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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

Anyway, this is a little bit off topic but an interesting read anyway:


e2a - couldn't find an easier way to do it but if you whack that in to google you will get a quite interesting Hizb article on some more Islamist views on sexual abuse.
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What that button does is insert the word 'dot' for a dot in the url, so anyone who wants to seek it out, can. But it protects this forum from traffic back from there
What was that you were saying about parody?
Only you went a bit Farage there, then morphed into a social worker. :p

You're right. Peace, love and goodwill to all men should solve it.

What a fucking mess.

No, no it isn't. Fuck off please. I'm an ordinary person and the child of 'mass immigrants'.

I agree, I want 'the left' to be brave enough to at least to try to talk and think honestly about this thing , but especially because I disagree with the bit above.

That's a terribly intellectual response, telling me to fuck off. I'm impressed. But no, mass immigration is the problem. You must confront this. Maybe you should confront it within the framework of your own worldview, whatever that may be, but you have to start from an honest position and accept that mass immigration destroys societies.

more of a Wormtongue given how far he's jammed his toung up Casually Reds ringpiece

I praised his posts, because they were good. Better than yours. It's refreshing to see somebody on here actually talk sense. Most of the time, this place resembles a circle jerk.

Everyone here is the descendant of "mass immigrants".

No we are not. That statement is untrue. Britain, for instance, has a settled population. Mass immigration only began here during the 20th. century, supported by people like you. Perhaps you could list some of the benefits, and tell us how they outweigh the problems, such as (for example) the mass rape of women and young girls?

Has it been worth it?
Britain, for instance, has a settled population. Mass immigration only began here during the 20th. century, supported by people like you.

What's that whooshing sound? I even mentioned Neanderthals.

Perhaps you could list some of the benefits, and tell us how they outweigh the problems, such as (for example) the mass rape of women and young girls?

We have one here, and I don't think there's much more fun to be had with it.
Mass immigration disrupts societies but that isn't necessarily a bad thing per se. Look to Canada for an example of where it works pretty well.

The problem though is mass immigration of specific categories of individuals who bring with them ideas or norms that are not welcome.

Now, the thing is that if the stats are to be believed, Germany and other countries have absorbed huge numbers of immigrants from areas/ethnicities that, again if the reports are to be believed, are similar, if not the same, as the alleged attackers.

So, going by the numbers, it is impossible to believe that all of them should be suspect, however that does not rule out the idea that there is a distinct culture of sexual harassment, at best, and sexual abuse that some of these folk bring with them. Again, my friend who worked in Cairo said this and this has since been corroborated by my female Muslim friends.

These girls are simply not surprised at all about the consequences of inviting lots of young men into Europe en masse from these regions/cultures who have peculiar ideas about the sexualisation of women and white Western women in particular.
if it is an assertion then in the absence of evidence adduced it is axiomatic that it is baseless.

No, an assertion is only baseless if there is no evidence, not if no evidence is adduced to you. As it happens, we do have ocular evidence. The problem is, your eyes are shut, because you're up your own arse.
My impression is that being a woman in Islamic countries in general is pretty shit if you aspire to liberal secular values.

This sort of thing might just, and I know that this may be a controversial opinion, be the reason why.
Mass immigration disrupts societies but that isn't necessarily a bad thing per se. Look to Canada for an example of where it works pretty well.

Well at least we're making some (slow) progress. I'd be careful with the boasting about 'successes' for your social model, though.
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