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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

I think it carries a lot of weight, when one puts the time and energy to write a fair number of words. If you are pleased by the idea of writing a one line putdown, I would say you weren't fully developed.
While I'm not prepared to condemn you outright, just have a close look at what you have posted, we can all make,ill considered, badly thought out posts, examine what you have written and if you choose to stand by it, then so be it.
er the red army says hi:(
Poland seems to be going through a rather odd phase of politics at best :eek: right wing lunacy at worst:mad:

Aye, nearly posted similiar, but the circumstances and conditions are really not appropriate.
The aftermath of a vicious 'fight to the death worldwide conflict' and the arrival of thousands of young men who ( and I expect some stick here) would be better employed in defending their homes rather than descending onto a western society ill equipped to cope with their expectations?
By all means feed and house and treat with compassion the children and family's fleeing the Shyte storm in the ME, but the thousands of young fit blokes, no? they should be treated and processed in a much more stringent fashion.
the arrival of thousands of young men who ( and I expect some stick here) would be better employed in defending their homes
Quite. It may be an unpopular opinion but it makes sense to me to give sanctuary to the women and children and to train and properly equip the men of fighting age into an anti-Assad, anti-daesh insurgency force and help them to liberate their homelands. Like the Free French forces in WWII.
The cops are saying the federal police who usually deal with this heavier shit were all in Bavaria directing refugee access to the border . They simply weren't there to call on .
Didn't seem to hinder them today in locking down the city and deploying water cannons. 9th Jan must be a traditionally slow day for refugees at Bavarian boarder crossings.
...or their statement is complete bollocks
Quite. It may be an unpopular opinion but it makes sense to me to give sanctuary to the women and children and to train and properly equip the men of fighting age into an anti-Assad, anti-daesh insurgency force and help them to liberate their homelands. Like the Free French forces in WWII.

I'll not be at all surprised if quite a few of these already had been trained as an anti Assad force during the years when this bullshit was perceived western wisdom . which led to a lot of this shit in the first place . Your starting to sound a lot like Hilary Benn no harm to you .
Didn't seem to hinder them today in locking down the city and deploying water cannons. 9th Jan must be a traditionally slow day for refugees at Bavarian boarder crossings.
...or their statement is complete bollocks

This most likely would have been on the mayors orders. The mayor who says let them all in , it's impermissible to say the attackers were migrants and issues codes of conduct for women . It was a protest against her as well . And in her own inimitable fashion yet another epic face palmesque balls up .
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Aye, nearly posted similiar, but the circumstances and conditions are really not appropriate.
The aftermath of a vicious 'fight to the death worldwide conflict' and the arrival of thousands of young men who ( and I expect some stick here) would be better employed in defending their homes rather than descending onto a western society ill equipped to cope with their expectations?
By all means feed and house and treat with compassion the children and family's fleeing the Shyte storm in the ME, but the thousands of young fit blokes, no? they should be treated and processed in a much more stringent fashion.

Unless they were fighting for one insurgent group of moderate head choppers or another the Tunisians and Moroccans aren't fleeing a war to begin with . And once people are in turkey they aren't in a war zone any more . It's purely economic after that for the vast majority .
Didn't seem to hinder them today in locking down the city and deploying water cannons. 9th Jan must be a traditionally slow day for refugees at Bavarian boarder crossings.
...or their statement is complete bollocks

Or they diverted the officers necessary to control the border because the politicians saw pegida as a bigger threat , and left the border even more insecure. And just let everyone in .
Unless they were fighting for one insurgent group of moderate head choppers or another the Tunisians and Moroccans aren't fleeing a war to begin with . And once people are in turkey they aren't in a war zone any more . It's purely economic after that for the vast majority .

Not getting into that, families with children need help and protection, process them quickly and with compassion,end of.
Any 'unaccompanied young blokes or any males of military age' ( Ok, any young lasses included) should be dealt with in a much more selective approach.
Not getting into that, families with children need help and protection, process them quickly and with compassion,end of.
Any 'unaccompanied young blokes or any males of military age' ( Ok, any young lasses included) should be dealt with in a much more selective approach.

I think young lasses caught up amongst that demographic should be gotten out of their clutches ASAP and not left among them . Women, kids, elderly, families. The rest can fuck right off.

