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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

I think that the real thing that has prevented the rise of a strong far-right in this county is the class composition of UKIP. If it wasn't run by purple Tories and stood with a few vaguely social democratic policies they would really take off, even absent that they are basically the official opposition in lots of working-class areas in the north. Among the politically aware minority the amount of support for them, and dislike for the Labour Party, in the call centres I have worked in in Sheffield was pretty formidable and that is probably because in areas like South Yorkshire they run as an anti-austerity party.
I suggest that the way to avoid both conspiraloonery and being conned by an actual conspiracy is to pay attention to the evidence as best you can and avoid being swayed by people who demand that you produce a more emotional response, demonstrating outrage along certain lines or call you names if you refuse to buy into their drama.

The attacks are just a drama, hyped up, etc?
Yeah I agree, still a long way to go before we get to that point thankfully :)

However I think people like trump and movements like pegida (and to some extent Daesh, especially in the third world) appear to represent the same challenge to the establishment that the left used to and imagines it still does. they are all involving people in extreme right-wing reactionary politics that never used to be. They certainly appear to currently frighten the establishment a lot more. I mean you imagine trump writing an op ed in the guardian about 'why my wall on the US-Mexican border is not only feasible but necessary'. When he said that stuff about the Muslim shutdown the entire political establishment of the UK and the US lined up to condemn him despite coming out with sly allusions to that sort of stuff themselves, when left wingers come out with 'outrageous' stuff they are ridiculed or more often ignored. even marine le pen and nigel farage lined up to distance themselves from him. I mean as much as the left has gone on about the poor treatment of corbyn in the media it's really nothing to the sort of pasting trump has had from all parts of the political establishment around the world.

it's not even due to the "historically weak position of the left" when the left, even what's considered the far left, are able to get speaking engagements and be listened to and become entrenched in mainstream media and academia in a way that the far and extreme right, let alone islamist groups such as daesh etc are not really able to do. i don't think there really exists a significant "challenge" from the left in much of western europe (although i think the US is different and a bit better). i don't think it's a case of the left being weak it's that it's become so integrated into capital that it no longer represents any sort of challenge, whereas the extreme reactionary right represents far more of a threat to the existing capitalist establishment and has more of a chance of putting its programme into practice. and the problem is that the neo-liberal right and establishment politicians can often rely on a large segment of the left to line up with them to "defend" the existing society against the extreme right, such as when the french left called for a vote for sarkozy and chirac against le pen. so essentially in the de facto position of defending the state and the existing order against the right and being perceived to be doing so.

i mean can you really say the state have lined up with the far right in germany given the treatment they had over the weekend? we know that some german cops are racist, but is it really the case that they sprayed them with water cannon to give them more sympathy and support? are they really that scheming? i'm sure that cameron and many of the CBI and most establishment politicians and business interests would far rather see a soft-social democrat such as the likes of corbyn in power, who wouldn't be able to do a great deal due to the systemic conditions and would be out in one or two terms anyway, than a trump or pegida equivalent let alone someone even further to the right than that. despite the fact that he and people like him have willingly fostered such a climate.

so in western europe anyway, it's fucking shit, and i don't really know what anyone can do.

Trump Is a twat, but his 'Mexican' wall only exists in his fevered imagination,as opposed to the real walls that are springing up in Europe.
Tbf ever since i came on this forum you've been going on about how the left is failing. It includes you aswell.

Well, going by your long post, which is good, i have been proved right,

most of my criticisms have been how they have abandoned domestic basic issues for identity politics, and their pet interests, hobbies, etc, although not a complete supporter, the IWCA did attempt something different and came under viscious attack from the rest of the left.
Watch anti-fa mobilise rapidly against the vigilantes etc, good, but maybe they could have done so on the night of NYE, they have mobile phones, etc.

It's exactly what I was saying. Antifa should have been filling this void from the outset . Many of these vigilantes won't actually be far right . They'll just be angry Germans . Including husbands, brothers boyfriends of the women who were attacked . Maybe even men who were attacked that night too .Anti fascists should have anticipated this and stepped in. That would have given the proper leadership amd deprived the right of impetus .And may well have stopped randoms from being attacked, which is generally what happens when vigilantes are either poorly or cynically led.

Now if they mobilise they'll be up against ordinary people and not just fash . Bad move in my view. But it's probably too late no matter what they do. The whole picture is fucked. Courses have been plotted and they'll all go their inevitable ways .
Trump Is a twat, but his 'Mexican' wall only exists in his fevered imagination,as opposed to the real walls that are springing up in Europe.

but he's far more dangerous to the political establishment than the majority of the western european left, who have even less of a chance of implementing the programme (assuming they even want to)
Well, going by your long post, which is good, i have been proved right,

most of my criticisms have been how they have abandoned domestic basic issues for identity politics, and their pet interests, hobbies, etc, although not a complete supporter, the IWCA did attempt something different and came under viscious attack from the rest of the left.

that's not the only reason why they failed though is it? They suffering from many of the same problems including thinking that the lack of success they had is mostly a result of 'attacks'.
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The German minister jaeger is now saying, officially, that all the cologne attackers were migrants . And the suspects identified so far are mostly Moroccans and Algerians with none being German nationals . Half arrived legally in the last few months as asylum seekers and the other half illegally . More worryingly they appear to have travelled to cologne from a number of different cities . So that adds to the scenario of this being deliberately co ordinated .

