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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

There is an Arabic aphorism that runs: “El-Islam nizaam kaamil wa shaamil” – “Islam is a total and complete system of life”.

There is nothing in our lives – nothing we do, nothing we might want to do – for which Islam does not provide practical guidance and ruling. Where other religions announce pious (but unrealizable) moral injunctions, Islam offers practical legislation. Where other religions simply (but ineffectually) condemn, Islam enforces realistic and effective regulation.

Men have sexual urges. There is no sense in denying this. These urges are natural (ie. a gift from Allah). Islam acknowledges the existence of these urges and provides the legislation necessary to manage them in such a way that the best interest of the Islamic community is served.

With respect to Cologne one can ask:

Which women, according to Islamic law, is it halal (licit / legitimate) for Muslim men to use for non-consensual sex?
Under what conditions, according to Islamic law, is it halal for Muslim men to rape those women?
Were those conditions met in the square outside Cologne Station on NYE?
five years since your last post - five years, good years. and then you come back with tripe like this? come back in another five years and show us if you've learned anything.
Now with the terrible events in Germany at Cologne there is going to be a nasty backlash. My opinion is that not all refugees should be tarred with the same brush.

Are you stating this because you consider that some posters do think all refugees 'should be tarred with the same brush" Who are they? I don't see any on this thread.

You are entitled to belive in 'open borders' just as some are entitled to believe in, say, unilaterism, it doesn't mean you are right, that virtue signalling is the way to go, espcially when as with unilaterism O/B is simply not going to happen. Hundreds, maybe thousands of the most vulnerable people in the Uk have taken their own lives due to welfare reforms, there hasn't been a mass movement growing to defend them, what are you doing about this obscenity?

Anyway, something significant has happened with these attacks across Europe and robust action will and must be taken against the perpetrators, I also hope it means they will take all such behaviour seriously such as the young women who complain about being groped, etc at gigs largely by middle class western youths.
<snip> Islam acknowledges the existence of these urges and provides the legislation necessary to manage them in such a way that the best interest of the Islamic community is served.

With respect to Cologne one can ask:

Which women, according to Islamic law, is it halal (licit / legitimate) for Muslim men to use for non-consensual sex?
Under what conditions, according to Islamic law, is it halal for Muslim men to rape those women?
Were those conditions met in the square outside Cologne Station on NYE?
Bollocks. This begs the question that it's ever halal to use women for non-consensual sex. Leaving aside the vexed question of Islamic marital rights, where does Islamic law permit rape?
Well groups like isis have interpreted it in such a way as to mean that rape is allowed but i suspect most muslims dont even know of the existence of such texts let alone interpret them like that
Well groups like isis have interpreted it in such a way as to mean that rape is allowed but i suspect most muslims dont even know of the existence of such texts let alone interpret them like that
Yes, they do. People are always finding excuses to behave the way they do. But WRT Cologne this is a rabbit hole. I'm sorry I replied to him.
It's mostly dubious hadiths and the way people like ibn taymiyyah have interpreted the koran (one of the biggest ideological influences on isis)

There's similar rubbish in the talmud that few jews know about, but most antisemites tend to know about and have memorised, and the various jewish extremists do too
There is an Arabic aphorism that runs: “El-Islam nizaam kaamil wa shaamil” – “Islam is a total and complete system of life”.

There is nothing in our lives – nothing we do, nothing we might want to do – for which Islam does not provide practical guidance and ruling. Where other religions announce pious (but unrealizable) moral injunctions, Islam offers practical legislation. Where other religions simply (but ineffectually) condemn, Islam enforces realistic and effective regulation.

Men have sexual urges. There is no sense in denying this. These urges are natural (ie. a gift from Allah). Islam acknowledges the existence of these urges and provides the legislation necessary to manage them in such a way that the best interest of the Islamic community is served.

With respect to Cologne one can ask:

Which women, according to Islamic law, is it halal (licit / legitimate) for Muslim men to use for non-consensual sex?
Under what conditions, according to Islamic law, is it halal for Muslim men to rape those women?
Were those conditions met in the square outside Cologne Station on NYE?

five years since your last post - five years, good years. and then you come back with tripe like this? come back in another five years and show us if you've learned anything.

