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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

Well the alternative seemingly is the mainstream media covering up mass rape and sexual assault which is no alternative. I am not happy with the increased legitimacy that websites like Breitbart and their Swedish equivalent are getting from this but I am far less concerned with that than I am these cover ups.

It's quite interesting to do a search of Google excluding NYE and anything after for e.g. 'Germany street crime sexual assault' or similar.

What I found when I did that is a massive shitstorm of 'asylum seeker rapist' stories, across a whole slew of far-right / Islamophobe sites, and pretty much nowhere else, which seems to kick off, going from none to lots, early September. (I'm not going to link them here, but the exercise is easy enough to repeat using Google's custom date range function.)
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my 2 pence. I've been to Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, UAE and Oman. All with female companions (sisters or girlfriends) - Never going back, my experience of their (residents of the countries i visited) attitudes to women is that its an utter disgrace.
You're pretty much on the money actually - not massive fans of Islam.
Just to clarify, I personally don't think this (let's call it the much higher prevalence of rape culture in some places than in others) is about Islam, it's about attitudes to women.
Is why I've kept using India as my example of a place where a woman walking alone at night is far less safe than I am.
Just to clarify, I personally don't think this (let's call it the much higher prevalence of rape culture in some places than in others) is about Islam, it's about attitudes to women.
Is why I've kept using India as my example of a place where a woman walking alone at night is far less safe than I am.

I think it's a really complex one. I certainly know that S.Asia is difficult for single women in general, if not elsewhere as well, but the same female Muslim pals have made a fairly, not surprised familiar with their thinking rolled eyes, response.

It's not necessarily about the religion or the scriptures but more about the culture is my understanding at least
where is your evidence for this large scale rape op please ?

Serious sexual assault and rape are sometimes used interchangeably. So penetration with force regardless of what is being employed is clearly within the spectrum. From witness reports these were clearly very serious sexual assaults 'there hands were everywhere', 'underwear ripped off' and so on. 'Rape by hands' is one victim's graphic description from a similar experience elsewhere. Hundreds of individual complaints of serious sexual attack emanating from one public small area in a short period of time.

So how more traumatic would you like it to have been for the victims in order to meet your criteria?
too much dot joining . dangerous tactic.

there was obviously some kind of agreement to met up for nye in the various regons, otherwise they would not have been present in such large numbers. to then suppose that the meet was planned with the purpose of sexual asault and robbery , is a step too far and an easy narrative to setup that benefits no one.

thi does not excuse any actions that thee vile fuckers may have committed.

Not if it's a recognised cultural phenomenon for anti social, criminally inclined Arab males . It's a thing . It was on the agenda . It was planned .
So just to get everything clear - sexual assault in Cologne is evidence of chauvinism in London?
What? Do you just mean that some people's reactions seem to be chauvinistic when they try so hard to be right on that they end up silencing the voices of the victims?
In the seiges of ancient warfare warriors, Roman soldiers for instance, were promised 'loot' when besieging a city. That's not to say the Ceasars that led them were themselves in it for the raping. At the end of the day Daesh would like nothing more than the streets of Europe become filled with outraged Pegida-types and pogroms of muslims etc. Feed the Holy War.

Just dot-drawing with dotted lines really (as opposed to solid lines so to speak, theory not assertion) . 'Hopefully' the assaulters were just a random rabble of nasty chancer pillocks and not part of some greater evil plan.

ETA because not-bono-ever couldn't understand the post.

Actually I don't think was ISIS . I think this was just what happens when you let thousands of undesirables in who like to do this type of thing for entertainment. And they've obviously done this before, because they were extremely successful at it and quite brazen . Gathering them all in one country from across the middle east , they networked already because they're criminals as well as rapists . Because they're in the drug dealing and disposing of stolen goods trade. They're hooked up through that . And probably through family, clan, tribe, towns etc . And they co ordinated their nights activities. The social media generation .
It's Arab hooligans, basically . Could well have been a competition of sorts .A gang kudos thing . But we definitely haven't heard the last of it sadly . Plenty more of these cats on the way .
What I can't understand is,if a group of football supporters with a recognised hooligan element amongst them is going to arrive in a rival town then the police presence is massively increased, how come basic steps weren't taken on this occasion?
A blind bloke on a pushbike would have had some idea that given the massive influx of immigrants/ refugees esp young males into a given area at a time of celebration ( read excessive alcohol and relaxation of inhibitions/awareness) then their would have been a strong possibility of serious disturbances.
coordinated meaning a meetup of itinerant young men , almost certainly. as with meetups with groups of feckless young men everywhere.

coordinated in an orchestrated and purposeful rape and pillage orgy ? - no evidence to support this that has been presented.

