the isssue!

what do you think is better .. straight answer please

that employers must employ local kids on union rates or employ poles on a fiver an hour !!
ResistanceMP3 said:
So you want all carrott and no stick?
How do you expect anybody to take that seriously?:D :p

you appear to have entirely missed the point that if the attraction for immigrants to come to this country ( cct/bv/privatisation/'tacit support' from the state /corrupt employers/no closed shop/weak unions etc etc) was not here .. immigration would drop dramatically

the stick that you and others obsess on is not neccessary IF the w/c can influnece the labour market /process
durruti02 said:
you appear to have entirely missed the point that if the attraction for immigrants to come to this country ( cct/bv/privatisation/'tacit support' from the state /corrupt employers/no closed shop/weak unions etc etc) was not here .. immigration would drop dramatically

the stick that you and others obsess on is not neccessary IF the w/c can influnece the labour market /process
and that is precisely my argument as to why we don't need either your "softer approach" than Mr Baldwin's, of discriminating in favour of local workers. Do you see what I'm getting at, you will NOT need to discriminate in favour of local workers IF "cct/bv/privatisation/'tacit support' from the state /corrupt employers/no closed shop/weak unions etc etc was not here .. immigration would drop dramatically ". do we agree?
ResistanceMP3 said:
and that is precisely my argument as to why we don't need either your "softer approach" than Mr Baldwin's, of discriminating in favour of local workers. Do you see what I'm getting at, you will NOT need to discriminate in favour of local workers IF "cct/bv/privatisation/'tacit support' from the state /corrupt employers/no closed shop/weak unions etc etc was not here .. immigration would drop dramatically ". do we agree?

ok yes .. i agree BUT ( there is always a but!) .. it is part of a process of rebuilding .. as i have regularly said from year zero ..

you will not be ABLE to organise adequately in the w/c IF you are not honest about immigration .. honestly it is a major sticking block for people .. it really is ..

you will not be able to win support from people when your sole public discussion re terms of immigration is to put up posters saying " Refugees welcome here!" ( however right that should be!!! )
Thought people might be interested in this from Frank Field....

Ex-minister's immigration warning
By Brian Wheeler
Political reporter, BBC News

Mr Field urges a proper debate on the issue before the BNP exploits it
UK politicians are "living on borrowed time" on immigration, a former Labour minister has said.
Frank Field questioned whether current record levels of migration into Britain were "sustainable".

And he told the BBC News website the UK was in danger of becoming a "global traffic station" for migrant workers.

He urged politicians on all sides to stop ignoring public concern on the issue before the BNP found a leader with the "talent" to exploit it.

The UK is currently receiving the highest number of immigrants in its history, following a surge in migrant workers from new EU member states.

The government is gambling on the fact because the latest wave of immigration is the same race, that people will not actually notice

UK Independence Party

When the EU expanded to 25 members in 2004 the UK, Ireland and Sweden were the only countries which decided not to restrict people from the new member countries - notably Poland - taking jobs.

At the time the UK government predicted 13,000 workers a year from the new EU member countries would move to the UK for work, but the actual figure of registered workers was about 329,000 in 18 months.

Ministers and the EU say that these migrants have boosted UK economic growth without increasing unemployment.

According to the latest available figures, for 2004, the overall migration picture saw 359,000 people leave the UK while 582,000 settled in the UK. The figures do not include illegal migrants.

'Massive transformation'

Mr Field, a former welfare minister, questioned whether this level of immigration was sustainable without "dramatic" changes to the character of the country and hitting poorer areas, which have to absorb migrants.

"This is the most massive transformation of our population. Do we just merely accept this as another form of globalisation? That it doesn't matter where you are, or that you belong to a country and have roots? That we are all just following the jobs?" Mr Field told the BBC News Website.

The BNP denies leader Nick Griffin is "inept"

People who questioned mass immigration were often accused of "playing the race card" but, Mr Field argued, this was "just another way of closing down debate".

The Birkenhead MP added: "There will be economic gains [from immigration] but I am just raising whether any country can sustain the rate of immigration we are now suffering.

