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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

Actually I don't think was ISIS . I think this was just what happens when you let thousands of undesirables in who like to do this type of thing for entertainment. And they've obviously done this before, because they were extremely successful at it and quite brazen . Gathering them all in one country from across the middle east , they networked already because they're criminals as well as rapists . Because they're in the drug dealing and disposing of stolen goods trade. They're hooked up through that . And probably through family, clan, tribe, towns etc . And they co ordinated their nights activities. The social media generation .
It's Arab hooligans, basically . Could well have been a competition of sorts .A gang kudos thing . But we definitely haven't heard the last of it sadly . Plenty more of these cats on the way .

Can't quite bring myself to press "like".
This is what I think's going to happen next. Not gangs of vigilantees fighting in the streets, not a massive swing to the right in Germany, but just that women will be getting cabs instead of the bus whenever possible, will try to avoid walking alone at night, etc etc. To be honest that scares me the most, and won't make the news at all.
Depressing as it is, wasn't this the case before this shytestorm hit the news? Things are/were getting better but I don't think what's been reported here has a major impact, bad things still happen in areas where there are no major groups of immigrants.
It's also interesting that the far-right social media machine is getting slick and powerful enough to drive the news agenda IMO

More interesting than the Msm media knew all about this before but didn't report on it. ? Even when cops told them ?
Why aren't the left social media machine highlighting these mass rapes ? That's interesting as well . Actually it's not, it's totally obvious why they haven't gone near it .
One of their sacred cows is in trouble and they want this entire thing silenced .the wrong colour of people are raping women in an organised and co ordinated fashion. So Hush it up, do fuck all . And hiss about right wing conspiracies being at the root of it all .
Depressing as it is, wasn't this the case before this shytestorm hit the news? Things are/were getting better but I don't think what's been reported here has a major impact, bad things still happen in areas where there are no major groups of immigrants.

No, not in Germany . There's very little CCTV , far fewer door staff , people generally behave themselves. The place is a bit more innocent and civilised .
I've been in touch with my mates and I'm telling you the country is in shock . It's up in arms. This is a major big deal over there . The social order of things has been disturbed and Germans really, really don't like that .
Ah right- because you don't like those organizations Taharrush doesn't exist. Leave it a couple days then, when the phenomena gets picked up by other media then you can suddenly consider it part of reality. Until then the attacks against women in Tahrir Square in 2011 being referred to as Taharrush gamea is outside of history.

This isn't about RT and Briebart ffs.

The BBC have it too . I posted it earlier today .
More interesting than the Msm media knew all about this before but didn't report on it. ? Even when cops told them ?
Why aren't the left social media machine highlighting these mass rapes ? That's interesting as well . Actually it's not, it's totally obvious why they haven't gone near it .
One of their sacred cows is in trouble and they want this entire thing silenced .the wrong colour of people are raping women in an organised and co ordinated fashion. So Hush it up, do fuck all . And hiss about right wing conspiracies being at the root of it all .

That is the far right propaganda line, yes.
I still really struggle to see how that is relevant at all.

Do the Jews from the East in the late 19th century in any way correspond to the flight from the Middle East of Syrians and so on here and now, even allowing for cultural differences?

And that is even allowing for the idea that one region, or even two regions and cultures have remained monolithically and essentially the same in close on 150 years...

It's a manifestly rubbish argument.

Only if you can't be arsed to think.
How many more events like this have been successfully covered up?

Just like with the catholic church and the protected celebs and bigwigs we will be finding out once victims who were previously ignored and silenced pluck up the courage . This could be like yewtree for the liberals. it's all coming out from under the rock now. Not just the rapes but the cover ups .

And if you read through this thread from the very start its like an exercise in human psychology . I remember exactly the same from other scandals..the catholic church in Ireland for example . First the denials, the complete disbelief . Then those who vented their outrage were smeared as having an agenda . Then the talk of atheist plots...propaganda ...all that shit. Otherwise decent and humane people made complete cunts out of themselves because they couldn't accept a sacred cow being shown up and rightly criticised .

Same then when Adams was in bother for the shinners cover ups. The disbelief, the sneers, the smears, the hints of agendas . Shut up or you'll endanger the peace process..what is your agenda mo Chara? Hints of dissident plots, dissident agendas. State agendas. All that shit . It's exactly the same thing here. It's slowly being shamed out of them . The very same behaviour .

