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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

Аt the moment p much the only groups that come close to frightening the establishment the way the left would like and have any sort of workable -appearing alternative to the current order are on the extreme right tbh. I mean even people like David Harvey or Peter Taaffe who say they want and end to capitalism get given platforms in stuff like the guardian and a lot of Marxist academics have a respected position in academia etc.

you often get ok fairly mild but ok, criticisms of capital by paul mason and such like in the uk press. There have been guest articles by people like hannah sell in the guardian for christ sakes. It's totally been integrated into capital to an extent it often seems to represent a subculture, than a political movement. The most visible part of the left has come to represent, or be seen to represent the interests of a subset within the political class rather than what it was ostensibly set up to do.

Dial is bang on in the view of the rise of this 'conservative religious culture' which is really bad for women and sort of what ive been alluding to in some of my posts. Its going to have an effect on how women are already going to be seen in european society and the extent to which women are visible in public space. You already see some of this with the fact that public toilets etc are increasingly being closed or that now the age limit on what age kids are supposed to be home alone by has increased which will have the effect of pushing women back into the home. I am very worried about the effects this is going to have on my life personally. I have a feeling of dread tbh at the thought of the loss of my freedoms and the thought of having the same sort of battles to fight as my great grandmother or whoever. I feel real fear for the future. Bimble is right in the sense that all this is something that has been fought for by feminists and socialists etc but I have a horrible feeling we're about to discover just how quickly it can get taken away again. With the only real current alternatives being even more reactionary and violent rather than less.
I have a feeling of dread tbh at the thought of the loss of my freedoms and the thought of having the same sort of battles to fight as my great grandmother or whoever.
Me too. The very fact that Trump exists is scary for example but what we have won (re the rights of women, consent etc) is not going to be easily taken away, even by people like him. See for instance what happened after his lawyer 'misspoke' when he said that there is no such thing as rape within a marriage.
what a surprise:
"Two Pakistanis and a Syrian man have been injured in attacks by gangs of people in Cologne, the German city where most of the dozens of assaults on women occurred on New Year's Eve, according to police. Local newspaper Express reported that the attackers were members of hooligan gangs who, via Facebook, arranged to meet in Cologne's business district to start a "manhunt" of foreigners."
Foreigners assaulted in Germany amid tension
what a surprise:
"Two Pakistanis and a Syrian man have been injured in attacks by gangs of people in Cologne, the German city where most of the dozens of assaults on women occurred on New Year's Eve, according to police. Local newspaper Express reported that the attackers were members of hooligan gangs who, via Facebook, arranged to meet in Cologne's business district to start a "manhunt" of foreigners."
Foreigners assaulted in Germany amid tension
and so it begins
what a surprise:
"Two Pakistanis and a Syrian man have been injured in attacks by gangs of people in Cologne, the German city where most of the dozens of assaults on women occurred on New Year's Eve, according to police. Local newspaper Express reported that the attackers were members of hooligan gangs who, via Facebook, arranged to meet in Cologne's business district to start a "manhunt" of foreigners."
Foreigners assaulted in Germany amid tension

Fash made flash mob sorta thing.
i don't think it's a war in europe, i think it will be a series of pogroms.

Yes, worryingly. But pogroms that may have their function in terms of somebody’s strategic scope in some sort of war (against the Left, 'Liberalism', the Infidel...) Ultimately, extremists on both ends are allies against the center.
The likelihood of things going that way does though, depend on whether propaganda operations like the one the far right (and maybe others) are running here succeed in getting the masses to join in the drama they're trying so hard to generate around this.
Or if the cologne mayor and other idiots are seen to fail to deal with the problem.
Dont even have to fail to deal with it just been accused of failing to deal with it:(
at a time when daesh is crying out for new recruits i find it difficult to believe potential recruits would be told to go and harass and rape women in germany.

I'd agree , but recruits are one thing, sympathisers another . And when I say sympathisers I dont mean with the outfit as such but an identification with some of the concepts it and other like minded cults espouse, namely that of justified entitlement and self gratification . It's extremely hard to get away from the notion that these assaults were co ordinated and organised . And what I see here is both mass criminality overwhelming a society in a co ordinated fashion and an example of extreme chauvinism against women . Daesh continually refer ...boast..of its tactic of " creeping multitudes " coming out of nowhere and overwhelming by sheer numbers. This reeks of all of that.
When it's co ordinated to such a degree among perpetrators from that background you've really got to be asking yourself some questions about who co ordinated it and why . And how so many people with similar intent banded together to do this in so many places. We're literally talking a few thousand of these scumbags acting in concert, and so brazenly . Fearlessly . In my view this could well be useful idiots but idiots with an outlook on life that were easily manipulated to cause mayhem and terror. If someone did co ordinate that they were successful . No doubt about it.
I'd agree , but recruits are one thing, sympathisers another . And when I say sympathisers I dont mean with the outfit as such but an identification with some of the concepts it and other like minded cults espouse, namely that of justified entitlement and self gratification . It's extremely hard to get away from the notion that these assaults were co ordinated and organised . And what I see here is both mass criminality overwhelming a society in a co ordinated fashion and an example of extreme chauvinism against women . Daesh continually refer ...boast..of its tactic of " creeping multitudes " coming out of nowhere and overwhelming by sheer numbers. This reeks of all of that.
When it's co ordinated to such a degree among perpetrators from that background you've really got to be asking yourself some questions about who co ordinated it and why . And how so many people with similar intent banded together to do this in so many places. We're literally talking a few thousand of these scumbags acting in concert, and so brazenly . Fearlessly . In my view this could well be useful idiots but idiots with an outlook on life that were easily manipulated to cause mayhem and terror. If someone did co ordinate that they were successful . No doubt about it.

