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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

Longer answer later. For now though, once you have a gang that's doing street robbery involving physical distraction and swarming, some level of sexual assault is pretty inevitable when the victims are female.

At that point, isn't talking about cultural predisposition adding relatively little to your account while carrying some pretty nasty baggage?

A thousand strong gang...in Cologne. A 500 strong gang in Bielefeld, we're the motive was purely sexual . And other large gangs roaming a number of other cities...over 100 women assaulted in St Pauli .

You're deliberately minimising the fuck out of this. Women had their clothes ripped clean off . Women were raped in the town square right in front of cops. We've seen what this involved in tahrir when there was nobody to stop them . It is a cultural thing . It's got a name . Stop calling people racists for referring to it .
Last year, several Libyan military were cruising the streets near my house - when news of multiple rapes started to filter through the news, my first thought was (forgive me here, ex-soldiers) ' bloody squaddies'. Most inhabitants of barracks towns will generally be familiar with the Saturday night scenario at certain clubs and pubs)..At no point did I think 'Libyans!'. Or 'Arabs'.

I am not seeing the four horsemen approaching on the horizon either...I don't see Sharia Law being imposed anytime soon so feel that, at present, neither the religious, social or cultural practices of refugees intersects with my life in any way other than the usual shrinking state funding and miserable housing situation.And although I was unpleasantly reminded of the period of the Cambridge Ripper, I am not really going in fear of molestation. I don't have any faith in police, politicians, councillors offering much protection...and consequently, we will do what we usually do - organise some meetings, offer personal pepper sprays and informal support/report groups. look out for each other...you know, the usual stuff. Should attacks continue, they will not be swept away - whilst we may have all sorts of tolerance for various cultural practices, we do have a legal framework and in truth, it is about time feminists got their act together and reconnected with an increasingly alienated working class -particularly women who are living under oppressive religious regimes. Eyes on the ball, sisters...we have got a looooong way to go.

(forgive me here, ex-soldiers) ' bloody squaddies

Why did you think that in the first place? Do the incidents of rape go up when huge numbers of football fans descend on strange towns every weekend?
Sorry, but I get a bit pissed off at the stereotyped image of the British squaddie abroad, not saying everyone of us have been the perfect gentlemen, but I would imagine worst offenders are the likes of the 'Bullington club'
Though most squaddies and football fans etc haven't the wherewithal and old boy influence to hide their more obnoxious activities.
If anyone can direct me to squaddies, football fans ( even masons) having a blow job from a deid pig then I will obviously stand corrected.
Apologies for the derail and rant, but would appreciate it if people kept the focus on the OP.
The problem is with the women's and police's testimony about who they assaulted by. And the mounting evidence of a cover-up both in Germany and elsewhere due to fears of this playing into the hands of the far right.

I'm going to stick this here again, unless it's a Pied Piper made up story or a right wing conspiracy or something, which would be nice.

"During the 2014 festival, organisers picked up on rumours of a new phenomenon, said Roger Ticoalu, head of events at the Stockholm city administration: “It was a modus operandi that we had never seen before: large groups of young men who surround girls and molest them,”
"The prime minister, Stefan Löfven, said this amounted to a double betrayal since no one was prosecuted for the crimes and the police did not make them public."
Swedish police accused of covering up sex attacks by refugees at music festival

And now it's emerging women were assaulted by migrants in a number of Swedish cities on new years eve as well. Local media reporting it, not national. Named cops going on the record. Cops also prevented other assaults.

Youth gangs assaulted women in several Swedish cities on NYE – local media
Waterbeach Barracks, Coley. But hey, I am an equal opportunity whiner - had they not been in camouflage and hanging around Newmarket Road, I would probably have thought bloody football yahoos...and if they were arsing about in a punt - fecking students. I am not a fan of large groups of inebriated, shoving, loud men. Or even small groups.

