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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

Here is what you said in post 1063:

I read this as saying her protest will encourage more attacks on women.

You tell me. Bunch of bastards who think white western women who are all sluts . They hear there's a naked woman parading around outside the cathedral they just molested and raped all those women outside...and inside... during their recent party. You tell me how they're likely to react to that .

Are they taken aback by a profound statement of defiant femininity, and pause for some reflection, or do they head down there to their usual hunting ground in the hope of seeing some bare ass and maybe copping a feel ?

After all she's not paying much heed to the mayors code of conduct.

I'm not condemning her, I just think its a stupid idea that does nobody any good . None . Except any passing male who likes looking at bare female ass .
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Fantastic. So the police won't do anything about a rape mob but you get the water cannon for protesting about a rape mob? You couldn't fucking make this shit up.

Jesus. Why not give them the keys to the fucking city and have done with it. They might as well have paid the cops for that massive boost .
Not turning it into a failed state in the first place might been a more sensible option. But then again we are on the side of the angels and have an inherent duty to save the world . And can do no wrong in the crusade for goodness .

"We"? Speak for yourself. I'm not on any state's side.
They were face to face with the fuckers shielding them. Missing them was highly unlikely .

How much experience of using handguns do you have?
How much of any such experience was/is with regard to handgun use in busy/crowded areas?

If you have any experience at all, you'll be aware that missing isn't "highly unlikely", even for a firearms specialist in such situations, let alone a riot cop.
Tbh I've been considering writing a longer post on this and whatever I say is just going to come out sounding all wrong tbh.

I am very very worried as to how it's all going to play out. It seems that there is a large proportion of men with attitudes to women that are, quite frankly, pathological. You get this in any society but there is a far higher visibility of women in the public sphere in European countries due to the fact that they have been able to struggle successfully for their rights for hundreds of years. The type of mainstream sexism you get in UK society in general includes the idea that women are not able to do certain jobs. It's the idea that women shouldn't be hired in case they get pregnant or that women should look a certain way. It doesn't generally include the idea that women should not go outside or work at all. That stuff happens but it's not a social norm. If a white British guy didn't let his wife work or drive a car then it probably wouldn't be long before someone called the police.If you had say a pair of white English guys who had a pact where one of the guys never let his daughter out of the house or go to school, and she was going to marry the other guys son at age 16, it would be front page news for fucking weeks. People would be wondering how that could happen in a quiet street and how he seemed such a nice guy blah blah blah.

And when you get countries where these attitudes are prevalent to a far more extreme extent than the UK or Germany, where they have been normalised actually, and where there is such a high degree of violence, partly to do with the disruption that's caused by Western imperialism / war / etc, and where it's quite likely that before leaving they will have seen people get their heads chopped off/blown to bits on a regular basis, and where they have had little chance of anything approaching a normal life, and where there this pathological attitude to women is something that few people are actually willing to challenge, it's kind of not really a surprise. Then there's the fact that a lot of these people are probably ex soldiers or fighters of some sort, many of whom have probably raped women as part of war(I don't just mean Assad/ISIS) and the society they have come from has completely lost the ability to punish criminals, or the criminals are the ones doing the punishing.

There's also the effect that this is going to have on German men in German society especially in a contest of an already existing attack on women's rights and attitudes to women which has been taking place especially in the last ten years. That arms length advice was stupid but how long until it becomes a norm and women who don't listen to it are deemed at fault? Women are going to be a bit more scared to go out now, aren't they? How long before this is used, by the right and others, in yet another reason to police women's behaviour and things they can do?

Scary as fuck

I'm very worried as to how it is is going to play out. We are going backwards at a very alarming rate and nobody seems to know what to do
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"We"? Speak for yourself. I'm not on any state's side.

When I say we I mean western industrialised or post industrial Europe in general . from Brussels to Bono. You may have noticed from the odd comment or 2 I'm not all that fussed on these states either. Maybe I haven't been forthright enough on that angle.
How much experience of using handguns do you have?
How much of any such experience was/is with regard to handgun use in busy/crowded areas?

If you have any experience at all, you'll be aware that missing isn't "highly unlikely", even for a firearms specialist in such situations, let alone a riot cop.

It's an area crowded with rapists and rape accomplices. Fish in a fucking barrel.
Well if you choose to include watching gang rapes and sexual assaults as part of your nights partying then that's the risk you run. If you choose to remain partying in a crowd that's raping and assaulting women left right and centre and preventing attempts to rescue them then hardcore is probably your bag .

I can only assume then you'd also regard it as highly irresponsible for a woman who was armed to use a weapon to defend herself in that situation . Because there's no essential difference .

You can't seriously be suggesting that would be an overreaction ?

Taking that line, what about the women that were being sexually assaulted?
Well, if they like hanging out in crowds of men that sexually assault women then it's probably their bag?

You can't seem to see understand that there were obviously completely innocent women and MEN all together in the same vicinity as the attackers.
And when you get countries where these attitudes are prevalent to a far more extreme extent than the UK or Germany, where they have been normalised actually, and where there is such a high degree of violence, partly to do with the disruption that's caused by Western imperialism / war / etc, and where it's quite likely that before leaving they will have seen people get their heads chopped off/blown to bits on a regular basis, and where they have had little chance of anything approaching a normal life, and where there this pathological attitude to women is something that few people are actually willing to challenge, it's kind of not really a surprise. Then there's the fact that a lot of these people are probably ex soldiers or fighters of some sort, many of whom have probably raped women as part of war(I don't just mean Assad/ISIS) and the society they have come from has completely lost the ability to punish criminals, and it's not a surprise that this is happening at all.

