I was too scared to 'like' that post, and also not at all convinced by the second bit of it. But have long been wondering about how come there seem to be such a relatively small percentage of women coming into Europe. All the appeals from Calais for instance have long said they only need men's clothes.
The problem is (obviously) that Trump got here ages ago.
Eg. Here he is, talking a few months ago:
“This could be the great Trojan horse of all time. Because you look at the migration, study it, look at it. Now they’ll start infiltrating with women and children. but you look at that migration—and I’m the first one to bring it up—three weeks ago I’m sitting and I’m saying, ‘isn’t that a shame?’ And then I said to myself, ‘Wow. They’re all men.’ You look at it. There are so few women and there are so few children. And not only are they men, they’re young men. And they’re strong as can be—they’re tough looking cookies. I say, what’s going on here?” etc etc.
I've seen it described as what an invading army would look like if they turned up in civilian clothes and without weapons.