Not really off-topic - women make decisions around groups of men everyday - usually fleeting calculations regarding our safety. We might not let anxiety colour our perceptions, but I doubt there are many women who, on being outnumbered by groups of men or boys, will not, even unconsciously, keep a weather eye out on an exit.
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Newsnight has a major package on the Swedish events, then a discussion with Sunny Hundal, Nesrine Malik and the Telegraph guy, Fraser Nelson: what was interesting is that Sunny called for much more selective immigration, not all young males, there was agreement between them all that education for immigrants on womens rights, legal duties, etc was paramount, though i don't think those creatures across the EU who have done these attacks would take any notice.
Figures stats and more figures. I wonder how useful any of it is. As someone who has worked with unaccompanied minors, they are rarely the age they claim to be (often actually much older) but obviously you get more support if your deemed as a child.

Like this guy, the fastest 14 year old in Sweden. Did the 100 metre sprint in just over 11 seconds

A thousand strong gang...in Cologne. A 500 strong gang in Bielefeld, we're the motive was purely sexual . And other large gangs roaming a number of other cities...over 100 women assaulted in St Pauli .

You're deliberately minimising the fuck out of this. Women had their clothes ripped clean off . Women were raped in the town square right in front of cops. We've seen what this involved in tahrir when there was nobody to stop them . It is a cultural thing . It's got a name . Stop calling people racists for referring to it .

Yes it does now have a name, but for some reason some won't acknowledge it.
Waterbeach Barracks, Coley. But hey, I am an equal opportunity whiner - had they not been in camouflage and hanging around Newmarket Road, I would probably have thought bloody football yahoos...and if they were arsing about in a punt - fecking students. I am not a fan of large groups of inebriated, shoving, loud men. Or even small groups.

While I'm not arguing that squaddies have a whiter than white history, you say it yourself, but squaddies in uniform behaving in this manner? "In camouflage hanging around Newmarket road"
To avoid confusion, you are talking about the British Army?
No, in this incidence, I was talking about many groups of Libyan men, barracked in Longstanton, on some obscure exchange programme run by the MoD, roving around Cambridge over several consecutive nights. there were, I think, 9 incidents of assault and rape, including male rape.
Yes it does now have a name, but for some reason some won't acknowledge it.

Because they want to pretend it doesn't exist . He's actually said this goes with the territory of pick pocketing and distraction robbery .
500 geezers trying to break down the doors of a nightclub after ripping the clothes clean off the women stuck outside.
(forgive me here, ex-soldiers) ' bloody squaddies

Why did you think that in the first place? Do the incidents of rape go up when huge numbers of football fans descend on strange towns every weekend?
Sorry, but I get a bit pissed off at the stereotyped image of the British squaddie abroad, not saying everyone of us have been the perfect gentlemen, but I would imagine worst offenders are the likes of the 'Bullington club'
Though most squaddies and football fans etc haven't the wherewithal and old boy influence to hide their more obnoxious activities.
If anyone can direct me to squaddies, football fans ( even masons) having a blow job from a deid pig then I will obviously stand corrected.
Apologies for the derail and rant, but would appreciate it if people kept the focus on the OP.

I'd say these were the worst offenders, by a long chalk

Soldiers guilty of `horrific' murder
Opinion: Cologne attacks on Muslims show incompatibility of cultures

As a Pakistani journalist working in Germany, I have been very skeptical about the German government's decision to allow thousands of refugees into the country without much scrutiny of their backgrounds.

Of course, I am empathetic towards the plight of the people who are fleeing war-torn countries like Syria, who are facing immense oppression and violence at the hands of Islamic militants as well as President Bashar Assad. I understand their woes, the pain of losing their loved ones, their homes and livelihoods in a civil war that continues to ravage the once peaceful country.

But at the same time, I was sure that the migrants' influx would ultimately disturb the harmony and balance of German society. I feel that Islamic culture and European norms are not compatible.

