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Immigrant workers are scab workers?

northernhoard said:
Secondly isnt there some sort of pressure group/trade union type thing set up by polish workers to ensure that Migrant workers dont undercut British workers.

Migrant workers from the new EU countries - and I suspect the majority of them are from Poland - are organising. I know several people working for various UK unions to support them.

I've long been predicting that before too long many Transport & General branch meetings will be held in Polish, with English subtitles :)
laptop said:
Migrant workers from the new EU countries - and I suspect the majority of them are from Poland - are organising. I know several people working for various UK unions to support them.

I've long been predicting that before too long many Transport & General branch meetings will be held in Polish, with English subtitles :)

Do you think this is sign that Polish workers are more left wing than our lot who have given up in some ways?
northernhoard said:
Do you think this is sign that Polish workers are more left wing than out lot who have given up in some ways?

To be precise: It's a guess that among Polish workers there may well be a larger proportion attuned to trade union organisation.
there is a Polish branch already, and a seperate, not exactly a union, formed along exactly the line northernhoard mentioned.

THAT is how to stop such attempts at splitting workers, not by going along with nationalistic little englander crap.
belboid said:
only in the same way as there was a 'jewish problem' in nazi germany.

No it is not.

Wanting to put a lock on your front door to control who gets in is not the same as murdering your housemates.
dash said:
No it is not.

Wanting to put a lock on your front door to control who gets in is not the same as murdering your housemates.

it is exactly what it is (if you actually read the original quotes this may become apparent to you).

The problem here isnt with immigration, just as the problems of 1930's germany werent caused by jews. Yet millions of people in both instances think those victims were indeed the cause of the problems.
dash said:
Wanting to put a lock on your front door to control who gets in is not the same as murdering your housemates.
Yeah because Poland is famous for exporting Plumbers, Barmaids and Murders right. I find the very implication offensive. It makes no fucking difference what nationality a murder is and it makes no fucking difference where they murder at home or here either. Hopefully they will get locked up as soon as possible, why the problem of your house mates being murdered will be solved if we keep people busted in their native Italy for having 8g of weed out of England's green and pleasant land is a mystery to me.

And of course you don't have a lock on your front door to keep out English Criminals but when the Polish ones arrive the shear terror of it drives you out to get a BIG Mortis lock. What is it with native criminals, may be you think you can reason with the English criminal classes, you think there might be a language barrier with the Pols? Trust me their won't be, they'll speak better English than you but don't be embarrassed though they won't take the piss.
Kameron said:
Yeah because Poland is famous for exporting Plumbers, Barmaids and Murders right.

Calm down Kameron. 'Murdering your housemates' refers to Nazis killing other Germans., not to Polish plumbers unblocking S-bends in Muswell Hill.
dash said:
Calm down Kameron. 'Murdering your housemates' refers to Nazis killing other Germans., not to Polish plumbers unblocking S-bends in Muswell Hill.
Ok tail between legs. I retreat.
SuburbanCasual said:

The best way we can show solidarity with workers in other countries is through supporting their efforts to organise - donating money and materials, supporting boycotts called by organising groups and targetting British/Multinational companies that are acting against worker's organisations in other countries.

While doing what we can to support working class organisation in this country in defence of our own interests.

That is international working class solidarity.

Excellent post.
belboid said:
only in the same way as there was a 'jewish problem' in nazi germany.

This just shows the depth of your understanding of the subject and exactly how broadminded you are belboid.
You really are dumb aren't you baldwin. The problem is immigration is it? Not housing or jobs? Can you actually follow a line of thought or does your knee simply jerk whenever the subject is raised?
belboid said:
You really are dumb aren't you baldwin. The problem is immigration is it? Not housing or jobs? Can you actually follow a line of thought or does your knee simply jerk whenever the subject is raised?

No the problem is the free market creates misery and starvation...
Some people like your good self support free market policies on migration. Inevitably this leads to poorer countries losing the people they need most..
Which leads to more misery and starvation.
Right, so you actually agree that my comparison is quite fair then. The wrong targets are being blamed for problems which they did not create. Your tired old blather and ingorning the point cannot hide that.
belboid said:
Right, so you actually agree that my comparison is quite fair then. The wrong targets are being blamed for problems which they did not create. Your tired old blather and ingorning the point cannot hide that.

No i dont agree with your Liberal Free Market shite....I'm an Internationalist and a Socialist..
Durruti and me are not anti immigrants we are anti economic migration which goes with a belief in Internationalism and Socialism.
You in contrast seem to be some form of Liberal Nationalist....
belboid said:
You really are dumb aren't you baldwin. The problem is immigration is it? Not housing or jobs? Can you actually follow a line of thought or does your knee simply jerk whenever the subject is raised?
You see from where I stand Immigration is the solution.

They earn money here but don't spend it here, they send a huge proportion of it home, that keeps interest rates low which in turn creates jobs (in capital based economies at any rate), they also pay tax here but return home before they ever qualify for pensions and they tend not to be a burden on the NHS because they are disproportionally young and healthy.

