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Immigration .. part of neo liberalism/Thatcherism??

tbaldwin said:
REFUGEES WELCOME HERE. But that is hardly a Socialist answer.

So the refugee baiting we've seen from your beloved Tony Blair's government is some how socialist?

It must be right becasue the Sun sells more copies than any other paper and the majority received opinion is always "socialist" right?

What a lot of bollocks you speak.
Isambard said:
So the refugee baiting we've seen from your beloved Tony Blair's government is some how socialist?

It must be right becasue the Sun sells more copies than any other paper and the majority received opinion is always "socialist" right?

What a lot of bollocks you speak.

Refugee baiting. Yeah its really Socialist thats why me and Tony spend most weekend's laying traps in Calais that mean refugees are savaged by wild dogs.
And its why you mum tells you to tidy your room. Its cos we are all NAZI'S!
But nice people like you are making your stand against nastyness and how the poor and oppressed of this world love YOU.
I've not lived with my mum nigh on 20 years! I've a little man who cleans my room now cos as you know all "liberal supremacists" like myself have foreign servants we exploit you know. :rolleyes:
Isambard said:
I've not lived with my mum nigh on 20 years! I've a little man who cleans my room now cos as you know all "liberal supremacists" like myself have foreign servants we exploit you know. :rolleyes:

That must be why the numbers have gone up so much under Labour?????

LIBERAL SUPREMACISTS scapegoat politicians to try and prove to themselves what nice people they are !!!!

tbaldwin said:
LIBERAL SUPREMACISTS scapegoat politicians to try and prove to themselves what nice people they are !!!!

Don't you think leaders should be accountable?
How socialist is that?
Isambard said:
Don't you think leaders should be accountable?
How socialist is that?

Yes. And unlike most people who earn a lot of money in public services politicians are. And that is part of the reason why i have such contempt for Tory bastards like you who pretend to be something your not.
What about focusing on all unaccountable people in the public and volunatry sector on wages over 100,000 for a start?
tbaldwin said:
Yes. And unlike most people who earn a lot of money in public services politicians are. And that is part of the reason why i have such contempt for Tory bastards like you who pretend to be something your not.
What about focusing on all unaccountable people in the public and volunatry sector on wages over 100,000 for a start?

Projecting your own shameful political alliegances onto other people really is despicable.
sorry for delay .. not on urban 2 much these days

Sucram said:
No borders isn't raised on its own. Its not some sort of cure all. Its combined with demands for greater investment and, as you said, w/c control of housing, spending, jobs etc.

i have never noticed that .. i only ever see No Borders raised as a stand alone issue .. like i said i am against national borders .. the q. is how do we get there!!

Sure those are good demands, but why can't you combine them with demands for no borders?

because you need to start where people are .. otherwise we are already preaching to people .. seting ourselves apart .. increasing alienation

Yes and you rebuild it by challenging the divisions in the w/c created by racism and anti-immigrant rhetoric in the media/government/bnp.

of course .. but by supportting the current OPEN borders policy we are playing into the hands of the right

I'm part of my local no borders campaign group so I do that. And I argue that people won't be able to get those things while the w/c is divided and bosses use divisions between the w/c and immigrants to get them to scab on each other and undermine each others power.

good .. but the reason bosses are able to do this is because we do not fight for workers control over day to day life .. just talk in slogans etc etc

Yes it does cause by raising demands for no borders you highlight that it is capitalism which uses borders and nations to exploit workers and that no borders is something which will aid the w/c, not make its condition worse as people think it will now.

equally by raising issues over control of the streets / offices/factories etc etc

No, they see it WRONGLY as "no borders" and blame immigrants, and by raising the demand for their actually being no borders we show them how it is borders which allow capitalism to do what it does now, not the supposed lack of them.

but there is no border now in the EU!!! i agree borders are used to control .. but again how do we build a movemnet to destroy them .. not thru demand that make no immediate sense

Yes they are open but only for capitalism and its wants, they are not open to everyone which is the reason why demand they get rid of them completeley.

of course!!??