Most Germans have responded to the refugee crisis with exemplary humanism. My European friends got angry when I warned them against Chancellor Merkel's migrant-friendly policy. I found it very naïve that many Germans believed that all Middle Eastern and South Asian refugees would conform to their way of life and values. I told my friends that their understanding of the Muslim world was limited and flawed. They didn't pay much attention to my arguments.

My worst fears came true when
hundreds of young men allegedly from Middle Eastern and North African countries sexually assaulted German women in Cologne on New Year's Eve. Many say it was a pre-planned attack, as the Muslim men groped and touched the women's private parts shamelessly. And now the Germans are finally debating whether it was a good idea to be so open to embracing people from alien cultures.

Actually, I never felt more ashamed in my life.

Opinion: Cologne attacks on Muslims show incompatibility of cultures | Opinion | DW.COM | 11.01.2016

'Clash of cultures piece' by a German/Pakastani writer for DW.Com, Shamil Shams, he thinks there is one.
No, in this incidence, I was talking about many groups of Libyan men, barracked in Longstanton, on some obscure exchange programme run by the MoD, roving around Cambridge over several consecutive nights. there were, I think, 9 incidents of assault and rape, including male rape.
Were you in this area in 75?
Aye, the Romanized Brits weren't too happy when the Anglo Saxons first arrived here, ecological refugee/chancers swarming over from Germany with their less enlightened views on women, bedraggled, poor, warlike.

Good thing Clive Owen and Keira Knightly came to the rescue. :D

He has already told me about that. He blames the Tories, bosses and the City (bankers) . And long term Thatcherism ( in particular for weakening the Unions).

He wants wants more Council housing built and an end to landlords charging what they want- bring back rent controls.

His son has problems finding somewhere to afford in London. So he knows all about this.

Do not know why you say he is "honourable guy" or "emotional". He is just ordinary working class Londoner who sees whats happening in London and comes to his own conclusions.

And on the job front. His fathers generation got the same flack when they came here.

As far as he is concerned anyone who votes UKIP is a bigot. His word. He does not buy the "Im not a racist but" line he gets from some of his work mates.

I suggested what he said was emotional than honourable because he was putting aside his own self-interest due to having experienced prejudiced himself and not wanting other migrants to go through what he did.

The whole situation depends where you are sitting.

There is a similar story about a white American, who found himself working in an industry in which there was a lot of Native Americans, the majority of them had a real down and resentment about white people coming to their country years before. The white guy felt decidedly uncomfortable, he even if you can believe it got his feelings hurt slightly by some of their remarks. Obviously strong action needs to be taken to stamp out the awful racism from the Native Americans.
I suggested what he said was emotional than honourable because he was putting aside his own self-interest due to having experienced prejudiced himself and not wanting other migrants to go through what he did.

The whole situation depends where you are sitting.

He is not putting his own self interest aside. I do not understand what you mean by that. He is clear about who is to blame.

And the situation does not depend where you are sitting. I am white and English ( that is not from recent immigration) and I agree with my friend from Royal Mail.

I have worked with a lot of people from other countries- migrants.
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Been following this thread as I help out one of the groups that send clothes etc to Calais. They have now extended it to other parts of Europe as so many coming in through South Europe.

I am one of those "no borders". I do not support immigration controls. Its imo a basic human right to be able to move freely.

The support for refugees has gone up and down. When the photo of the Syrian baby that drowned came out the group I helped was inundated with donations.

Now with the terrible events in Germany at Cologne there is going to be a nasty backlash. My opinion is that not all refugees should be tarred with the same brush.

The German peoples response to the refugee crisis was and still is one to be praised.

Im still , if I have time, going to help out the group I support.
Newsnight has a major package on the Swedish events, then a discussion with Sunny Hundal, Nesrine Malik and the Telegraph guy, Fraser Nelson: what was interesting is that Sunny called for much more selective immigration, not all young males, there was agreement between them all that education for immigrants on womens rights, legal duties, etc was paramount, though i don't think those creatures across the EU who have done these attacks would take any notice.

