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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

Waterbeach Barracks, Coley. But hey, I am an equal opportunity whiner - had they not been in camouflage and hanging around Newmarket Road, I would probably have thought bloody football yahoos...and if they were arsing about in a punt - fecking students. I am not a fan of large groups of inebriated, shoving, loud men. Or even small groups.

Not really off-topic - women make decisions around groups of men everyday - usually fleeting calculations regarding our safety. We might not let anxiety colour our perceptions, but I doubt there are many women who, on being outnumbered by groups of men or boys, will not, even unconsciously, keep a weather eye out on an exit.

I think the same is true of men tbh, speaking for myself anyway in terms of violence rather than being sex-attacked.
Read the al jazerra article I posted really really fucked up attitudes towards women plus toleration of appalling behaviour.

So yeah arab men and indian men all much more likely to be into public rapey stuff than europeans:(
So yeah arab men and indian men all much more likely to be into public rapey stuff than europeans:(

If that's what you mean, then say that. Because that's something you might actually be able to back up. Calling entire populations 'rape crazy beasts' is not something you can back up.

I'm not trying to gloss over the extent of this problem in certain parts of the world. I just don't think making broad, racist statements to explain away those trends is going to help anybody identify the real causes of these issues or do anything about them.
Wtf are you joking? The congolese conflict is notorious for rape being used as a weapon of war.

I don't think it's fair though to compare events taking place in one of the most vicious and bloody civil wars since WW2 where rape, starvation, torture, child-soldiery and who knows what else has been baked into the conflict for decades... with a peacetime culture that routinely cockoppresses any woman who walks the streets unaccompanied let alone dares to protest in the political space for more rights, or just attend a music concert. by the way god sez women are only half as valuable as men apparently.
But trying to claim its not a culture race thing.

Colchester friday night your stand a good chance of getting punched by a drunken idiot that cultural getting hammered and punchy is a british thing:(.

Mob handed sexual assualt is apprantly an arab thing :(
Not sure being able to spend 2.5 years somewhere without murdering anyone is something that should be top of 'things you're proud to have managed' list. :D

We did fail on the not setting fire to stuff after a couple of fuckwits decided burgulary would be a good idea though apprantly taking a torch on the rob was beyond their thinking so they tried using a burning newspaper
With predictiable results say hello to two years in a cypriot jail :eek:.
Which they didnt enjoy.
Thing is fins and congolese dont seem to think gang rape is a fun way to spend an evening arab men apprantly do :eek:

And there is the crux of your problem. And it's your problem.

You're entering the room. How do you know? Any of them might assault you.

Sigh. I'll spell it out in words of one syl-lab-le. The little story was my failed attempt to get you to empathise for a moment with a woman on the street.

Any man might be her attacker. She does not know that this man here is not her attacker because he's wearing Bavarian national costume, or 2 Para dress uniform, or whatever. (Rather the reverse.)
Were you in this area in 75?

The infamous Cambridge Rapist? I surely was - many of us totally avoided Midsummer Common...although Peter Cook's MO mostly consisted of crawling through open windows rather than lurking in dark open places.

As a rule, I don't walk fearfully about fearing assault and molestation...but nonetheless, I have been grimly aware that the culture of contempt and derision for women has not really gone away. It is difficult to be cool and objective about this because in many ways, ribald comments and an overt sexual openness is common - very hard to disentangle who is doing what and why.
I have spent many years travelling in N.Africa and India and Turkey and curiously, walking down an Arabic street is exactly the same as walking down a British street - no-one is grabbing, mauling and poking...and in arab family homes, I failed to detect a sniff of rancid anti-female oppression. For sure, cultural norms vary but I swear, the behaviour demonstrated by the men on NYE would have been as loathed and condemned in Turkey as it is in Germany. However, somewhere, there has been a failure to examine the possible repercussions of dealing with an enormous and almost overnight influx of people - many young men who, in every culture, even amongst primates, tend to be a source of anxiety and aggression. Moreover, it is simply disingenuous and evasive to fail to grasp the implications for women when they are being systematically singled out for punishment by an oppressive religious system - not unlike Christian fundamentalists, debased Imams, the hateful Hindu caste system - women - especially their wombs - are both hated and revered in a deeply objectifying and demoralising system. We can...and must continue to speak about about this and should not be shy to name and shame those differences which keep us chained. Honour killings for example - no need to be mealy mouthed - the whole sorry system involves the usual separation of categories and persecution of weaker entities. It is neither racist nor right wing to point out these oppressions...and organise to maintain a legal consensus of what is right and not right and ensure justice is seen to be done.

Not exactly OT but relevant, I think, in a wider sense - I have been sickened by the recent expose of violence in the young offender system but 2 things were immediately apparent. How violence and hate propagates itself in a fertile environment - a culture if you like...and the total disconnect between the underpaid, undertrained staff and the management - none of whom will ever have set foot in one of these places, who are totally unaccountable and who are confident that they, personally, will never suffer the disgusting brutality being meted out to youngsters who's only worth (under capitalism) is as a means to generate funding and employment. Not unlike the political system. There will never be any emphasis on help or rehabilitation because it is in the interests of G4S to maintain the status quo. Whilst there are always some sick fucks who are attracted by the possibilities of violence, many others will have been gradually inducted in a slyly complicit culture of denigration - a true them and us.
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And there is the crux of your problem. And it's your problem.