"If we are not careful, we will be transformed into a global traffic station and that is not what most people mean by being part of a country."

He added: "It is only because the BNP are so inept that the debate has not taken off."

He said mainstream politicians had to address immigration "before the BNP stumbles on somebody with talent".

"We are living on borrowed time. We can not continue on the assumption that the BNP will present leaders which turn off most voters, even if what they are saying is important," he said.

Tony Blair promised a debate on immigration after last year's general election but so far this had not materialised, added Mr Field.

'Profound changes'

And, he said, the Conservatives had stopped talking about the issue because they were trying to improve their image and "show they were up not up to their old tricks, whether the electorate want them to or not".

The Conservatives were asked to comment on Mr Field's remarks but have so far failed to respond.


Former director of Low Pay Unit and chairman of Commons social security select committee
Appointed minister for welfare reform in 1997 in Tony Blair's first Cabinet, with brief to "think the unthinkable"
Resigned after reported rows with Gordon Brown and Harriet Harman
Leading backbench commentator on pensions and welfare issues

Mr Field told BBC Radio 4's The World at One it was not just a question of race.

"I think you can make a case that there are many more Africans that buy into the British way of life than people from Eastern Europe," he said.

Economic benefits

Immigration Minister Liam Byrne denied Labour was ducking the immigration issue.

"The question of how we are continuing to build a fair asylum and immigration system that benefits Britain is one of the topics for discussion at this weekend's national policy forum, where I look forward to engaging with party members and hearing their views," said Mr Byrne.

The Liberal Democrats argue Eastern European migration benefits the British economy.

The party has backed the opening of the UK's borders to migrant workers from Romania and Bulgaria, when they join the EU, provided the impact of such a move is properly monitored.

Speaking earlier this year, home affairs spokesman Nick Clegg said: "The sensible approach to the labour market question is to allow these new EU citizens to work in the UK, but monitor the impact on the domestic economy and apply restrictions where necessary."

BNP spokesman Phil Edwards said the party had been calling for a debate on immigration "for many years" but its views were always misrepresented by the media.

He denied the BNP's leader Nick Griffin was "inept", adding he was "every bit as good as any mainstream politician".

On Mr Field's comments, he said: "He sounds as though he is ready to join the BNP, not that we would have him."

Points system

The BNP wants a halt to all immigration and a programme of "voluntary repatriation".

The UK Independence Party said it backed the government's new quota system for migrant workers but argued it should apply equally to all - including people inside the EU.

We have for too long ducked a serious debate on the scale of immigration

Sir Andrew Green, Migration Watch

"We would apply the points system to all immigrants, regardless of their colour," he told the BBC News Website.

Its spokesman said he believed there would have been more of public outcry about immigration in the UK if the latest wave of migrants had been from Africa or Asia.

"The government is gambling on the fact because the latest wave of immigration is the same race, that people will not actually notice," he said.

UKIP favours net zero immigration, with the same number of people entering the UK each year as entering leaving it.

Serious debate

Sir Andrew Green, of pressure group Migration Watch, said: "This rate of migration cannot be maintained without the most profound changes occurring in our society, and particularly, given where we know migrants first live, in our poorest areas

"We have for too long ducked a serious debate on the scale of immigration. The government have done their best to bury the numbers and the Conservatives seem to have lost their nerve."

He said Mr Field was "astonishingly brave" raising the issue in the way that he had.

On Tuesday, the Local Government Association accused the government of underestimating the true number of immigrants in the UK, leading to under-funding and a burden on services.

Cheryl Coppell, chief executive of Slough Borough Council said migration statistics for the area were "woefully inadequate".

'Inadequate' statistics

Over the past 18 months, some 9,000 new National Insurance numbers have been issued in Slough - which is west of London - of which 150 went to British nationals.

In contrast, the Office for National Statistics recorded 300 international migrants settling in the town in 2004.

However, government statistics - on which the allocation of central funding is calculated - show the borough's population falling.

This, says the council, will cost it £15m between now and the next census in 2011.

