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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

He did not mention ISIS but for sure, the more they can say that this was planned by some evil mastermind the more it let's them off the hook for the complete failure of the police to deal with what happened.

True it possibly lets the police off the hook, but by saying it was 'planned', is also a round about way of saying it wasn't spontaneous - thus isn't inherent. If say for instance it all happened without any, or just ad hoc planning, then the political implications are far more ominous for all concerned.
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the uncomfortable thing for the much of the left to grasp is that a lot of the working class do not want to see the areas they live have a large influx of migrants. Rather than building socialist utopias, they like the towns they live in, they don't want to see their wages undercut by cheaper workers.

how the many on the left cope with that is another matter. my inkling is writing them all off as bigots is going is not going to help anyone. I like diversity, where I live is incredibly diverse, but I long ago stopped writing off complaints/worries/anxieties about immigration as always and entirely bigoted.

Same dynamic when the Pols came, with their quality plumbing and carpentry etc, and I have it on good authority that Pols tend to be white and Katolic.
ISIS are smart. they however are not fuckin SPECTRE , with criminal tentacles in every city. All this IS linking to randoms is rather like the furore and hyperbole aroud thr tora bora caves and OBL.

There are criminal members of the Assad regime in the refugee camps. A group far more likely to exert control over vulnerable youths and engage in gangster activities like fencing mobile phones and extortion.

This site seems to have been created by refugees to get shot of them from their midst.
This lot are in German refugee camps allegedly
mujremon | ألمانيا mujremon
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it's certainly possible that ex-daesh or ex-assad fighters were involved in this but i'd strongly doubt either organisation had a hand in the central planning

I only posit a what-if, from the right position and from the top of the right kind of hill- wouldn't take much to get the ball rolling quite far... and any 16 year old can arrange quite the party these days when armed with social media, let alone a somewhat closed fraternity of criminal gangs. If there's any truth to it I'm sure it will come out soon enough, but by then Pegida will be further on the march.
Never even mildly boast about your intelligence, because people may think you're a MENSA member. Why would that be bad? Because MENSA comprises the biggest bunch of apartheid-loving racist cunts - dressed up in sociobiological clothing- that I've ever had the misfortune to meet. Horrible people in the half-dozen regional branches I visited. People bang on about Freemasons, but they should be keeping an eye on MENSA members. People who recall Project Coast fondly need kneecapping.

That doesn't mean my opinions are correct or I am more or less valuable than any other human being. But I cannot tell a lie, a lot of the criticism my get does seem rather dumb. I wouldn't mind getting a little more respect, that would be much appreciated.

One doesn't garner respect just because on has a joint bachelors degree, or even multiple postgrad degrees. One earns respect through one's thoughts and actions.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the extra respect, much appreciated :)
I think that the real thing that has prevented the rise of a strong far-right in this county is the class composition of UKIP. If it wasn't run by purple Tories and stood with a few vaguely social democratic policies they would really take off, even absent that they are basically the official opposition in lots of working-class areas in the north. Among the politically aware minority the amount of support for them, and dislike for the Labour Party, in the call centres I have worked in in Sheffield was pretty formidable and that is probably because in areas like South Yorkshire they run as an anti-austerity party.

TBF it's also to do with the fact that your comrades in the call centres are fucking fed up with their vote and their loyalty being taken for granted by a bunch of middle class cunts who just happen to brand their version of neoliberalism "Labour".
frogwoman No, I'm positing the theory that gangsters in the refugee camps organised events as a criminal activity. These will be older men with power and connections, the sort of people that could offer cash to vunerable people. Not much has been mentioned that this was a large scale mugging operation basically.

I agree with that.
There are criminal members of the Assad regime in the refugee camps. A group far more likely to exert control over vulnerable youths and engage in gangster activities like fencing mobile phones and extortion.

This site seems to have been created by refugees to get shot of them from their midst.
This lot are in German refugee camps allegedly
mujremon | ألمانيا mujremon

fuck. I said I wasnt coming back to this...anyway ..this probably had more relevance than any idealogical bent being used. after all, the whole refugee transport process in europe is run by criminals, its logical to assume this comes into play
As an act of solidarity with the German refugees the UK's stay in Europe campaign are donating a large surplus of their T-shirts.
I'm in campaign.jpg
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you can bet its gospel truth already on any up and coming far right agit prop

I'm no far right and the concept is by no means a 'gospel truth' as far as I'm concerned but to be frank- I'd far rather it did turn out to be the machination of some dark funded agenda, than "Muslims aye, what are they like with their spontaneous rape-mobs and wotnot :rolleyes:"
I agree with that.
Mixed picture from reported crimes, though...
Police said on Sunday 516 of the complaints related to incidents in Cologne – a jump of 395 over the weekend – and that about 40% of them were of a sexual nature.

The rest of the women in Cologne said they had phones or wallets stolen or were otherwise physically assaulted.
frogwoman No, I'm positing the theory that gangsters in the refugee camps organised events as a criminal activity. These will be older men with power and connections, the sort of people that could offer cash to vunerable people. Not much has been mentioned that this was a large scale mugging operation basically.

Mostly agree, only it wasn't just mugging was it.
But yes, seeing as so many of the recently arrived in Germany (the ones living in places like converted hospitals on the outskirts of towns etc) are teenaged boys with no family etc then surely it's true they'd be extremely vulnerable to that sort of thing.
frogwoman No, I'm positing the theory that gangsters in the refugee camps organised events as a criminal activity. These will be older men with power and connections, the sort of people that could offer cash to vunerable people. Not much has been mentioned that this was a large scale mugging operation basically.

I do agree with you this is a possibility, perhaps even more likely than that those same old men were given 'home-work' by some sort of ideological terror group, but it does beg the question (for me anyway) of why haven't they done this before on the same scale, considering what else has been happening recently. Besides even North African/Middle Eastern Fagins might think twice about bringing down massive heat on their business if they didn't stand to gain (or not lose) something more than scale-extra.

Or maybe it's just a matter of man-power, with far more desperate boys and men in the NA/ME underground than usual... enough to mug train-loads this time.
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The female Muslim pals that I have spoken about this with tend to hold the opinion that all this is not really that surprising in general and that Muslim men tend to have an odd way of sexualising white Western girls.

And this bit will no doubt be even more controversial - one of them said that they saw direct parallels between what happened in Rotherham and other cities in the UK and Cologne, understanding it as a peculiar trait of modern, male Muslim culture.
frogwoman No, I'm positing the theory that gangsters in the refugee camps organised events as a criminal activity. These will be older men with power and connections, the sort of people that could offer cash to vunerable people. Not much has been mentioned that this was a large scale mugging operation basically.

There's plenty of evidence of gangs committing street crime with that MO in those cities and those areas.

So you don't need to assume a whole lot of additional organisation to get NYE ...
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In what way is it meaningful?

it's meaningful because it's illustrative of the fact that when necessary, Germany was previously able to assimilate (quite successfully) millions of Jews fleeing Tsarist pogroms in the 1870s and again in the 1890s, regardless of the fact of the Jews being of an "alien" religion, and many of them not speaking Yiddish - which would have enabled them to understand and be understood in German - the same tropes that are deployed against the current immigrants.
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