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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

No it doesn't. It means violent persecution carried out on a large scale . This was sexual violence directed at hundreds of women in a coordinated fashion right across Germany .

So it says on wikipedia, anyway.
Personally, I prefer dictionaries that can't be edited.
Anti-fascists could form self-defence groups against rapists too, that would be a pretty good idea, but they have completely lot control of the narrative and the situation and so have no influence.

Those groups could include women . At the very least they would provide some level of reassurance in public spaces while draining the swamp the right seek to exploit . Unfortunately they might ...would..involve confronting migrants. So they're simpy not going to do it . They're fixated solely on the right . Not even realising this plays completely into the rights hands .
I'm just theorising here, but in Germany there is a deep shame about what occurred during World War II with the mass murder of the Jews. So who knows what emotional pressures they feel under. They have sort of turned it around because, they've done a grand if misguided humanitarian act and it looks like they're going to become the victim of their kindness.

Good job you're only theorising, as you don't appear to have much of a grasp of the attitude of Germans to the crimes of the Nazis. They're not doing this as penance, they're admitting migrants because of realpolitik.

A new narrative has been written of Germany making amends for the past atrocities by welcoming in refugees in large number. If the story goes on to show that Germany becomes a victim of their kindness, and their populations are threatened and abused and assaulted, they can know that they've done the humanitarian thing.

Who is writing this narrative? People like you, it seems.
Good job you're only theorising, as you don't appear to have much of a grasp of the attitude of Germans to the crimes of the Nazis. They're not doing this as penance, they're admitting migrants because of realpolitik.

Who is writing this narrative? People like you, it seems.
i did tell him to leave the thinking to other people
Safe in the sense that there's some clear evidence for it, or safe in the sense you think nobody could be arsed to challenge your assertion?

It may be the case that this was actually something more than a particularly repellent example of organised street crime, but I have not seen you produce any convincing evidence for it, nor have I found any elsewhere.

So even if it turned out that this was in fact some sort of Dasesh sex offences commando at work it is not 'safe' to assert it on the basis of it fitting with some sort of apocalyptic world-view without also supplying some evidence that requires more explanation than that provided by the known existence of at least somewhat organised street crime gangs with MOs involving swarming and distraction, a large drunken crowd in the territories where they normally operate on NYE and a pre-existing far-right social media shitstorm.

That is veering towards victim blaming
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There is absolutely no reason to start rubbishing women's collective response.

I agree in terms of what you are replying to here... if the woman wants to wave a tamberine about then so what, I want to live in a society where people can wave tamberines about. But is there a "womens collective response" going on? It's not like women are a hive mind or something.
Safe in the sense that there's some clear evidence for it, or safe in the sense you think nobody could be arsed to challenge your assertion?

It may be the case that this was actually something more than a particularly repellent example of organised street crime, but I have not seen you produce any convincing evidence for it, nor have I found any elsewhere.

So even if it turned out that this was in fact some sort of Dasesh sex offences commando at work it is not 'safe' to assert it on the basis of it fitting with some sort of apocalyptic world-view without also supplying some evidence that requires more explanation than that provided by the known existence of at least somewhat organised street crime gangs with MOs involving swarming and distraction, a large drunken crowd in the territories where they normally operate on NYE and a pre-existing far-right social media shitstorm.

I'm the one that posited some sort of Daesh connection, not CR. Not as some sort of 'commando' thing, rather the idea that they might have a motivation to organize this rent-a-mob attack- and this not as a reflection of some sort of apocalyptic world view on my part (I happen to believe the world is always ending, and always being created in a way- it's a process called "time") but rather as a reflection of Daesh's apocalyptic world view involving various means of kicking off the Holy War that gives them meaning.