Except they all decided to do it simultaneously .A few thousand of them by the looks of it .
This is what I think's going to happen next. Not gangs of vigilantees fighting in the streets, not a massive swing to the right in Germany, but just that women will be getting cabs instead of the bus whenever possible, will try to avoid walking alone at night, etc etc. To be honest that scares me the most, and won't make the news at all.
What I can't understand is,if a group of football supporters with a recognised hooligan element amongst them is going to arrive in a rival town then the police presence is massively increased, how come basic steps weren't taken on this occasion?
A blind bloke on a pushbike would have had some idea that given the massive influx of immigrants/ refugees esp young males into a given area at a time of celebration ( read excessive alcohol and relaxation of inhibitions/awareness) then their would have been a strong possibility of serious disturbances.

Look who the local mayor is . And look who the reichschancellor is . And look who the establishment are.
Any police chief ordering his men to go in hard against migrants would have been pilloried . The whole lot, Antifa included, would have been up in arms . Thered have been outrage and demonstrations had they been dealt with properly .
Fuck me they raped...digitally or otherwise...hundreds of women in one night across Germany and look at the disgusting coddling and excuses for them on here . Had the cops kicked the shit out of them it would have been " the humanity...waaacists !! never again !!...it's auschwitz !!! ..the poor dears "
And that's no exaggeration . The police chief was covering his and his political superiors backs. But they threw him under the bus anyway .

He was only following ze orders is still no excuse .

One of them has a tambourine . Rape gangs now officially shitting themselves.

Laughing .
Look who the local mayor is . And look who the reichschancellor is . And look who the establishment are.
Any police chief ordering his men to go in hard against migrants would have been pilloried . The whole lot, Antifa included, would have been up in arms . Thered have been outrage and demonstrations had they been dealt with properly .
Fuck me they raped...digitally or otherwise...hundreds of women in one night across Germany and look at the disgusting coddling and excuses for them on here . Had the cops kicked the shit out of them it would have been " the humanity...waaacists !! never again !!...it's auschwitz !!! ..the poor dears "
And that's no exaggeration . The police chief was covering his and his political superiors backs. But they threw him under the bus anyway .

He was only following ze orders is still no excuse .

I assume you mean me? You are a good poster but you are coming across as going overboard.
Look who the local mayor is . And look who the reichschancellor is . And look who the establishment are.
Any police chief ordering his men to go in hard against migrants would have been pilloried . The whole lot, Antifa included, would have been up in arms . Thered have been outrage and demonstrations had they been dealt with properly .
Fuck me they raped...digitally or otherwise...hundreds of women in one night across Germany and look at the disgusting coddling and excuses for them on here . Had the cops kicked the shit out of them it would have been " the humanity...waaacists !! never again !!...it's auschwitz !!! ..the poor dears "
And that's no exaggeration . The police chief was covering his and his political superiors backs. But they threw him under the bus anyway .

He was only following ze orders is still no excuse .

Going back a few years,but similar things happened with rival football gangs of hooligans, they would coordinate amongst themselves to organise the venue for a punch up.
Now what's happened in Germany is much more serious but the authorities managed to coordinate their responses to organised football hooliganism very successfully.
How then have they failed do do the same in the light of a much more serious problem, given the much more massive resources they have had available since 9/11 etc.
ETA, and the harsh treatment the continental polis administered to roaming gangs of British football hooligans hardly ever raised an eyebrow from the British public
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A lot of the women fought back as ferociously as they could, otherwise there would have been many more rapes.

Had they gotten into that night club in Bleiefeld there'd have been many more and possibly serious injuries ...500 degenerates trying to break the doors down, ripping women's clothes off outside. Trying to drag women away shouting " she's my girlfriend "...Jesus . Had the door staff all over st Pauli not locked the doors of the clubs and warned women to stay inside there'd have been many more there too . Over 100 women assaulted there as it was .
And fuck knows what was going down in Munich train station .
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