And apparently this swarming sexual assault is a recognised modus operandi, by the Arabic name of " taharrush gamea " . A term that has now entered our own cultural lexicon by the look of it. A cultural import we in europe could have done without .
The German minister jaeger is now saying, officially, that all the cologne attackers were migrants . And the suspects identified so far are mostly Moroccans and Algerians with none being German nationals . Quite a few arrived legally in the last few months as asylum seekers and the rest illegally . More worryingly they appear to have travelled to cologne from a number of different cities . So that adds to the scenario of this being deliberately co ordinated .

And apparently this swarming sexual assault is a recognised modus operandi, by the Arabic name of " taharrush gamea " . A term that has now entered our own cultural lexicon by the look of it. A cultural import we in europe could have done without .

About time somebody said so. Your contributions to this thread have been a rare light of reason.
Link for this?, shocking and sadly dynamite.

btw, if there are no Syrian young men, though i think there were some in the crowd, then my point about them being entitled, arrogants, etc, falls.
Yeah I agree, still a long way to go before we get to that point thankfully :)

However I think people like trump and movements like pegida (and to some extent Daesh, especially in the third world) appear to represent the same challenge to the establishment that the left used to and imagines it still does. they are all involving people in extreme right-wing reactionary politics that never used to be. They certainly appear to currently frighten the establishment a lot more. I mean you imagine trump writing an op ed in the guardian about 'why my wall on the US-Mexican border is not only feasible but necessary'. When he said that stuff about the Muslim shutdown the entire political establishment of the UK and the US lined up to condemn him despite coming out with sly allusions to that sort of stuff themselves, when left wingers come out with 'outrageous' stuff they are ridiculed or more often ignored. even marine le pen and nigel farage lined up to distance themselves from him. I mean as much as the left has gone on about the poor treatment of corbyn in the media it's really nothing to the sort of pasting trump has had from all parts of the political establishment around the world.

it's not even due to the "historically weak position of the left" when the left, even what's considered the far left, are able to get speaking engagements and be listened to and become entrenched in mainstream media and academia in a way that the far and extreme right, let alone islamist groups such as daesh etc are not really able to do. i don't think there really exists a significant "challenge" from the left in much of western europe (although i think the US is different and a bit better). i don't think it's a case of the left being weak it's that it's become so integrated into capital that it no longer represents any sort of challenge, whereas the extreme reactionary right represents far more of a threat to the existing capitalist establishment and has more of a chance of putting its programme into practice. and the problem is that the neo-liberal right and establishment politicians can often rely on a large segment of the left to line up with them to "defend" the existing society against the extreme right, such as when the french left called for a vote for sarkozy and chirac against le pen. so essentially in the de facto position of defending the state and the existing order against the right and being perceived to be doing so.

i mean can you really say the state have lined up with the far right in germany given the treatment they had over the weekend? we know that some german cops are racist, but is it really the case that they sprayed them with water cannon to give them more sympathy and support? are they really that scheming? i'm sure that cameron and many of the CBI and most establishment politicians and business interests would far rather see a soft-social democrat such as the likes of corbyn in power, who wouldn't be able to do a great deal due to the systemic conditions and would be out in one or two terms anyway, than a trump or pegida equivalent let alone someone even further to the right than that. despite the fact that he and people like him have willingly fostered such a climate.

so in western europe anyway, it's fucking shit, and i don't really know what anyone can do.

Aye, agree. The 'Pet-Left' versus the 'Rabid-Right'. Not to say that Corbyn is Pet-Left, but he's certainly kind of safely penned in.
The usual? Since when has mass immigration been the usual.

It really is nothing like the trickle in the 60's and 70's you refer to, when immigration was slower, allowing for absorbtion, integration and participation in say, the unions, which meant they stood side by side with the already established population to defend wages and conditions.

How the hell are millions arriving at the same time going to integrate?

They are here to be played off against the people who are already here, so that capitalism can benefit by keeping wages down.

Read some German history. They've had waves of mass immigration of millions as recently as the late 1940s, and several times in the 2nd half of the 19th century.
too much dot joining . dangerous tactic.

there was obviously some kind of agreement to met up for nye in the various regons, otherwise they would not have been present in such large numbers. to then suppose that the meet was planned with the purpose of sexual asault and robbery , is a step too far and an easy narrative to setup that benefits no one.

thi does not excuse any actions that thee vile fuckers may have committed.
too much dot joining . dangerous tactic.

there was obviously some kind of agreement to met up for nye in the various regons, otherwise they would not have been present in such large numbers. to then suppose that the meet was planned with the purpose of sexual asault and robbery , is a step too far and an easy narrative to setup that benefits no one.

thi does not excuse any actions that thee vile fuckers may have committed.