Perhaps the action is in the reaction.
The likelihood of things going that way does though, depend on whether propaganda operations like the one the far right (and maybe others) are running here succeed in getting the masses to join in the drama they're trying so hard to generate around this.

Are you fucking joking ? Do you think people in Germany give one flying fuck what's written on this forum ? Or anyone for that matter ? The masses read here ? Are pickmans, VP and colely likely to shave their heads and prowl the streets looking for victims because someone on U75 is outraged at what's happened ? Cop on to yourself man .
What's happened doesn't require any propaganda to stir a reaction. It happened. And the attempts to keep it under wraps just put a temporary lid on it like a pressure cooker and made it worse. The left scene and the liberals disgraced themselves by their reaction to it . The cops and the establishment proved themselves unable to provide basic security. People feel under attack because their society HAS actually come under attack and there's absolutely nobody trustworthy to turn to now. Nobody to have faith in. Even if the far right didn't exist in Germany there'd be a violent reaction to this .
There's thankfully no far right in Ireland for example but if that happened here I guarantee you there'd be a massively violent reaction to it . People will react to this regardless. Putting it all down to the far right is a cop out . And blaming anyone here for trying to stir it is absolutely disgraceful .
Or if the cologne mayor and other idiots are seen to fail to deal with the problem.
Dont even have to fail to deal with it just been accused of failing to deal with it:(

They've been seen to fail already . As have the media . They're incapable of offering credible leadership at this point.
what a surprise:
"Two Pakistanis and a Syrian man have been injured in attacks by gangs of people in Cologne, the German city where most of the dozens of assaults on women occurred on New Year's Eve, according to police. Local newspaper Express reported that the attackers were members of hooligan gangs who, via Facebook, arranged to meet in Cologne's business district to start a "manhunt" of foreigners."
Foreigners assaulted in Germany amid tension

Now now...we shouldnt be speculating on the attackers backgrounds . They could be anyone . We should wait and see and not get all fired up . It might just be some poor " lads ", who were bored and frustrated . Or something .

See how cynical and annoying that sounds now .
Are you fucking joking ? Do you think people in Germany give one flying fuck what's written on this forum ? Or anyone for that matter ? The masses read here ? Are pickmans, VP and colely likely to shave their heads and prowl the streets looking for victims because someone on U75 is outraged at what's happened ? Cop on to yourself man .
What's happened doesn't require any propaganda to stir a reaction. It happened. And the attempts to keep it under wraps just put a temporary lid on it like a pressure cooker and made it worse. The left scene and the liberals disgraced themselves by their reaction to it . The cops and the establishment proved themselves unable to provide basic security. People feel under attack because their society HAS actually come under attack and there's absolutely nobody trustworthy to turn to now. Nobody to have faith in. Even if the far right didn't exist in Germany there'd be a violent reaction to this .
There's thankfully no far right in Ireland for example but if that happened here I guarantee you there'd be a massively violent reaction to it . People will react to this regardless. Putting it all down to the far right is a cop out . And blaming anyone here for trying to stir it is absolutely disgraceful .
to be fair i wouldn't need to do much shaving
They might be but it would be wacist and bigoted to claim the attackers were white or had any links to right wing politics without any proof or proof:facepalm:
Are you claiming that the far right are not exploiting this incident?

I don't really think they need to. As Casually Red said if someone suggested that such an incident was going to happen before it did then you'd probably call them racist, I know I would have, I would have said that they were living out a racist fantasy. The events speak for themselves, they don't really need to be capitalised on.
If there is a conspiracy and its aim is to close European borders I don't see why the focus should only be on Daesh. The SAA have leaked multitudes of fighters in recent months, far more than the head choppers. 100,000 soldiers which amount to half the fighting force since the civil war broke out have either switched sides or more likely headed for Turkey and Europe. There is a draft in Assad's Syria among those of fighting age, his army aren't trusted and have to be closely controlled by Special forces and I don't see why this wouldn't extend to using criminal entities in Europe tied to the regime to stir up trouble here.
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