Ms Coppell also said the influx of newcomers from Poland and other eastern European countries was threatening the social cohesion of the town, which already has 37% ethnic minority residents.

She said the new arrivals were hitting the employment prospects of the existing population and created overcrowding, with as many as 15 people living in one house.

LGA chairman Sir Sandy Bruce-Lockhart said the situation was similar in many parts of the country.

Local government minister Phil Woollas said there was no evidence Slough's population had been underestimated and there was no case for additional grants.
durruti02 said:
you will not be able to win support from people when your sole public discussion re terms of immigration is to put up posters saying " Refugees welcome here!" ( however right that should be!!! )

you will not be able to win support from people when your sole public discussion re terms of immigration is to put up posters saying " Refugees welcome here!" ( however right that should be!!! )
okay yes I agree. I agree with that, because of the bit you have put in brackets, and also because you are right, "Refugees Welcome Here" SHOULD NOT be the sole public discussion regarding the terms of immigration
durruti02 said:
ok yes .. i agree
<<<<<<<<this is the part to concentrate on. The 90% we agree upon, and we should be prepared to work with each other upon.
BUT ( there is always a but!) .. it is part of a process of rebuilding .. as i have regularly said from year zero ..

you will not be ABLE to organise adequately in the w/c IF you are not honest about immigration .. honestly it is a major sticking block for people .. it really is ..
I agree part of the building process is to be fully honest, EVEN ABOUT when you think people are wrong. You agree with me, that the bosses want immigrants coming to this country because they can make money out of them. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/vote_2005/frontpage/4474997.stm
. You agree with me about immigrant taxes and benefits. "In the UK, Home Office research suggests that immigrants pay £2.5bn more in taxes than they take in benefits." we should be honest about these things as well.
tbaldwin said:
The BNP wants a halt to all immigration and a programme of "voluntary repatriation".
I have been told the full policy is actually "voluntary repatriation" until the policy has run its course, and then the rest will be decided upon. Or something like that. Is that true?
ResistanceMP3 said:
I have been told the full policy is actually "voluntary repatriation" until the policy has run its course, and then the rest will be decided upon. Or something like that. Is that true?

Where did you find a quote from me on BNP policy RMP3???? I didnt think i ever really mentioned the twats policies?
tbaldwin said:
Where did you find a quote from me on BNP policy RMP3???? I didnt think i ever really mentioned the twats policies?

Come on now Baldwin - you don't agree with the trots purist nonsense - you must therefore de facto have an in depth knowledge of BNP policy.;)
exosculate said:
Come on now Baldwin - you don't agree with the trots purist nonsense - you must therefore de facto have an in depth knowledge of BNP policy.;)

Yeah sorry i forgot that...Your either for us or against us leftie stuff...Of course anyone who doesnt agree with open borders must be some kind of a fellow traveller of the BNP..Strange how the BNP consistently get so few votes though...Mind you compared to RESPECT....
We had the email below sent to Hackney Independent, and which I thought hits the spot in many ways. He sent this to his local MP and also sent a copy to Hackney Independent:

Jules pipe, Below is my apeal to Megans senses as a human being and as an MP for Hackney. Please read my email and comment please.

Its the end of June 2006. I have been trying without success to find a job in plumbing. All I can find as a student are jobs as a cowboy plumber. After 4 years of depression, agrivation, battling and more depression from haveing no help to optain employment, I have been told that my course has now come to an end. As much as I have tried to stop myself from drowning, I have not succeeded and basically , what choice do I have ? Become a cowboy plumber ? take money without any care or regard for the customer . You tell me. ?Keep sighning on untill my pension ? Im in the most desperate and damaging situation I have ever been in in my entire life. The course i had , stunk of neglegence and lack of care . If most of your constituents are unemployable bums , good luck to you as an MP. sadly Megan Im not one of them . But I stil do not have a job. So what is my life worth.. ?If you are creadible in any way , u will get off your behind and help me. Otherwise good luck and mey the drunks, bums and glue sniffers in yuor constituency get rich from DLA while individuals who want to work can go to hell.I wrote to councillor Nicholson, what does he do exactly for people , apart from fill his belly with free food at council functions and go to the toilet afterewards.

