I think young lasses caught up amongst that demographic should be gotten out of their clutches ASAP and not left among them . Women, kids, elderly, families. The rest can fuck right off.
Just reading about that attack on the disco in Bielefeld...fucking hell . Hundreds of the bastards going at it for hours on end . Ripping womens clothes off at the doors, trying to get in among the club goers like demented fucking animals . Holy christ almighty . People are going to get killed over this. How someone hasn't been killed already I don't know . This is way...way...too serious . It's an all out orchestrated attack on people's entire way of life .
The only thing that keeps fuckers like this in their box back in MENA is a strongman . Europe better decide , and quick, what it is they want. Because if they want to fill our cities with these cunts then there'll be strongmen coming to power here as well before its all over. Nothing bloody surer . We won't have both these bastards and liberal free happy clappy, multi culti democracies. not after this and not with these massive influxes . It's a pipe dream . An ideological pipe dream .
Fucking neo liberals and fucking arsehole utopian lefties and their arsehole ideologies . 2 heads of the one shitty coin . Scratching each others backs .