Since discovering this term "Taharrush gamea" I no longer think the attacks on NYE being an action of ideological terror as much a possibility as when I suggested it (and even then it was very much as an outlier). The situation is in fact worse and more banal than that. Rather than being part of the evil plan of a vile organization run by a special and particular class of bastard working toward a murderous logic... it seems this was a reflection of the Middle Eastern/North African male sexual mind-set. Not goaded or motivated by piles of money and agenda somewhere... but just because there was the opportunity, and throw in a few snatched bags and phones along the way.

This is actually more depressing, instead of being able to answer Pedigaism with "this is what Daesh want and perhaps even planned you tools, you're two sides of the same heart", it's instead... yes, to an extent people who see Arabs as a threat to the way of life in Europe have a point- in that allowing large numbers of refugees in from this part of the world means you have also let in their sicknesses. From what I have been able to glean from my observations of life on Earth so far; women have enough problems with us men as it is, let alone to add "Taharrush gamea" to the experience of people who had the foresight not to have been born in the Arab world with it's viciously male dominated public spaces. Well, now they have to contend with viciously male dominated public spaces in parts of the world where this wasn't previously a problem.
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Good job you're only theorising, as you don't appear to have much of a grasp of the attitude of Germans to the crimes of the Nazis. They're not doing this as penance, they're admitting migrants because of realpolitik.

Who is writing this narrative? People like you, it seems.
I am very wise and intelligent, I think I would be the ideal person to theorise and discuss the narrative of the situation.
I'm just theorising here, but in Germany there is a deep shame about what occurred during World War II with the mass murder of the Jews. So who knows what emotional pressures they feel under. They have sort of turned it around because, they've done a grand if misguided humanitarian act and it looks like they're going to become the victim of their kindness.

A new narrative has been written of Germany making amends for the past atrocities by welcoming in refugees in large number. If the story goes on to show that Germany becomes a victim of their kindness, and their populations are threatened and abused and assaulted, they can know that they've done the humanitarian thing.

How comforting for them. I'll be sure to pass on the message.

The news reports we are discussing here are very upsetting and maybe life is going to get worse for Europe and the UK. But is that not itself a metaphor for life, good things pass away, we get old things get more shit. Increased risk of sexual assault or crime is just added to the huge growing mountain problems such as global warming, water shortages and disease epidemics. But it's still a very painful transition when one can remember the carefree times before. There's a lot of finger-pointing and anger at German politicians but it's a brand-new situation. But countries have been facing invasions and occupations from the beginning of time.

I think we need to remember the Buddhist and Christian approach, forgive people, keep loving despite whatever is going on. This forum is good as a sort of pressure valve where one can express how one is feeling and talk it out. Is also important to maintain ones sense of humour speaking of which Germany and is Islam might be ideal partners because neither have any sense of humour :)

Some of the posts on this forum are beyond parody.

We can't just 'keep loving despite whatever is going on'. Mass immigration is an attack on ordinary people. Some serious introspection and soul-searching is needed here. The capitalist Left's narratives are, rightly, breaking apart.
How comforting for them. I'll be sure to pass on the message.

Some of the posts on this forum are beyond parody.

We can't just 'keep loving despite whatever is going on'. Mass immigration is an attack on ordinary people. Some serious introspection and soul-searching is needed here. The capitalist Left's narratives are, rightly, breaking apart.

What was that you were saying about parody?
Only you went a bit Farage there, then morphed into a social worker. :p
How comforting for them. I'll be sure to pass on the message.

Some of the posts on this forum are beyond parody.

We can't just 'keep loving despite whatever is going on'. Mass immigration is an attack on ordinary people. Some serious introspection and soul-searching is needed here. The capitalist Left's narratives are, rightly, breaking apart.

Theodin eh... holding back those Orc armies. Subtle.
What a fucking mess.

Mass immigration is an attack on ordinary people.
No, no it isn't. Fuck off please. I'm an ordinary person and the child of 'mass immigrants'.

Some serious introspection and soul-searching is needed here. The capitalist Left's narratives are, rightly, breaking apart.