Same old, same old, same old…

More than five, actually. Been away in the Mid East.

You're out of touch. You can keep up the insults to hide the fact. But they don’t to serve to convince people. They don’t even silence people any more. That time has been and gone.
Same old, same old, same old…

More than five, actually. Been away in the Mid East.

You're out of touch. You can keep up the insults to hide the fact. But they don’t to serve to convince people. They don’t even silence people any more. That time has been and gone.
no, your last post 17/1/2011. which i call five years.
There is an Arabic aphorism that runs: “El-Islam nizaam kaamil wa shaamil” – “Islam is a total and complete system of life”.

There is nothing in our lives – nothing we do, nothing we might want to do – for which Islam does not provide practical guidance and ruling. Where other religions announce pious (but unrealizable) moral injunctions, Islam offers practical legislation. Where other religions simply (but ineffectually) condemn, Islam enforces realistic and effective regulation.

Men have sexual urges. There is no sense in denying this. These urges are natural (ie. a gift from Allah). Islam acknowledges the existence of these urges and provides the legislation necessary to manage them in such a way that the best interest of the Islamic community is served.

With respect to Cologne one can ask:

Which women, according to Islamic law, is it halal (licit / legitimate) for Muslim men to use for non-consensual sex?
Under what conditions, according to Islamic law, is it halal for Muslim men to rape those women?
Were those conditions met in the square outside Cologne Station on NYE?
and your answers please.
Refuting lies about Islam: Allegation that Islam allows the rape of infidels

No and fuck no ,what is wrong with you? Seems to be the imans answer.

Is and its various mates interpretations probably differ:(

Hi Likefish.
I can’t pretend I’ve had time to read all that particular apologetic. But I’ve read the like before.
Trouble is, for every apologist who ties himself up in knots trying to escape from the texts, there are millions of others who simply read the Holy words.
The radicals aren’t idiots. They know the texts too.
Hi Likefish.
I can’t pretend I’ve had time to read all that particular apologetic. But I’ve read the like before.
Trouble is, for every apologist who ties himself up in knots trying to escape from the texts, there are millions of others who simply read the Holy words.
The radicals aren’t idiots. They know the texts too.

what were you doing in the middle east, were you studying islam?
and your answers please.

Seriously? They’re pretty basic questions. You’ve posted thousands of times on this and related topics. And you can’t make a stab at the answers?

I’ll give you a piece of exegetical advice. Islamic law is full of detailed judgements, but you don’t want to lose yourself completely in the technicalities. As Marx taught, find for the essence and then the details will make sense. (In fact, Marx’s comments on Islamic legality might be a good place for you to start – and a good place to start for any understanding of the Cologne events.)
Seriously? They’re pretty basic questions. You’ve posted thousands of times on this and related topics. And you can’t make a stab at the answers?

I’ll give you a piece of exegetical advice. Islamic law is full of detailed judgements, but you don’t want to lose yourself completely in the technicalities. As Marx taught, find for the essence and then the details will make sense. (In fact, Marx’s comments on Islamic legality might be a good place for you to start – and a good place to start for any understanding of the Cologne events.)
you could have just said 'i don't know' which would have been perfectly satisfactory.
I think the same is true of men tbh, speaking for myself anyway in terms of violence rather than being sex-attacked.

Absolutely. Everyone must have been in a situation where they've crossed the road or otherwise modified their route after seeing something they don't like the look of up ahead. It could be a group of drunk or rowdy blokes or even someone with a nasty looking dog. It's a matter of situational awareness and risk management. Maybe in an ideal world such considerations wouldn't be needed but the ideal world and the real world are two different things, and always will be.
And there is the crux of your problem. And it's your problem.

You're entering the room. How do you know? Any of them might assault you.

Sigh. I'll spell it out in words of one syl-lab-le. The little story was my failed attempt to get you to empathise for a moment with a woman on the street.

Any man might be her attacker. She does not know that this man here is not her attacker because he's wearing Bavarian national costume, or 2 Para dress uniform, or whatever. (Rather the reverse.)

That way lies paranoia. The next person I encounter walking along the street could pull out a gun and blow my head off or stick a knife in my chest. If you think like that you end up never leaving the house.
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