And one thing I learned from those scandals was to shout your outrage from the rooftops and not be sneered, smeared, co eerced or shamed into silence by fucking anyone. Fuck them and their smears . They covered this up for political reasons and those with political careers, political reputations and political ideologies have political backs to cover . And they want you to shut up about it . It's all damage limitation from here on in.

They're obsessed with the right, like it's a fucking competition. They forget this is about people . Their entire response is predicated on what the right might say . And not what the ordinary people are saying . While the right dont give 2 fucks what the left say or do and talk directly to the people. That's why the left have lost here. They're covering their backs with their heads up their arses . Doubling down and making the same mistakes . And people can see that .
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This is what I think's going to happen next. Not gangs of vigilantees fighting in the streets, not a massive swing to the right in Germany, but just that women will be getting cabs instead of the bus whenever possible, will try to avoid walking alone at night, etc etc. To be honest that scares me the most, and won't make the news at all.

That in itself will have a wider effect . Fear leads to resentment and hatred . And remember many women will simply refuse to do this, despite a greatly enhanced risk due to the mind broadening joys of recent cultural imports . How that's going to end is anyone's guess . But right now political and social stability in kraut land depends on gang rapists giving it a miss for a while .
No, not in Germany . There's very little CCTV , far fewer door staff , people generally behave themselves. The place is a bit more innocent and civilised .
I've been in touch with my mates and I'm telling you the country is in shock . It's up in arms. This is a major big deal over there . The social order of things has been disturbed and Germans really, really don't like that .

Yes, so civilised that the much maligned mayor was herself stabbed in the neck by a wannabe assasin just three months ago

Yes it's insane. Quite insane .

Actually the quote is taken out of context, apparently in the original interview he says that Germany will not be able to integrate another million, he says that 10 million are coming to Europe but that Germany will not be able to integrate them because the social consequences of a backlash would be so dire.
Yes, worryingly. But pogroms that may have their function in terms of somebody’s strategic scope in some sort of war (against the Left, 'Liberalism', the Infidel...) Ultimately, extremists on both ends are allies against the center.

I think it's safe to describe the events of new years eve as a series of organised pogroms across germany against women . I really don't think that's an exaggeration at all .
No country could take those numbers in such a short speace of time, yer there will be liberals, leftists, No Borders types clamouring for it.

Of course. They can't turn round now and say mass immigration isn't absolutely blimmin brilliant...or that borders might be necessary after all . They've no choice, they've tied themselves to that anchor and that's that. People have a choice not to listen to them though . And to tell them fuck off, stop talking shite and no I'm not a fascist, as it happens. You wanker .

Stuff like that .
If there is a conspiracy and its aim is to close European borders I don't see why the focus should only be on Daesh. The SAA have leaked multitudes of fighters in recent months, far more than the head choppers. 100,000 soldiers which amount to half the fighting force since the civil war broke out have either switched sides or more likely headed for Turkey and Europe. There is a draft in Assad's Syria among those of fighting age, his army aren't trusted and have to be closely controlled by Special forces and I don't see why this wouldn't extend to using criminal entities in Europe tied to the regime to stir up trouble here.

Bashar al Assad had no hand nor part in the attacks on women in Germany in new years eve.

You massive, utter, fucking, huge, ginormous wanker you .
Actually the quote is taken out of context, apparently in the original interview he says that Germany will not be able to integrate another million, he says that 10 million are coming to Europe but that Germany will not be able to integrate them because the social consequences of a backlash would be so dire.

Tell that to the mebbe 7 million who want to go to Germany because Frau merkel and the mayor of cologne invited them . It's not like these migrants all drew lots as to who was going to go . And booked their trips in an orderly sustainable fashion.

Lunacy .
Just like with the catholic church and the protected celebs and bigwigs we will be finding out once victims who were previously ignored and silenced pluck up the courage . This could be like yewtree for the liberals. it's all coming out from under the rock now. Not just the rapes but the cover ups .

And if you read through this thread from the very start its like an exercise in human psychology . I remember exactly the same from other scandals..the catholic church in Ireland for example . First the denials, the complete disbelief . Then those who vented their outrage were smeared as having an agenda . Then the talk of atheist plots...propaganda ...all that shit. Otherwise decent and humane people made complete cunts out of themselves because they couldn't accept a sacred cow being shown up and rightly criticised .