First, what does that have to do with anything? Secondly, I live in Leeds.

as london has had a recent massive influx of EU workers .. aand check the FT on monday i think where it is suggestted the large leap in unemployment in yorks relates to East europe EU workers

Setting up no borders campaign groups, starting asylum seeker campaigns to bring together immigrants and the local w/c to campaign together on these issues. How are you achieving workers control?

oh my oh my .. those things do not work.. at risk of being type cast i follow iwca/HI work .. i am not saying that support for asylum seekers is not good or usefull .. but it will change nothing and do nothing in the long term for them and their countries

Where do you think we are starting? Who else do you think we try and involve in our campaigns except local workers, youth and immigrants? We know that its only pressure from the w/c which can bring about no borders so we campaign to involve the w/c in struggle.

see above .. check out IWCA and Hackney Independent web sites

ViolentPanda said:
Projecting your own shameful political alliegances onto other people really is despicable.

OOH VP you are a wit.....
Isamabard stands for the free market and i'm a Socialist somebody of your huge intellect might notice the difference??????
tbaldwin said:
That must be why the numbers have gone up so much under Labour?????

LIBERAL SUPREMACISTS scapegoat politicians to try and prove to themselves what nice people they are !!!!


Tonight's homework for tbaldwin consists of 2 words: Bereket Yohannes.

Do some research, find out who he was: if nothing else, it'll give you a few minutes to do some something other than bleatingthe endless repetition of your 3 or 4 stock phrases.
Pigeon said:
Tonight's homework for tbaldwin consists of 2 words: Bereket Yohannes.

Do some research, find out who he was: if nothing else, it'll give you a few minutes to do some something other than bleatingthe endless repetition of your 3 or 4 stock phrases.

Why would i do that? I leave that to concerned Liberals like yourself who seem really really shocked that the immigration system is full of inconsistencies.
tbaldwin said:
OOH VP you are a wit.....
Isamabard stands for the free market and i'm a Socialist somebody of your huge intellect might notice the difference??????

His username is I-S-A-M-B-A-R-D, at least do him the courtesy of spelling it properly, you knob.

BTW, I don't have a "huge intellect", it's only huge compared to the intellect (or lack of it) you display.

In fact, I don't need the aggro and raised blood pressure your fuckwitted stupidity gives me, so you're going on ignore, twatboy.
tbaldwin said:
Yes. And unlike most people who earn a lot of money in public services politicians are. And that is part of the reason why i have such contempt for Tory bastards like you who pretend to be something your not.
What about focusing on all unaccountable people in the public and volunatry sector on wages over 100,000 for a start?

What? You really seem to have lost the plot now tbaldwin.

How accountable is Blair? Not much or at least much less than what I understand to be a liberal democracy standard.

I don't need to pretend I'm something I'm not. You get honest answers from me. I've no obligation to say, but for the record, I work in private industry and earn nowhere near £100 K a year! Was that an attempt to smear those who disagree with you along the lines that I "must" have gone to private school and be "posh" that you used elsewhere as I recall?

tbaldwin said:
Isamabard stands for the free market and i'm a Socialist

<Hears "oink, oink" looks out of window>
Isambard said:
What? You really seem to have lost the plot now tbaldwin.

How accountable is Blair? Not much or at least much less than what I understand to be a liberal democracy standard.

I don't need to pretend I'm something I'm not. You get honest answers from me. I've no obligation to say, but for the record, I work in private industry and earn nowhere near £100 K a year! Was that an attempt to smear those who disagree with you along the lines that I "must" have gone to private school and be "posh" that you used elsewhere as I recall?

<Hears "oink, oink" looks out of window>

So it's a plot is it?
Bliar is loads more accountable than thousands of people in public services who earn a lot more than him.
Never said you earnt over 100,000 etc. My point was that while people like you keep having a go at people who are accountable you ignore the fact that there are so many more people who are not. Its lazy 6th form wank that people like Violent Panda never quite got over.

My main arguement on here is against your free market liberal views on migration. Economic migration is something no real socialist could be happy to support.
tbaldwin said:
My point was that while people like you keep having a go at people who are accountable you ignore the fact that there are so many more people who are not. Its lazy 6th form wank that people like Violent Panda never quite got over.