Just reading about that attack on the disco in Bielefeld...fucking hell . Hundreds of the bastards going at it for hours on end . Ripping womens clothes off at the doors, trying to get in among the club goers like demented fucking animals . Holy christ almighty . People are going to get killed over this. How someone hasn't been killed already I don't know . This is way...way...too serious . It's an all out orchestrated attack on people's entire way of life .

The only thing that keeps fuckers like this in their box back in MENA is a strongman . Europe better decide , and quick, what it is they want. Because if they want to fill our cities with these cunts then there'll be strongmen coming to power here as well before its all over. Nothing bloody surer . We won't have both these bastards and liberal free happy clappy, multi culti democracies. not after this and not with these massive influxes . It's a pipe dream . An ideological pipe dream .

Fucking neo liberals and fucking arsehole utopian lefties and their arsehole ideologies . 2 heads of the one shitty coin . Scratching each others backs .
I think young lasses caught up amongst that demographic should be gotten out of their clutches ASAP and not left among them . Women, kids, elderly, families. The rest can fuck right off.

Just reading about that attack on the disco in Bielefeld...fucking hell . Hundreds of the bastards going at it for hours on end . Ripping womens clothes off at the doors, trying to get in among the club goers like demented fucking animals . Holy christ almighty . People are going to get killed over this. How someone hasn't been killed already I don't know . This is way...way...too serious . It's an all out orchestrated attack on people's entire way of life .

The only thing that keeps fuckers like this in their box back in MENA is a strongman . Europe better decide , and quick, what it is they want. Because if they want to fill our cities with these cunts then there'll be strongmen coming to power here as well before its all over. Nothing bloody surer . We won't have both these bastards and liberal free happy clappy, multi culti democracies. not after this and not with these massive influxes . It's a pipe dream . An ideological pipe dream .

Fucking neo liberals and fucking arsehole utopian lefties and their arsehole ideologies . 2 heads of the one shitty coin . Scratching each others backs .

The one thing I have always appreciated about you, despite nearly always disagreeing with you,is your simplistic honesty, your often bullheaded, bigoted and downright appreciation of the more. sorryTBC real,life intrudes:)
The one thing I have always appreciated about you, despite nearly always disagreeing with you,is your simplistic honesty, your often bullheaded, bigoted and downright appreciation of the more. sorryTBC real,life intrudes:)

I object to the term bigoted but thanks for all the rest .
I think young lasses caught up amongst that demographic should be gotten out of their clutches ASAP and not left among them . Women, kids, elderly, families. The rest can fuck right off.

Just reading about that attack on the disco in Bielefeld...fucking hell . Hundreds of the bastards going at it for hours on end . Ripping womens clothes off at the doors, trying to get in among the club goers like demented fucking animals . Holy christ almighty . People are going to get killed over this. How someone hasn't been killed already I don't know . This is way...way...too serious . It's an all out orchestrated attack on people's entire way of life .

The only thing that keeps fuckers like this in their box back in MENA is a strongman . Europe better decide , and quick, what it is they want. Because if they want to fill our cities with these cunts then there'll be strongmen coming to power here as well before its all over. Nothing bloody surer . We won't have both these bastards and liberal free happy clappy, multi culti democracies. not after this and not with these massive influxes . It's a pipe dream . An ideological pipe dream .

Fucking neo liberals and fucking arsehole utopian lefties and their arsehole ideologies . 2 heads of the one shitty coin . Scratching each others backs .

Simplistic, racist drivel.
Didn't seem to hinder them today in locking down the city and deploying water cannons. 9th Jan must be a traditionally slow day for refugees at Bavarian boarder crossings.
...or their statement is complete bollocks

Number of reports I've seen claim the cologne police requested more cops beforehand for NYE and were turned down by the interior ministry .

I'm just after looking at that bloody mayors press conference again . Christ almighty the woman seems absolutely oblivious to what happened in the city she's supposed to be in charge of. " arms length" ...ffs." Stay in groups " ..." don't party with someone you don't know very well " . She has no fucking idea what actually happened, both in cologne and right across Germany . Definite victim blaming . She's in la la land . And in charge .

If she had an ounce of decency shed resign . Obviously a brass neck on her .
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Simplistic, racist drivel.

Maybe you should say the word "racist " a bit louder . Try block capitals or something . Maybe add a few more " a's " for added emphasis .


And while you're at it try coming up with even an attempt at a solution to this crisis...because crisis it is.