You're entering the room. How do you know? Any of them might assault you.

Sigh. I'll spell it out in words of one syl-lab-le. The little story was my failed attempt to get you to empathise for a moment with a woman on the street.

Any man might be her attacker. She does not know that this man here is not her attacker because he's wearing Bavarian national costume, or 2 Para dress uniform, or whatever. (Rather the reverse.)

The difference is though up until this point it has not been a cultural
phenomenon for sex attackers in western Europe to go about in massive mobs that even a police force standing right in front of them can't deter . Much less their partner, door staff , passersby and witnesses . This is a whole new ball game . And it's directly linked to open borders and mass immigration . It's a form of criminal , anti social rape culture that's been brought in from the middle east very recently . And it's now a fact of life ! Particularly for women, in a string of German cities precisely because of German immigration policies .


And worse still it seems to be a price some libertarians think is worth women paying for their ideological fantasies .
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And there is the crux of your problem. And it's your problem.

You're entering the room. How do you know? Any of them might assault you.

Sigh. I'll spell it out in words of one syl-lab-le. The little story was my failed attempt to get you to empathise for a moment with a woman on the street.

Any man might be her attacker. She does not know that this man here is not her attacker because he's wearing Bavarian national costume, or 2 Para dress uniform, or whatever. (Rather the reverse.)

Tbf if it was 3 para mortars I would be really worried :D:eek:
Though if I was a woman I'd be prefectly safe .
No, in this incidence, I was talking about many groups of Libyan men, barracked in Longstanton, on some obscure exchange programme run by the MoD, roving around Cambridge over several consecutive nights. there were, I think, 9 incidents of assault and rape, including male rape.

Those Libyans aren't squaddies, they're junior officers - supposedly the cream of the Libyan military.
The "lesser extent" refers to the fact that many ethnic Germans didn't share a language with the country they were expelled to. if you took it to mean anything else, then the stupidity is yours alone.

The post war expulsion of millions of Germans from various countries across Europe was part of an ethnic reconfiguration that attempted to create ethnically homogenization within redefined borders in an attempt to avoid ethnic tensions and violence. So not only do ethnic Germans integrating with ethnic Germans carry zero parallels with the current crisis, as you like to pretend, but the entire post war plan, in terms of eventual outcomes, was more or less opposite to what is being imposed on Europe today.
Been following this thread as I help out one of the groups that send clothes etc to Calais. They have now extended it to other parts of Europe as so many coming in through South Europe.

I am one of those "no borders". I do not support immigration controls. Its imo a basic human right to be able to move freely.

The support for refugees has gone up and down. When the photo of the Syrian baby that drowned came out the group I helped was inundated with donations.

Now with the terrible events in Germany at Cologne there is going to be a nasty backlash. My opinion is that not all refugees should be tarred with the same brush.

The German peoples response to the refugee crisis was and still is one to be praised.

Im still , if I have time, going to help out the group I support.

You are a comfortably off academic aren't you?
There is an Arabic aphorism that runs: “El-Islam nizaam kaamil wa shaamil” – “Islam is a total and complete system of life”.

There is nothing in our lives – nothing we do, nothing we might want to do – for which Islam does not provide practical guidance and ruling. Where other religions announce pious (but unrealizable) moral injunctions, Islam offers practical legislation. Where other religions simply (but ineffectually) condemn, Islam enforces realistic and effective regulation.

Men have sexual urges. There is no sense in denying this. These urges are natural (ie. a gift from Allah). Islam acknowledges the existence of these urges and provides the legislation necessary to manage them in such a way that the best interest of the Islamic community is served.

With respect to Cologne one can ask:

Which women, according to Islamic law, is it halal (licit / legitimate) for Muslim men to use for non-consensual sex?
Under what conditions, according to Islamic law, is it halal for Muslim men to rape those women?
Were those conditions met in the square outside Cologne Station on NYE?
There is an Arabic aphorism that runs: “El-Islam nizaam kaamil wa shaamil” – “Islam is a total and complete system of life”.

There is nothing in our lives – nothing we do, nothing we might want to do – for which Islam does not provide practical guidance and ruling. Where other religions announce pious (but unrealizable) moral injunctions, Islam offers practical legislation. Where other religions simply (but ineffectually) condemn, Islam enforces realistic and effective regulation.

Men have sexual urges. There is no sense in denying this. These urges are natural (ie. a gift from Allah). Islam acknowledges the existence of these urges and provides the legislation necessary to manage them in such a way that the best interest of the Islamic community is served.

With respect to Cologne one can ask:

Which women, according to Islamic law, is it halal (licit / legitimate) for Muslim men to use for non-consensual sex?
Under what conditions, according to Islamic law, is it halal for Muslim men to rape those women?
Were those conditions met in the square outside Cologne Station on NYE?

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