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Immigrant workers are scab workers?

exosculate said:
Snadge said 'fuck the unions' and you said 'absolutely'. Only a few posts ago, don't you remember?

Snadge actually said

Unions are not able to do anything.

They can't attack accepted lawful practices, these sort of practces have been entrenched into our lives, it is now up to the individual to attack them.

WE have to start again, to represent ourselves, the unions have become another job for people who are so inclined.

Fuck the unions, they don't represent anyone anymore apart from themselves

And he's right - that doesnt make me anti union, merely against certain aspects of tradeunionism
SuburbanCasual said:
Because it is impossible to support the ideal of trade unionism while criticising some aspects of it of course :D

I agree, but surely agreeing with the statement 'fuck the unions' is not a healthy starting point?
SuburbanCasual said:
The unions are far from healthy!

Thats true but thats not the same as saying fuck the unions.

I think i'll leave it there, maybe someone else wants to comment on this.
ViolentPanda said:
Did he say that?

Did he even go anywhere near saying that?

Nope, so why be so simplistic as to imply that he did, rather than arguing with him on the substance of his post?

he implied that migration is GOOD for wherevery it was .. phillipines? .. which is just fking nonsense .. it is saying capitalism is good and tehre is nowt we can do about it ..
belboid said:
Secondly, how does arguing for no borders mean that I simply agree with the neo-liberals. The neo-liberals want a Fortress Europe, they dont want really poor people coming into our nice clean little superstate. they certainly dont want such immigrants to enjoy the same rights benefits and wages as other workers. They dont want strong unions that dont allow bosses to undercut workers' terms and conditions. I'm afraid your comment is simply wrong.

belboid this is juts wrong

OF COURSE the bosses do not want workers who are organised! .. but it is nonsense to say they do NOT want poor people .. of course they want poor .. desperate .. people!

they want the best of both worlds .. high immigration and low rights .. this is what the left seems NOT to understand
exosculate said:
You are a trade union rep who dislikes unions? I find that confusing.

It isn't if you are/have been a trade union rep.

BTW, I'm talking about the heirarchies of trade unions, not the idea of them. :)
durruti02 said:
he implied that migration is GOOD for wherevery it was .. phillipines? .. which is just fking nonsense .. it is saying capitalism is good and tehre is nowt we can do about it ..

Explain to me why, in the context of the Philippines, it is "fucking nonsense", please.
ViolentPanda said:
It isn't if you are/have been a trade union rep.

BTW, I'm talking about the heirarchies of trade unions, not the idea of them. :)

I think saying

1) the unions are fucked up at the present time
2) fuck the unions

Are very different things.

Again, I only ask these things because i am suspicious of motivation.
SuburbanCasual said:
Why don't you just admit you hate whites?:rolleyes:

'Scuse me VP, but I wanted to respond to this :p

I don't hate whites (I've not all of them you see) but jesus, mary, n'joseph a lot of them can be ignorant, xenophobic, pains in the arse.

'Tis all :)
tbaldwin said:
Oh the towering intellect of Jessie dog the ex pat. Trying to justify economic migrartion ,,,worked for you anyway didnt it..
Your erm er FACTS around the Phillipines are gently amusing.....2 + 2 = 17 does it? Well i suppose it does when your living it up at somebody elses expense.
There was a long bit on news 24 highlighting the case of the Phillipines and the crisis in its health services caused by economic migration...
You probably missed it....And to be honest youve probably got private medical insurance like lots of ex pats and rich people who want to pretend that economic migration is a good thing....
So you saw it on the telly?

I see.

Anything else?

I'm no "ex-pat", by the way. You'd be surprised at how lacking I am in any "private" anything - let alone "living it up". I work, I eat, I sleep, just, like most of us "out here".

Oh, and the country you seem to know so little of is called the Philippines.


belboid said:
that's still not true snadge. you can sue for unfair dismissal after one year. i realise that in your line even one years work for the same employer is pretty rare, but that isnt the case for most workers.

you do also have much more limited rights immediately you start work - again I realise that they are not that useful in this particular discussin (unl;ess the boss saking you does it for racist/sexist reasons) but its still important to recongise the general principle. wouldnt want anyone reading the thread to think they had got no rights whatsoever when they have a few, even if they arent very very limited.
Tough luck then if the employer decides to get rid of you before your year's up while they can, eh?
belboid said:
if the worker is in a union there is a much better chance the employer can be embarassed into puttng things right tho it is true.
So long as the union isn't up the management's arse.
Julie said:
'Scuse me VP, but I wanted to respond to this :p

I don't hate whites (I've not all of them you see) but jesus, mary, n'joseph a lot of them can be ignorant, xenophobic, pains in the arse.

'Tis all :)

Especially in Australia....
Agree with unionistion - but note how difficult it is to unionise people in Britain full stop. If we can't even do that, how do you inagine you'll unionise the immigrants?
poster342002 said:
Agree with unionistion - but note how difficult it is to unionise people in Britain full stop. If we can't even do that, how do you inagine you'll unionise the immigrants?

This is a question i have asked many times.
poster342002 said:
Agree with unionistion - but note how difficult it is to unionise people in Britain full stop. If we can't even do that, how do you inagine you'll unionise the immigrants?

This is true, but there's no alternative is there?
poster342002 said:
Agree with unionistion - but note how difficult it is to unionise people in Britain full stop. If we can't even do that, how do you inagine you'll unionise the immigrants?
On the bright side, people who make the effort to come over here are less likely to be apathetic, are they not?
TAE said:
On the bright side, people who make the effort to come over here are less likely to be apathetic, are they not?

No - theres loads of self-centred right wing people from the post war immigrants. Why should new immigrants be any different. Same as there are in any large group of people.
Arab Workers in French Factories

poster342002 said:
Agree with unionistion - but note how difficult it is to unionise people in Britain full stop. If we can't even do that, how do you inagine you'll unionise the immigrants?

Difficult yes, but not impossible.

I found this article on the subject of immigrant labour in France quite interesting:

Why did this system suddenly break down in the early 1980s? All the evidence links the new attitude of the immigrant workers -- their new self-confidence -- to the victory of the French left in May 1981.

“Before then”, says Dali Abdel-Razzak, “we were afraid of the Moroccan authorities. The arrival of Mitterrand helped to break the system. Giscard, (King) Hassan’s buddy, had left. We could say many things we hadn’t dared to say before”. For Abdallah Frayggi of the CGT, “The victory of the left did not change working conditions, but it made possible June 1982 -- the first strike in this factory (the Talbot plant at Poissy) since 1958”.
http://www.chris-kutschera.com/A/French Immigrants.htm
MC5 said:
Difficult yes, but not impossible.

I found this article on the subject of immigrant labour in France quite interesting:
Yes, but France hsa a much stronger current of militancy than Briatain anyway. French workers often take on their employers/governemnt and win. The same can't be said here.
poster342002 said:
Yes, but France hsa a much stronger current of militancy than Briatain anyway. French workers often take on their employers/governemnt and win. The same can't be said here.

Militancy during the 70's brought down a tory government ffs. Anyway, what makes you an expert on the militancy of French workers compared to British workers?
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