Oh I see. That was your solution , to insult people and call them racist for talking about mass immigration with anything less than wholehearted enthusiasm . The solution that's worked so well up to this point .
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er the red army says hi:(
Poland seems to be going through a rather odd phase of politics at best :eek: right wing lunacy at worst:mad:

And now , without a shadow of doubt, we are in a situation were the right wing lunatics can point at the liberals , and with a great deal of justification , call their policies lunacy, their own sane , and a hell of a lot of people will now agree with them . It's a disaster . Total vindication for them . This phase is going to last for a very long time. And the left seem to be doing their best to help that happen . Poland, Slovakia etc ..they're totally vindicated in their stance at this point . And Le Pen ...Jesus
And right now the likes of merkel and cos political futures pretty much depend on gangs of rapists and molesters leaving women alone...for a bit at least . If these gangs can't exercise some self control for the next few weeks they're done for. Doubt the media or cops will cover up for them in future . Too much public anger .
Maybe you should say the word "racist " a bit louder . Try block capitals or something . Maybe add a few more " a's " for added emphasis .

No, because, unlike you I see no need to indulge in histrionics.

Your line about all Arabs being "fuckers" who need to be shat in by tyrants, says so much more about you than those you clain to critique

The only thing that keeps fuckers like this in their box back in MENA is a strongman

No, because, unlike you I see no need to indulge in histrionics.

Your line about all Arabs being "fuckers" who need to be shat in by tyrants, says so much more about you than those you clain to critique

The only thing that keeps fuckers like this in their box back in MENA is a strongman

You disingenuous little shite .Fuck off with that nonsense .

Plainly this is your solution .
Their was a very depressing cynical view of afghanistan "take all the women and young boys out of the country and leave the men to wipe themselves out":mad::(.
treating women worse than livestock and young boys as sex toys is not something they got from the west.:eek:
Their was a very depressing cynical view of afghanistan "take all the women and young boys out of the country and leave the men to wipe themselves out":mad::(.
treating women worse than livestock and young boys as sex toys is not something they got from the west.:eek:

There was a documentary recently about the same things you mention being very common in Pakistan.
Quite. It may be an unpopular opinion but it makes sense to me to give sanctuary to the women and children and to train and properly equip the men of fighting age into an anti-Assad, anti-daesh insurgency force and help them to liberate their homelands. Like the Free French forces in WWII.
that would end well
There was a documentary recently about the same things you mention being very common in Pakistan.
depressing isn't it people can be really shit towards one another and cultural and tradition can hide all sorts of horror:(.
loads of young men from a radically different culture with no jobs no money and little chance of getting either brought up with a shit attitude to women without supervision and bad things happen.
While I'm not prepared to condemn you outright, just have a close look at what you have posted, we can all make,ill considered, badly thought out posts, examine what you have written and if you choose to stand by it, then so be it.
I appreciate that. It's not my intention to cause anyone annoyance by what I write. The only thing I know for certain is how I feel about things. That is why I'm always writing about how I feel because no one can argue with that. I write in order to move forward my thinking and am influenced by other people's opinions here.
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I appreciate that. It's not my intention to cause anyone annoyance by what I write. The only thing I know for certain is how I feel about things. That is why I'm always writing about how I feel because no one can argue with that. I write in order to move forward my thinking and am influenced by other people's opinions here.
i see you got rid of that bit about how you believe yourself to be at the peak of your intellectual abilities.
Quite. It may be an unpopular opinion but it makes sense to me to give sanctuary to the women and children and to train and properly equip the men of fighting age into an anti-Assad, anti-daesh insurgency force and help them to liberate their homelands. Like the Free French forces in WWII.

I was too scared to 'like' that post, and also not at all convinced by the second bit of it. But have long been wondering about how come there seem to be such a relatively small percentage of women coming into Europe. All the appeals from Calais for instance have long said they only need men's clothes.

The problem is (obviously) that Trump got here ages ago.
Eg. Here he is, talking a few months ago:
“This could be the great Trojan horse of all time. Because you look at the migration, study it, look at it. Now they’ll start infiltrating with women and children. but you look at that migration—and I’m the first one to bring it up—three weeks ago I’m sitting and I’m saying, ‘isn’t that a shame?’ And then I said to myself, ‘Wow. They’re all men.’ You look at it. There are so few women and there are so few children. And not only are they men, they’re young men. And they’re strong as can be—they’re tough looking cookies. I say, what’s going on here?” etc etc.
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