Oh lets do some OBJECTIVE comparison of liberal democracies shall we?

tbaldwin said:
My main arguement on here is against your free market liberal views on migration. Economic migration is something no real socialist could be happy to support.

I certainly don't need you to tell me what a "real" socialist is thanks.

I'll explain this AGAIN for your benefit becasue that's the nice kind of guy I am. On the argument on immigration (controls) SOME socialisits are on the pro side and SOME are on the anti side. SOME capitalists are on the pro side and SOME capitalists are on the anti side.

So the allegation that I hold "free market liberal views" could equally apply to yourself.

Last time I did the political compass I was WELL away from a free market position. I've asked you to do the test and you've refused. If I rightly re-call you said the test was a "load of wank".

I put it to you you won't take the test becasue it might well what I surmise as your political position: An authoritarian who self deludes that he isn't much of a pro-capital reformer as he really is.
Isambard said:
Oh lets do some OBJECTIVE comparison of liberal democracies shall we?

I certainly don't need you to tell me what a "real" socialist is thanks.

I'll explain this AGAIN for your benefit becasue that's the nice kind of guy I am. On the argument on immigration (controls) SOME socialisits are on the pro side and SOME are on the anti side. SOME capitalists are on the pro side and SOME capitalists are on the anti side.

So the allegation that I hold "free market liberal views" could equally apply to yourself.

Last time I did the political compass I was WELL away from a free market position. I've asked you to do the test and you've refused. If I rightly re-call you said the test was a "load of wank".

I put it to you you won't take the test becasue it might well what I surmise as your political position: An authoritarian who self deludes that he isn't much of a pro-capital reformer as he really is.

Do me a favour and tell goatcock (that's the village idiot otherwise known as tbaldwin in case you're wondering) that I was never in a 6th form, please Isambard.

Thanks. :)
Isamabard. You do hold free market liberal views on migration.
Your right to an extent to call me an authoritarian. I did do one of those tests once.I thought it was shit. Sadly lots of people's views can be channelled but there are many ore who dont fitnicely into the compass. On some issues like crime and migration i am supposedly authoritartian and others like equal rights i'm supposedly libertarian.IT REALLY IS A LOAD OF WANK.

Its part of managing political views to channel all dissenters down the same lines.
Sadly as this and other threads show people fall for the left lines without actually questioning them properly.
The point is, the political compass asks you a LOT of questiosn and these are balanced out. Just being authoritarian on crime and imigration wouldn't get you an overall authoritarian score.

I hold a liberal view of migration that in an ideal world people should be free to settle where they like.

That doesn't equate with my being a "free market liberal" capitalist.

We've been at this what for 45 or so pages and there is a fundamental difference of opinion between 2 blocs, it's not the issue whether I have "questioned" properly. I have questioned and I have reached my opinion.
Originally Posted by tbaldwin
Economic migration is something no real socialist could be happy to support.

Can you expand on this for me as I’m not sure I understand you, are you talking about in a Socialist World or in today’s world?
Epicurus said:
Originally Posted by tbaldwin
Economic migration is something no real socialist could be happy to support.

Can you expand on this for me as I’m not sure I understand you, are you talking about in a Socialist World or in today’s world?

In todays world economic migration makes the world a more unequal place.
It means taking skilled workers from poorer countries who need them most.
Under a socialist world there would not be a need for economic migration. Generally people would move on the basis of wanting to not being forced or encouraged to by economic circustances.
But what gives you the right to impose those restrictions on another individual?
Even the argument that an individual has to suffer "for the greater good" cannot always hold water.

People want to move. However much razor wire you put up at Cueta and Melila, however more restrictive the EU makes its visa regime, however more undercover spooks you have at the entry ports you are not going to change anything. By stopping migration you are NOT going to imprive the welfare states in its broadest sense in western Europe and you're NOT going to end poverty in sub-Saharan Africa for example.