I agree, I want 'the left' to be brave enough to at least to try to talk and think honestly about this thing , but especially because I disagree with the bit above.
I'm an ordinary person and the child of 'mass immigrants'.

Everyone here is the descendant of "mass immigrants".

Unless some posters are concealing the fact that they are literally, rather than figuratively, Neandertals. And even our be-browed cousins came from that Africa earlier...
I'm the one that posited some sort of Daesh connection, not CR. Not as some sort of 'commando' thing, rather the idea that they might have a motivation to organize this rent-a-mob attack- and this not as a reflection of some sort of apocalyptic world view on my part (I happen to believe the world is always ending, and always being created in a way- it's a process called "time") but rather as a reflection of Daesh's apocalyptic world view involving various means of kicking off the Holy War that gives them meaning.

Since discovering this term "Taharrush gamea" I no longer think the attacks on NYE being an action of ideological terror as much a possibility as when I suggested it (and even then it was very much as an outlier). The situation is in fact worse and more banal than that. Rather than being part of the evil plan of a vile organization run by a special and particular class of bastard working toward a murderous logic... it seems this was a reflection of the Middle Eastern/North African male sexual mind-set. Not goaded or motivated by piles of money and agenda somewhere... but just because there was the opportunity, and throw in a few snatched bags and phones along the way.

This is actually more depressing, instead of being able to answer Pedigaism with "this is what Daesh want and perhaps even planned you tools, you're two sides of the same heart", it's instead... yes, to an extent people who see Arabs as a threat to the way of life in Europe have a point- in that allowing large numbers of refugees in from this part of the world means you have also let in their sicknesses. From what I have been able to glean from my observations of life on Earth so far; women have enough problems with us men as it is, let alone to add "Taharrush gamea" to the experience of people who had the foresight not to have been born in the Arab world with it's viciously male dominated public spaces. Well, now they have to contend with viciously male dominated public spaces in parts of the world where this wasn't previously a problem.

Longer answer later. For now though, once you have a gang that's doing street robbery involving physical distraction and swarming, some level of sexual assault is pretty inevitable when the victims are female.

At that point, isn't talking about cultural predisposition adding relatively little to your account while carrying some pretty nasty baggage?
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Longer answer later. For now though, once you have a gang that's doing street robbery involving physical distraction and swarming, some level of sexual assault is inevitable when the victims are female.

At that point, isn't talking about cultural predisposition a matter of degree and one with some pretty nasty baggage?

More of the same. Let's do our best to gloss over the women's testimony because "pretty nasty baggage' that way lies. :mad:
Longer answer later. For now though, once you have a gang that's doing street robbery involving physical distraction and swarming, some level of sexual assault is inevitable when the victims are female.

At that point, isn't talking about cultural predisposition adding relatively little to your account while carrying some pretty nasty baggage?

Why are the victims female in particular? And I've heard of "storming" before, but sexual assault never seemed to be a particular feature of that already bad day for those caught up, so I suspect no to the 'inevitability'.

But in any case yes I agree with the "pretty nasty baggage", baggage hauled over from places like Cairo and dumped in places like Cologne on new years eve 2016.
How is that glossing over their testimony? It's not denying that they were assaulted.
The problem is with the women's and police's testimony about who they assaulted by. And the mounting evidence of a cover-up both in Germany and elsewhere due to fears of this playing into the hands of the far right.

I'm going to stick this here again, unless it's a Pied Piper made up story or a right wing conspiracy or something, which would be nice.

"During the 2014 festival, organisers picked up on rumours of a new phenomenon, said Roger Ticoalu, head of events at the Stockholm city administration: “It was a modus operandi that we had never seen before: large groups of young men who surround girls and molest them,”
"The prime minister, Stefan Löfven, said this amounted to a double betrayal since no one was prosecuted for the crimes and the police did not make them public."
Swedish police accused of covering up sex attacks by refugees at music festival
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