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Immigration .. part of neo liberalism/Thatcherism??

Lots of Durrutti's 'chickens' are coming home to roost, as it were...

If you mean that he's being proved right, then I don't agree, it's more that a few of the oh-so-many threads he's posted over the years have a vague connection to what's currently occurring, and he's making as much capital out of it as he possibly can.
aren't they just. His daft claims are falling apart at a quicker rates of knots than normal.

(or did you not really know what 'chickens coming home to roost' actually means?)
what 'daft claims' belboid? that immigration and migrants have been used by the neo libs? surely this is not STILL controversial??
i gave up contributing to this thread four years ago - so, all these years later, what is the conclusion that everybody has reached?
you are being really vague bb what are you refering to?

well the John Grean post you last quoted was nonsense.

In answer to his supposed points - not true, not true, make them legal then, make them legal then, nothing to do with immigration, nothing to do with immigration.

well the John Grean post you last quoted was nonsense.

In answer to his supposed points - not true, not true, make them legal then, make them legal then, nothing to do with immigration, nothing to do with immigration.


this? was from John Grean whoever s/he

"Yes, immigration serves a number of purposes to capitalism.

(1) Migrants will accept lower pay therby pressuring wages downwards.

(2) Migrants less likely to be in/join a trade union.

(3) Illegal migrants can be paid below minimum wage and exploited.

(4) Illegal migrants cannot join a trade union.

(5) Racial tensions stoke division in the working class and resulting increase in support for right wing/far right parties.

(6) Agency employment is less secure and carries less benefits than full time work and proper jobs."

and really you think ..

1) that migrants do not accept lower pay? well that is odd all the evidence is that they do

2) that migrants ARE less likely to join unions .. this is just fact mate .. it changes thru time but if a migrant is over for just a short time unionism is irrelevent .. and many will prefer to stay in the govnors good books

3) this is clearly true .. but they are NOT going to be legalised as they are here ( same for the US) as cheap labour ..

4) actually not sure of this is true

5) you have no belief that the state would use migration to divide??? marx was convinced of it if you read his stuff on the use of irish labour

6) yes but it was thatcherism and its tactics of privatisation, contracting out and agency work that created the boom for migrant labour and is a key PART of neo liberalism .. the connections are just too obvious
that durruti is a lickspittle if international capital :D
hey funny irony bb!:rolleyes: .. i have done more working with / supporting migrant workers in my job than prob anyone on here .. and you ( though i know you are half joking ) say stuff like this ( shakes head)
"Immigrant workers coming here because they have to not because they want to. thats why companies love immigrant workers, it is easy to exploit them abuse them, plus they can play us workers against each other. They want all british workers work for peanut too. Or Move to other countries to work as slaves. Why the hell workers need to move to other countries while they have jobs in their towns?"

from a post claiming to be from a migrant posted by treelover .. maybe it is fake
christ, you really are the most arrogant bastard on here, and that takes some doing.

you might have basically reasonable politics d, but it is a waste of time arguing with you. you're arrogance and inability to see/accept where you completely contradict yourself makes it almost entirely fruitless (see, for instance, the FOUR Hamas threads, all arguing the same thing, going on for pages and pages where you finally accepted what everyone else was arguing in the first place). And I am certainly not going to drag up yet another tedious three year old thread just to satisfy your odd desires.
christ, you really are the most arrogant bastard on here, and that takes some doing.

you might have basically reasonable politics d, but it is a waste of time arguing with you. you're arrogance and inability to see/accept where you completely contradict yourself makes it almost entirely fruitless (see, for instance, the FOUR Hamas threads, all arguing the same thing, going on for pages and pages where you finally accepted what everyone else was arguing in the first place). And I am certainly not going to drag up yet another tedious three year old thread just to satisfy your odd desires.

bb what a bizarre post .. you post up you disagree with john grean 6 points e.g. that you argue it is NOT true that migrants will accept lower wages .. i say it is generally recognised that they do and you throw your toys out the pram .. what do you want me to do .. agree with you cos YOU say something?

and my odd desires? what to defaet neo liberalism? come on

IF you think i have contradicted myself then what you should do is really simple .. you SHOW that to be the case .. i wait

honestly do you really believe what you wrote in post 1328? it flies in the face of the facts

and start going on a hamas .. in which no one actually found ANY evidence to counteract anything a posted but in age old urban fashion relied on smear and mal association

all i am doing is looking for ways to fight back .. i NEVER smear, i rarely insult .. i do not mal-associate, i do not troll etc etc etc .. but yes i AM stubborn i DO want people to look at what i going on .. arrogent? no just 'highly motivated' .. i am someone deeply involved in not only trade unionism but community activism .. judge my threads in relation to that .. i am NOT on here just wanking as i think some are .. i am on here looking for solutions .. IF you disagree fine .. but at least debate .. don't dismiss .. i do NOT dismiss you or most on here ..
bb what a bizarre post .. you post up you disagree with john grean 6 points e.g. that you argue it is NOT true that migrants will accept lower wages .. i say it is generally recognised that they do and you throw your toys out the pram .. what do you want me to do .. agree with you cos YOU say something?

and my odd desires? what to defaet neo liberalism? come on

IF you think i have contradicted myself then what you should do is really simple .. you SHOW that to be the case .. i wait

honestly do you really believe what you wrote in post 1328? it flies in the face of the facts

and start going on a hamas .. in which no one actually found ANY evidence to counteract anything a posted but in age old urban fashion relied on smear and mal association

all i am doing is looking for ways to fight back .. i NEVER smear i rarely insult .. i do not mal associate i do not troll etc etc etc .. but yes i AM stubborn i DO wqant people to look at what i going on .. arrogent? no juts 'highly motivated' .. i am someone deeply involved in not only trade unionism and community activism .. judeg my threads in realation to that .. i am NOT on here just wanking as i think some are .. i am on here looking for solutions .. IF you disagree fine .. but at least debate .. don;t dismiss .. i do NOT dismiss you or most on here ..

Looking at your spelling and punctuation Durri, I think youre pissed as well!!:D
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