So how wise do you think it is to allow a virtually unlimited influx of migrants from these countries? Maybe not such a good idea after all?
So how wise do you think it is to allow a virtually unlimited influx of migrants from these countries? Maybe not such a good idea after all?

I don't know the answer to that. It seems to me that whatever we do we are fucked. We can't let millions of people drown in the sea and what's happening in regards to women is quite obviously not just a result of the refugee crisis but a result of the insecurity caused by capitalism and the fact that unemployment and worsening conditions are disproportionately affecting women and working class men. I really don't know.
I honestly don't understand why you think it's harmful, or immoral, to pursue the maximum amount of knowledge in order to achieve the fullest possible understanding of events. Why do you insist that we limit our response to denunciations of the criminals' evil personalities? What's your problem with history?

I honestly don't understand why it's so important. You talk more shite with each post. The fact not all the attackers are refugees seems to have escaped you. Gangs of brown people molesting women is blowback from western policy, gangs of white people doing the same thing is what exactly? The fact western foreign policy has ballsed up the middle east does not help further my understanding in any way shape or form why some fuckhead decides to go on a rape spree.
'allow' means recognize officially, grant some form of assistance. Not just going 'hey border guards, you just take a day off lads'

Its a recognition of a population movement thats happening regardless. 'our borders are closed to refugees' would never mean they aren't coming anyway. Not like the gangs give a shit wether the border of a state is open to refugees or not.
So how wise do you think it is to allow a virtually unlimited influx of migrants from these countries? Maybe not such a good idea after all?

The best thing would probably have been not to bomb the hell out of their native countries, so that they stood half a chance of a decent life if they stayed there. But it's a bit late for that.
pCr pistols are a bit shit vs a mob
The best thing would probably have been not to bomb the hell out of their native countries, so that they stood half a chance of a decent life if they stayed there. But it's a bit late for that.

syria wasnt the wests fault
The best thing would probably have been not to bomb the hell out of their native countries, so that they stood half a chance of a decent life if they stayed there. But it's a bit late for that.
your native country hasn't had the hell bombed out of it, so you stood half a chance of a decent life there. so why did you flee to the great satan, the far enemy if you will?
And when you get countries where these attitudes are prevalent to a far more extreme extent than the UK or Germany, where they have been normalised actually, and where there is such a high degree of violence, partly to do with the disruption that's caused by Western imperialism / war / etc, and where it's quite likely that before leaving they will have seen people get their heads chopped off/blown to bits on a regular basis, and where they have had little chance of anything approaching a normal life, and where there this pathological attitude to women is something that few people are actually willing to challenge, it's kind of not really a surprise. Then there's the fact that a lot of these people are probably ex soldiers or fighters of some sort, many of whom have probably raped women as part of war(I don't just mean Assad/ISIS) and the society they have come from has completely lost the ability to punish criminals, or the criminals are the ones doing the punishing.

There's also the effect that this is going to have on German men in German society especially in a contest of an already existing attack on women's rights and attitudes to women which has been taking place especially in the last ten years. That arms length advice was stupid but how long until it becomes a norm and women who don't listen to it are deemed at fault? Women are going to be a bit more scared to go out now, aren't they? How long before this is used, by the right and others, in yet another reason to police women's behaviour and things they can do?

Scary as fuck

I'm very worried as to how it is is going to play out. We are going backwards at a very alarming rate and nobody seems to know what to do
I'm not an expert but it seems to be the even at its best the whole Arab world is a very extreme and some might say unpleasant place. Tribal war, religious war, corruption, cruelty and fanaticism. In my opinion men take the rights from women when they can. If they can get away with controlling women they will. Just look at the fight women had to get the vote in this country. The whole situation is deeply unsettling and I'm not too keen on this white man's burden approach of it being our duty to taking dangerous and damaged people.

It's a good and wonderful thing to help others but it must be done in a way which doesn't cause innocent women to be harmed. But I find it very difficult to know what to do. And the scary awful part is, all this is 1,000,000 miles away from the kindness and good will that is needed between different cultures. Take the Polish Romanian migrants to the UK, on the whole they are so charming and winning it's hard not to be very fond of them. One can only hope that things work out somehow with the situation in Germany.
I'm not an expert but it seems to be the even at its best the whole Arab world is a very extreme and some might say unpleasant place. Tribal war, religious war, corruption, cruelty and fanaticism. In my opinion men take the rights from women when they can. If they can get away with controlling women they will. Just look at the fight women had to get the vote in this country. The whole situation is deeply unsettling and I'm not too keen on this white man's burden approach of it being our duty to taking dangerous and damaged people.

It's a good and wonderful thing to help others but it must be done in a way which doesn't cause innocent women to be harmed. But I find it very difficult to know what to do. And the scary awful part is, all this is 1,000,000 miles away from the kindness and good will that is needed between different cultures. Take the Polish Romanian migrants to the UK, on the whole they are so charming and winning it's hard not to love them. One can only hope that things work out somehow the situation in Germany.
nice europeans v nasty arabs, what a sad sack you turn put to be
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