Megan, I wrote to you last year . I recieved your prompt reply but from the job center , more agrivation , incompitence, lack of care , neglegence and pure 100 % lazyness.

My friend and I were joking today, that there is one good thing in hackney. A person is on the social from birth to death. Secondly the citizens of Hackney have 3 things to look forward to .A drink ,A smoke and sighning on. Pathetic eh ? Sadly it is true.

II have been trying without sucsess for the last year to try and secure a job on the Decent homes sceme.For the past six months , this is what I have done on an almost daily basis.

I call the director of decent homes in Hackney . Alan Turner . He tells me , finally after comming back from yet another holiday and a bout of sickness, that although he is in a job , overseeing the decent homes sceme, it has not started yet as far as kitchens and bathrooms are concerned. So he states that "Presently , a very limited amount of plumbing work has been done. There for we do not need workers.

Take a good look at the Hackney Gazette dated June 1 2006. On page 4 there is an article slating the management of the decent homes sceme and I quote , Hackney Homes is on track , with the decdent homes scheme and so far has fitted 556 kitchens and bathrooms , more than 1000 new heating systems and a simmilar number of windows and doors since the program started in 2003.

I ask you Megan, is this a lie or what ? So let me get this right ?
Im a student , studdying at Hackney College. I have desperatly needed a work placement, a job , but for all my trying .. 100 % has been in vain. Therefore im still unemployed and still on benefit.

After 3 years of being lied to, taken advantage of and being treated like a piece of garbage , I read that all that was told to me in the past 3 years were lies.

Alan Turner lied to me,
There is a situation out there , but I find this increadible that yourself as one of the leaders and representitives of the people of Hackney , do not even know how most people live or survive. Ill tell you should I .

For the past 16 years, I have been sighning on. Not from lack of trying. Lack of help. Nelegence, lazyness and a complete lack of duty to care. And this is from the disibility employment advisor. Basicaly as far as they are conserned , I can go and sniff glue till I die but I can still sighn on untill I do so.

You have 65 students who will be graduating from Hackney college in different elements of bulding . Will they go into employment ? The Olympics is just around the corner ? The decent homes sceme ?
Absilutly and catagorically NO .

These new graduates will mostly within 6 months be back sighning on. Why ?
1. Companies are not interested at all in giving a newly qualified person a period of work experience .
2. Companies , know the situation and sadly it is easyer for everyone from the council to the contractors to sub out all their work.
3. Does this ecourage local workers ?
4. No , Why ? because it is cheaper and easyer to bring in forieghn workers,most of who cant talk English, Have no health and safety and no training , but they are cheaper labour .

So what about local labour ? Hackney labour will get jobs on the decent homes scheme , local 2 day training , semi skilled rubbish. Garbage collectors, labourers ,Call center operators . Most of these people , are highly motivated, skilled and abused .

So lets look at the reallity of the situation.On the estates , you have local labour , depressed, laying in bed all day , while Polish workers work on the site .

I went to look for a job, months ago. On saying I was from Hackney, I got a big smile from the progect manager who informed me , that i should go to Poland to get a job in Hackney .

Sadly this is no joking matter .Last week, I went to another progect manager , who showed me his manafest. The book for local labour hire .

Lets be honest, my family origionate from Eastern Europe. Lithuania, Here in teh book, 99 % of teh new workers reffered on to agencies were from Lithuania and the baltics. Some had no qualific , others had no home , still others sighned with an x.. Increadible. A complete and total abandonment of local labour.

I see you with a big smile, saying all is okey , Jules pipe is smiling and yet the local residents in Hackney are living without hope, decent jobs and training, a pool or leasure facility and the only thing to look forward to is to sighn on.
I think the whole situation is a disgrace.

How can I have to tell you all that is going on inside your own bourugh . I cannot understand it.

You are an MP in the one of the poorest places in the UK. yet Just 1 mile from here is one of the richest square miles in the world.