You are only looking at the symptoms of a fucked up system, not the system itself.
The arguement for SOCIALISM is for the greater good.It's the whole point. Some Individual wants have too much impact on other people.
You may stand for the individuals right to go to wherever they can have the best standard of living but i dont.
It's the big difference between people who believe in Liberalism like yourself and people like me who see developing countries losing the people they most need.

Your with George Bush on this issue.
You really are getting desperate now if that is your argument, that I'm for liberalism and I'm with George Bush.

I thought VP was a wee bit out of order calling you "goatcock" or whatever earlier, but I can see where his frustration comes from.

YOU tbaldwin are sitting in relatively prosperous Britain I assume. Who gave YOU the right to decide what somebody should and shouldn't be allowed to do to improve their standard of living?

Of course, as your politics is top-down, you don't see it as wrong that those on top get to make decisions for the "greater good", whatever that is.
Isambard said:
You really are getting desperate now if that is your argument, that I'm for liberalism and I'm with George Bush.

I thought VP was a wee bit out of order calling you "goatcock" or whatever earlier, but I can see where his frustration comes from.

YOU tbaldwin are sitting in relatively prosperous Britain I assume. Who gave YOU the right to decide what somebody should and shouldn't be allowed to do to improve their standard of living?

Of course, as your politics is top-down, you don't see it as wrong that those on top get to make decisions for the "greater good", whatever that is.

Nobody gave me the right to decide where somebody could live.......
I do have the right to express an opinion though.. An in my opinion economic migration leads to poorer countries losing the people they need most.
As for top down politics,why not let the people decide whether they support the views of you and george bush etc on migration or people like me?

tbaldwin said:

Nope, I don't.
Is your impression that if you "shout" something untrue loud enough it will transform into fact?

Going to do my volunteer work now. Oh its Tuesday and we always get a lot of immigrant service users on a Tuesday, suppose I'd better press them into slavery like the gangmaster I am huh?
tbaldwin said:
Why would i do that? I leave that to concerned Liberals like yourself who seem really really shocked that the immigration system is full of inconsistencies.


Shit even by your standards.
tbaldwin said:
Economic migration is something no real socialist could be happy to support.
Which part of socialism, worships the nation state and divides people's rights and value up by nationality rather than seeing al humans as equal.

If everone has the same rights then how could you be against people choosing where to travel, live study and work?

If you don't worship the nation state why should you get so hung up by people crossing lines on a map?

What kind of "socialist" are you again tbaldwin?
Isambard said:
Nope, I don't.
Is your impression that if you "shout" something untrue loud enough it will transform into fact?

Going to do my volunteer work now. Oh its Tuesday and we always get a lot of immigrant service users on a Tuesday, suppose I'd better press them into slavery like the gangmaster I am huh?

TeeJay said:
Which part of socialism, worships the nation state and divides people's rights and value up by nationality rather than seeing al humans as equal.

If everone has the same rights then how could you be against people choosing where to travel, live study and work?

If you don't worship the nation state why should you get so hung up by people crossing lines on a map?

What kind of "socialist" are you again tbaldwin?

What kind of Socialist is it that supports the FREE MOVEMENT OF CAPITAL AND LABOUR?
Socialists who get hung up by people crossing lines on a map as you put it,do for very good reasons. Even the World Health Organisation and Nelson Mandela have spoken out against how the UK has taken so many Nurses from South Africa and other African countries.
Not a problem for Liberals like you?

tbaldwin said:

Ha Ha Ha, like a Tony Blair kind of "socialist"?


tbaldwin said:
Not a problem for Liberals like you?


Again tbaldwin, when you lose the argument you resort to "shouting" and repeating half-truths in the vain hope that they'd either stand up or not be remembered the last time you rolled them out in desperation:

For the umpteenth time:

Socialists who support the right of people to move as they choose recognise the problems for health care in particular in Africa for example. We have said so on this thread.

Many people going into health care training in poorer countries ONLY do so becasue they know there are jobs in the west. If and when they return to their country or origin they may well bring skills back plus of course there are the retuns of capital. The emmigration of qualified medical staff does not ONLY have negtive effects on African countries.

The reason provision of health care in parts of Africa is poor does NOT have to do with emmigration in itself. It is a result of the system.
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