In the seiges of ancient warfare warriors, Roman soldiers for instance, were promised 'loot' when besieging a city. That's not to say the Ceasars that led them were themselves in it for the raping. At the end of the day Daesh would like nothing more than the streets of Europe become filled with outraged Pegida-types and pogroms of muslims etc. Feed the Holy War.

Just dot-drawing with dotted lines really (as opposed to solid lines so to speak, theory not assertion) . 'Hopefully' the assaulters were just a random rabble of nasty chancer pillocks and not part of some greater evil plan.

ETA because not-bono-ever couldn't understand the post.
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Me too. The very fact that Trump exists is scary for example but what we have won (re the rights of women, consent etc) is not going to be easily taken away, even by people like him. See for instance what happened after his lawyer 'misspoke' when he said that there is no such thing as rape within a marriage.

Some choice they've got eh? You can have Trump, or you can have Killary "we came, we saw, he died" Clinton who has pretty much said she'll start WW3. As have most of the others if I remember correctly.
Aye, agree. The 'Pet-Left' versus the 'Rabid-Right'. Not to say that Corbyn is Pet-Left, but he's certainly kind of safely penned in.

There's the risk of seriously overestimating the rights support base and pandering to their rhetoric and tail ending them which imo is just as much of a risk
Germany's Merkel to skip Davos amid Cologne furor

...her justice minister warned that attackers identified as migrants in Cologne on New Year's Eve were members of an organised crime network.....

Heiko Maas said the mass sexual assaults and robberies that took place in the centre of the German city as thousands celebrated were co-ordinated by men using smart phones and social networks.

His remarks are significant as he is one of the Social Democrat members of Ms Merkel's Christian Democrat-led grand coalition, and his party has championed minority rights for years.

...police said the Cologne assailants were part of a crowd of around 1,000 young men of Arab or North African origin, with 22 asylum seekers among the 32 people suspected of crimes...
Some choice they've got eh? You can have Trump, or you can have Killary "we came, we saw, he died" Clinton who has pretty much said she'll start WW3. As have most of the others if I remember correctly.

Definitely agree, Trump is like some scary clown that can be used to distract from the greater danger of Killary. All she has to do is smile and pretend to be a decent person, ignore the looming mushroom clouds of a Clinton presidency because wig.
Activist website to expose active Baath Party Shabiba war criminals hiding amongst Syrian refugees:

We are young Syrian group, activists in the civil matter, Tnkpna volunteer mission to help the Syrian refugee, who fled for safety in the expatriates, we communicate with each other in all provinces and countries of asylum, are cooperating to uncover criminal elements who have infiltrated among the refugee population under the pretext of seeking protection outside the country, while some of the security mission with the aim of refugees monitoring and follow-up activity and the Nile from their families and extortion at home.
We volunteered with the task of detecting elements that took up arms against their countrymen, those who bear the wasted blood button in across the country ... debunk whereabouts and cooperate asylum institutions everywhere to provide What is available to our information.
# We call on everyone in the homeland and in the Diaspora to provide us with pictures and information, to put it the disposal of law, where no authority nor favoritism and no authority to intelligence Assad .. you will not be persecuted and will not be subjected to injustice in a country governed by civil institutions.

mujremon | الدانيمارك mujremon
Definitely agree, Trump is like some scary clown that can be used to distract from the greater danger of Killary. All she has to do is smile and pretend to be a decent person, ignore the looming mushroom clouds of a Clinton presidency because wig.

up to a point yeah but i think trump is pretty dangerous himself tbh, think we can acknowledge that without saying that hilary would be much (or any) better
I looked and I can't find anything compelling, just a bit of speculation.

What there is significant evidence of is the same pattern of street crime in the same areas on a small scale and of a far right social media campaign that picked up on the NYE events and ran with them hard using all the usual tropes.

Occam's razor therefore suggests ...

I don't know, I haven't a clue. The German Justice Minister has apparently decided though:

"The German justice minister has told a German newspaper that he assumes the crimes that took place in Cologne during New Year celebrations were "coordinated or prepared", as police say the number of sexual assaults and robberies reported has risen significantly.
In a statement released on Sunday, Cologne police said that they were investigating 516 criminal complaints and that about 40 percent of those allegations were of sexual offenses.

"If such a horde* gathers in order to commit crimes, that appears in some form to be planned," Justice Minister Heiko Maas told the Bild newspaper. "Nobody can tell me that this was not coordinated or prepared."
German minister: Cologne attacks may be coordinated

*not sure what German word he'd have used to get translated into 'horde' instead of just crowd. :confused:
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too much dot joining . dangerous tactic.

there was obviously some kind of agreement to met up for nye in the various regons, otherwise they would not have been present in such large numbers. to then suppose that the meet was planned with the purpose of sexual asault and robbery , is a step too far and an easy narrative to setup that benefits no one.

thi does not excuse any actions that thee vile fuckers may have committed.
The shock-waves from, and response(s) to these events will certainly play well with IS. As with Paris, they will be pleased to (indirectly?) punish Syrian migrants by stoking animosity in the receiving zones. Is it too tinfoil-hat to speculate about IS co-ordination/involvement...or have we done that already?
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