You smile, we dispare and life goes on.

The olympic bid was given to the British comitee for three reasons.

1. The rebuilding of the Themes Estury .
2. The building of the infistructure , roads , trains ect.
3. The training and employment of local unemployed labour .

Megan, I give you 90 days from today to get back to me.

I know you will , but before you do . I want you to take in very seriosly what I have braught up.

I tell you what i plan to do , if Hackney unemployed are not at least offered decent employment or training.

On the return of parliment from the annual break in Oct , I will aproach,first the French Olympic comittee whom I shall encourage to go to Geneva to the main Olympic Body. There the French will ask the question, "Why if we did not secure the olympic bid , and the UK did, why are they not implimenting the third promise ?

Megan , if this goes ahead, I cannot begin to tell you how bad it would be for the good name of the UK Olympic Comittee. But if I and thousends like me are unemployed and contract workers are employed for low wages and bad working conditions. That to me is criminal neglegence .

I do not want to be forced into adopting drastic measures such as going to France .

But what else can I and others like me do ?

The biggest crime going on in Hackney right now, is the fact that people such as Alan Turner can be in charge of the decent homes sceme and knowing full well that there are jobs to be had, he openly tells people that the DHS has not started yet. This is nothing short of criminal neglegence too.

If I am wrong , then what about teh article I have outlined for you .

Hopefully Megan , by the time you do decide to act apon this , Ill be qualified as a plumber . But I want you to contact me please . I want you to tell me , how can a person sighn on , for 15 -20 years with no job. they are qualified . But have no support. This to me is unjustifyable and unacceptable.

I got whold of Councillor Nicholson. but i heared him say in his own words.. "its a free market economy.. "

So local workers go and sighn on , while non local labour work.. Whith an attitude such as that , no wonder in Barking and Dgnham the BNP got 11 seats.

Megan one last thing, Im Ex SAfrican , non racist and also an immigrant too.
What I see going on before me, on a daily basis is criminal neglegence. Mayor Pipe , I plead my case for the last time, If I cannot secure employment , while the UK cries out for skilled labour.. what is the point of even looking for a job.Please remember, that the Nazis came to power , not by beating up individuals, but by giving people bread and then asking them who fed them. Yes Im jewish and not a facist , but take note.. The BNP came to power in Barking and daganham , not because the voters were racist . No , it was because Labour did not offer the unemployed anything. Not that the BNP might either .. Im sure they will not , but it gave individuals hope. Which lets face it , is very negetive , but hope never the less.So I ask you, do I stand a chance of getting a job in Hackney ? Am I more important to Hackney than a Pole from Warsaw. Has he got more rights to a job in my borugh than me ? I know what you are going to say ? Alan , that is racist. But lets be honest, if I went to Warsaw and took a low paying job over a local unemployed Pole .. would that be acceptable.. ?

cut the end off for size...
exosculate said:
Come on now Baldwin - you don't agree with the trots purist nonsense - you must therefore de facto have an in depth knowledge of BNP policy.;)
Oh FUCK OFF!:rolleyes: I am asking that question to sw members too, cos I want a source/verify, that's a true statement from the bnp. I read it on the other searchlight website, but they didn't give a link/source.
A South African immigrant from a family who originated from Eastern Europe, Lithuania raising concerns about Polish immigrants getting employment as plumbers over local people? And what's this about the only choice is becoming a "cowboy plumber"?
ResistanceMP3 said:
Oh FUCK OFF!:rolleyes: I am asking that question to sw members too, cos I want a source/verify, that's a true statement from the bnp. I read it on the other searchlight website, but they didn't give a link/source.

Now now - swearing is to lose credibility.
MC5 said:
A South African immigrant from a family who originated from Eastern Europe, Lithuania raising concerns about Polish immigrants getting employment as plumbers over local people? And what's this about the only choice is becoming a "cowboy plumber"?

Its about the complexity of things. To get beyond......

native with reservations about immigration bad
immigrant good

In true Animal Farm stylee.
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