Such a thing as 'consent classes' are in place at lots of UK universities - which seems a bit late if you ask me but still. These classes are kind of 'advanced', meaning they deal with nuances like 'what if she's really drunk' etc etc. But of course there are lots of men offended by the existence of those too.
eg) this arsehole:
Screen Shot 2016-01-13 at 08.32.18.png
Here's why I created sexual consent lessons for universities
The libyan "soldiers" were a disgrace to libya as for the murder in cyprus it was a disgusting act although my regiment managed to spend two and half years there and murdered nobody.
We did have several incidents of cypriot police handing drunken brits to the rmp who passed them onto us because they must be infantry:facepalm:

Que a few hours entertainment sunday morning as the drunken idiots were convinced they'd been press ganged into the the Army:D.
Been following this thread as I help out one of the groups that send clothes etc to Calais. They have now extended it to other parts of Europe as so many coming in through South Europe.

I am one of those "no borders". I do not support immigration controls. Its imo a basic human right to be able to move freely.

The support for refugees has gone up and down. When the photo of the Syrian baby that drowned came out the group I helped was inundated with donations.

Now with the terrible events in Germany at Cologne there is going to be a nasty backlash. My opinion is that not all refugees should be tarred with the same brush.

The German peoples response to the refugee crisis was and still is one to be praised.

Im still , if I have time, going to help out the group I support.

Nobody...absolutely nobody...on this thread is saying that all refugees should be a tarred with the same brush . Nobody has either said that or implied it . And to suggest anyone has is the height of dishonesty . Dishonesty with an agenda behind it. Namely, if someone doesn't support your one world , no borders libertarian utopia then they're a racist .

It's a real and basic human right for women to be able to move freely around their towns and cities when out socialising in safety and security , without fear of mass assault . The open border policy that you support has badly compromised that right, which unlike your completely made up utopian "right"
that doesn't actually exist outside your head, is an actual basic human right .
There's also a basic human right to justice , a real right as opposed to a completely made up one . And the establishment cover up of these atrocities against women right across germany, not just in cologne, was a concerted attempt to deny them their right to justice .

People are genuinely angry about that . That does not make them racists. People are genuinely fearful about how drastically their basic safety , security and rights have been taken away from them overnight . That doesn't make them racists either . People want their safety restored and a guarantee it won't happen again, or get any worse . That doesn't make them racists either . But you and those who support your open borders ideology have got no answers for these people . And frankly little discernible concern for them . There's a common theme of denial and a desire for this inconvenience to just go away running through the opinions of those who support this sacred libertarian cow .

The "right" for a human being to go and wander about wherever they want in the world Does not exist and has never existed . It's unicorn stuff , an ideological luxury . And in order to accommodate this fantasy the real and existing rights we are used to exercising and take for granted are now being sacrificed .
This " right " to roam freely wherever one wants is up there with the naked ramblers " right " to do as he pleases at the expense of others quality of life. It doesn't exist anywhere outside the confines of a libertarians head.
It's time for a thought experiment.

You, likesfish, are about to go into a room.

It contains people of every colour from Congolese blue to Finnish transparent.

Some of them - some of each colour - are going to assault you.

Does it really matter to you what colour is the one that gets to you first?

Thing is fins and congolese dont seem to think gang rape is a fun way to spend an evening arab men apprantly do :eek:
Such a thing as 'consent classes' are in place at lots of UK universities - which seems a bit late if you ask me but still. These classes are kind of 'advanced', meaning they deal with nuances like 'what if she's really drunk' etc etc. But of course there are lots of men offended by the existence of those too.
eg) this arsehole:
View attachment 81992
Here's why I created sexual consent lessons for universities
if you can't tell a beatles fan from they way they walk then you can't tell a rapist from his face
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