Fucking god send is what they are. I don't know if you've noticed as well but don't you prefer being in a pub with Polish bar staff? They are happy, motivated, enthusiastic and intelligently all of which are not qualities held by the typical Anglo working in the catering trade.
yeah, much better than those awful english white working class chavs aren't

Fucking god send is what they are. I don't know if you've noticed as well but don't you prefer being in a pub with Polish bar staff? They are happy, motivated, enthusiastic and intelligently all of which are not qualities held by the typical Anglo working in the catering trade.
tbaldwin said:
No i dont agree with your Liberal Free Market shite....I'm an Internationalist and a Socialist..
Durruti and me are not anti immigrants we are anti economic migration which goes with a belief in Internationalism and Socialism.
You in contrast seem to be some form of Liberal Nationalist....
jeepers creepersm, what a surprise, torybaldwin tries pathetically to avoid the point! Caught out by his own contradictions he scweams and scweams his tedious lies and excuses for his petty nationalism.

Go back and try again little englander, you'll find the logic is quite straight forward.
belboid said:
jeepers creepersm, what a surprise, torybaldwin tries pathetically to avoid the point! Caught out by his own contradictions he scweams and scweams his tedious lies and excuses for his petty nationalism.

Go back and try again little englnder, you'll find the logic is quite straight forward.

The logic is clear you support the free market and i dont....You couldnt really make it any clearer.
The consequences of economic migration ( which you support and i oppose) are that poor countries lose the people they most need.

But as a Liberal? and a Nationalist you look at the issue from the standpoint of the Individuals freedoms and the impact on your country.
exosculate said:
The practical doesn't interest you I think.
I tell you what; you can decide for me what my opinions are, then post them here - it'll save me posting on another immigration thread.

Behave yourself, exo.
So, you still insist on avoiding the point that was made, and your simple logical error. What a surprise. Why not get that one post made into your tagline, then you'd never have to type anything else out again whilst running away from the points being made.

You are a reactionary fool and a coward, utterly incapable of actually debating. All you can do is say the same thing over and over and over until evryone else gets bored and fucks off, leavng you to think you have somehow 'won'.

It's almost sad.
Kameron said:
You see from where I stand Immigration is the solution.

They earn money here but don't spend it here, they send a huge proportion of it home, that keeps interest rates low which in turn creates jobs (in capital based economies at any rate), they also pay tax here but return home before they ever qualify for pensions and they tend not to be a burden on the NHS because they are disproportionally young and healthy.

Fucking god send is what they are. I don't know if you've noticed as well but don't you prefer being in a pub with Polish bar staff? They are happy, motivated, enthusiastic and intelligently all of which are not qualities held by the typical Anglo working in the catering trade.

An Interesting contribution to the debate Kameron....Smiling Polish barmaids.....
belboid said:
So, you still insist on avoiding the point that was made, and your simple logical error. What a surprise. Why not get that one post made into your tagline, then you'd never have to type anything else out again whilst running away from the points being made.

You are a reactionary fool and a coward, utterly incapable of actually debating. All you can do is say the same thing over and over and over until evryone else gets bored and fucks off, leavng you to think you have somehow 'won'.

It's almost sad.

Its the points you and other simply fail to answer over and over again.
The International Consequences of Economic Migration are Catastrophic...You know it but refuse to acknowledge it....You certainly cant debate it.
All I know is that I'm struggling to find decent paying work as a contract welder, all the large projects are fully manned up with poles on £6.50 par hour.

I have no problem with them migrating for work, I have a problem with the lax employment laws that allow companies to set up agencies in Poland to circemnavigate previously agreed wage structures.

I was talking to a Polish welder the other day in the bar, sound bloke, loves being here.

He told me that a lot of the Poles in my game are starting to understand how the British tradesmen are feeling because they are shitting themselves when the Bulgarians and Romanians start coming over due to them working for even less than the Poles get.

BTW these Poles are in the Union.

The Unions cannot challenge this due to them being taken on through Polish( English) agencies.

There are 2 big companies looking to set up agencies in these new EU countries to once again bodyswerve employment Law and maximise profits.
And so he goes on.

It was you who raised the point I am objecting to dear heart, so it falls upon you to respond to it. Not for you to change the subject. That be the cowards way out.

Now, go on, try again, or just admit youy were wrong. It won't even require you to change your overall position, just to ackowledge you made a kneejerk reaction, and it was wrong.
snadge said:
All I know is that I'm struggling to find decent paying work as a contract welder, all the large projects are fully manned up with poles on £6.50 par hour.

I have no problem with them migrating for work, I have a problem with the lax employment laws that allow companies to set up agencies in Poland to circemnavigate previously agreed wage structures.

I was talking to a Polish welder the other day in the bar, sound bloke, loves being here.

He told me that a lot of the Poles in my game are starting to understand how the British tradesmen are feeling because they are shitting themselves when the Bulgarians and Romanians start coming over due to them working for even less than the Poles get.

BTW these Poles are in the Union.

The Unions cannot challenge this due to them being taken on through Polish( English) agencies.

There are 2 big companies looking to set up agencies in these new EU countries to once again bodyswerve employment Law and maximise profits.

Good post.
belboid said:
And so he goes on.

It was you who raised the point I am objecting to dear heart, so it falls upon you to respond to it. Not for you to change the subject. That be the cowards way out.

Now, go on, try again, or just admit youy were wrong. It won't even require you to change your overall position, just to ackowledge you made a kneejerk reaction, and it was wrong.

What point are you talking about belboid?
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