Same then when Adams was in bother for the shinners cover ups. The disbelief, the sneers, the smears, the hints of agendas . Shut up or you'll endanger the peace process..what is your agenda mo Chara? Hints of dissident plots, dissident agendas. State agendas. All that shit . It's exactly the same thing here. It's slowly being shamed out of them . The very same behaviour .

And one thing I learned from those scandals was to shout your outrage from the rooftops and not be sneered, smeared, co eerced or shamed into silence by fucking anyone. Fuck them and their smears . They covered this up for political reasons and those with political careers, political reputations and political ideologies have political backs to cover . And they want you to shut up about it . It's all damage limitation from here on in.

They're obsessed with the right, like it's a fucking competition. They forget this is about people . Their entire response is predicated on what the right might say . And not what the ordinary people are saying . While the right dont give 2 fucks what the left say or do and talk directly to the people. That's why the left have lost here. They're covering their backs with their heads up their arses . Doubling down and making the same mistakes . And people can see that .

I wish we could have more posts from you and less from everybody else. Quality, not quantity on this subject is needed, I think.

The above also describes the underlying politics of 'Rotherham' and the dozens of other UK towns and cities where mass rape has become the norm and still continues away from the media spotlight, now that the press caravan has moved on. Not necessarily a 'Left' thing, though to a simple person, it might look very much like the Left is trying to destroy the lives of ordinary people. But serious questions need to be asked about....I will try to phrase this carefully....the trajectories of Western societies.
Depressing as it is, wasn't this the case before this shytestorm hit the news? Things are/were getting better but I don't think what's been reported here has a major impact, bad things still happen in areas where there are no major groups of immigrants.

Sigh. It's getting a bit boring now this non-argument don't you think?
Yes, bad thing happen everywhere. Nowhere do women have the same ownership of public space as men do. That's all true.
And yet, I bet you anything there are fewer women walking alone after dark in Cologne now than there were just last week. Not because they are in more danger than last week and not because they're racists but because they are afraid, having listened to the harrowing testimonies of the victims who were assaulted en masse in public FFS.

The stories about alleged coverups by the police of mass sexual assault going back 2 years in Sweden are coming out more and more.

"the police force was concerned that assault reports could have boosted the far right."This is a sore point. Sometimes we dare not tell how it is because we think it plays into the hands of the Sweden Democrats," Dagens Nyheter quoted Peter Agren, who was in charge of police"
Swedish police to investigate sexual assault cover-up allegations

"During the 2014 festival, organisers picked up on rumours of a new phenomenon, said Roger Ticoalu, head of events at the Stockholm city administration: “It was a modus operandi that we had never seen before: large groups of young men who surround girls and molest them,” Ticoalu said. “In the cases where we were able to apprehend suspects, they were with a foreign background, newly arrived refugees aged 17-20, who had come to Sweden without their families.”
"The prime minister, Stefan Löfven, said this amounted to a double betrayal since no one was prosecuted for the crimes and the police did not make them public."
Swedish police accused of covering up sex attacks by refugees at music festival

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I think it's safe to describe the events of new years eve as a series of organised pogroms across germany against women . I really don't think that's an exaggeration at all .

Safe in the sense that there's some clear evidence for it, or safe in the sense you think nobody could be arsed to challenge your assertion?

It may be the case that this was actually something more than a particularly repellent example of organised street crime, but I have not seen you produce any convincing evidence for it, nor have I found any elsewhere.

So even if it turned out that this was in fact some sort of Dasesh sex offences commando at work it is not 'safe' to assert it on the basis of it fitting with some sort of apocalyptic world-view without also supplying some evidence that requires more explanation than that provided by the known existence of at least somewhat organised street crime gangs with MOs involving swarming and distraction, a large drunken crowd in the territories where they normally operate on NYE and a pre-existing far-right social media shitstorm.
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Of course. They can't turn round now and say mass immigration isn't absolutely blimmin brilliant...or that borders might be necessary after all . They've no choice, they've tied themselves to that anchor and that's that. People have a choice not to listen to them though . And to tell them fuck off, stop talking shite and no I'm not a fascist, as it happens. You wanker .

Stuff like that .

Once someone ties themselves to an anchor the thing to do is chuck the anchor over the side.
Not going to head up that particular alleyway (foreign-born cab drivers are dodgier than homegrown ones or something). I reckon its wiser to stick to the phenomenon of mass sexual assault in public, which after all is what made this newsworthy in the first place.
Having said that, women-only (female drivers) cab companies have long been doing really well in places like Delhi and Mumbai. :(
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