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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

An interview here with Lara Logan , the US journalist who was attacked and horrifically assaulted by a pack of degenerate animals in Cairo while covering the protests there . Using tactics extremely similar to those employed by the mobs of migrants in Cologne . All distressingly familiar in many ways .

It's very hard to listen to but i think its necessary because this cultural / sub cultural phenomenon appears to be a fact of german life now due to the widespread and co ordinated nature of these attacks . That awful criminal culture logan was a victim of is what Merkel , that idiotic mayor and a host of other crusading, sound bite grabbing poser politicians have now imported into Germany en masse with their idiotic policies . And what's more frightening is its absolutely apparent they have absolutely no clue as to how to deal with it. In fact in the mayors case she's insisting it shouldn't be discussed, while simultaneously engaging in a form of victim blaming . Same goes for the idiot left . Absolutely no idea about what to do when the whole thing goes tits up and their happy clappy bullshit is seen for what it really is. People are well and truly on their own here, with absolutely nobody reliable to turn to . In some ways similar to the awful situation Logan found herself in, having trusted the wrong people .

This time next year the problem will have gotten even worse, with twice as many unvetted male migrants as this year, hundreds of thousands more . Christ knows what we'll be recoiling in horror from next .


It's pretty distressing to watch so please anyone who's likely to be badly affected by listening to it for whatever reason please don't. Just give it a miss .
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An interview here with Lara Logan , the US journalist who was attacked and horrifically assaulted by a pack of degenerate animals in Cairo while covering the protests there . Using tactics extremely similar to those employed by the mobs of migrants in Cologne . All distressingly familiar in many ways .

It's very hard to listen to but i think its necessary because this cultural / sub cultural phenomenon appears to be a fact of german life now due to the widespread and co ordinated nature of these attacks . That awful criminal culture logan was a victim of is what Merkel , that idiotic mayor and a host of other crusading, sound bite grabbing poser politicians have now imported into Germany en masse with their idiotic policies . And what's more frightening is its absolutely apparent they have absolutely no clue as to how to deal with it. In fact in the mayors case she's insisting it shouldn't be discussed, while simultaneously engaging in a form of victim blaming . Same goes for the idiot left . Absolutely no idea about what to do when the whole thing goes tits up and their happy clappy bullshit is seen for what it really is. People are well and truly on their own here, with absolutely nobody reliable to turn to . In some ways similar to the awful situation Logan found herself in, having trusted the wrong people .

This time next year the problem will have gotten even worse, with twice as many unvetted male migrants as this year, hundreds of thousands more . Christ knows what we'll be recoiling in horror from next .


It's pretty distressing to watch so please anyone who's likely to be badly affected by listening to it for whatever reason please don't. Just give it a miss .

Is it really just the "idiot left"?
Does anyone really, honestly, sensibly know what to do about it.
Are they just allowed to walk away? CR, anyone? Can't really get my head around this.

In the days prior to his sacking the cologne police chief was openly saying they'd gotten away with it pretty much. That it was highly unlikely a single perpetrator would ever face prosecution . So it looks that way from what I can see. Unless someone has any info to the contrary .
Are they just allowed to walk away? CR, anyone? Can't really get my head around this.

If you mean the perpetrators then no, if they are found, and I mean really found, not just swarthy looking people picked up, they will not be allowed to just walk away.

But some people keep banging on about "open borders" and "the perpetrators must be deported! End of!" and that is actually what is the case (as far as can be implemented) already.
Is it really just the "idiot left"?
Does anyone really, honestly, sensibly know what to do about it.

Reverse the immigration policy that's fuelling this influx of an imported mass rape subculture . Just let in in women, kids and the elderly . Single men go to the very back of the queue . Go hammer and tongs after these gangs that are making public spaces unsafe with their seeming impunity .make those spaces safe again . The left can help there by engaging in safety patrols, physical confrontation with any of these bastards found to be harassing women In railway stations rather than yet another useless anti pegida demo . Occupy the void the right want to exploit. . Make these spaces unsafe for the rapists, molesters and their anto social criminal accomplices , not for us as they currently are . Go zero tolerance on the fuckers. Even if it's for littering . And don't pay the slightet bit of heed to any cries about harassment and racism because these bastards are well versed in that game .

Deport any of them found to be even in a criminal gang , even if it's for a minor pickpocketing offence, treat it as organised crime . Dismantle the western liberal culture of silence that saw this entire thing covered up for days for reasons of both political correctness and personal political reputations .

And get rid of that fucking mayor, she's clearly unfit for office


Have the police make clear that if they've reason to suspect a woman s being raped behind a shield of accomplices blocking the police path they'll use lethal force to prevent that rape occurring . Put an end to that gang tactic by making it seriously hazardous for their health . And deport anyone found engaging in it .

And have officialdom stop issuing codes of conduct to the potential victims of rape but to potential rapists in the asylum centres . Fuck it if it offends anyone, this is much too serious . It's their way of life that needs to be challenged and changed, not their hosts .
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If you mean the perpetrators then no, if they are found, and I mean really found, not just swarthy looking people picked up, they will not be allowed to just walk away.

But some people keep banging on about "open borders" and "the perpetrators must be deported! End of!" and that is actually what is the case (as far as can be implemented) already.

The mayor of cologne says its absolutely impermissible to assume the perpetrators were migrants. So presumably the police shouldn't be looking in that direction if theyve been taking their cue from her . Or merely been pressured .Theyve gotten clean away with it . Thanks to the cover up they had almost a week to cover their tracks and construct alibis.
Reverse the immigration policy that's fuelling this influx of an imported mass rape subculture . Just let in in women, kids and the elderly . Single men go to the very back of the queue . Go hammer and tongs after these gangs that are making public spaces unsafe with their seeming impunity .make those spaces safe again . The left can help there by engaging in safety patrols, physical confrontation with any of these bastards found to be harassing women rather than yet another useless anti pegida demo . Occupy the void the right want to exploit. . Make these spaces unsafe for the rapists, molesters and their anto social criminal accomplices , not for us as they currently are . Go zero tolerance on the fuckers. Even if it's for littering . And don't pay the slightet bit of heed to any cries about harassment and racism because these bastards are well versed in that game .

Deport any of them found to be even in a criminal gang , even if it's for a minor pickpocketing offence, treat it as organised crime . Dismantle the western liberal culture of silence that saw this entire thing covered up for days for reasons of both political correctness and personal political reputations .

And get rid of that fucking mayor, she's clearly unfit for office

shit post
Reverse the immigration policy that's fuelling this influx of an imported mass rape subculture . Just let in in women, kids and the elderly . Single men go to the very back of the queue . Go hammer and tongs after these gangs that are making public spaces unsafe with their seeming impunity .make those spaces safe again . The left can help there by engaging in safety patrols, physical confrontation with any of these bastards found to be harassing women In railway stations rather than yet another useless anti pegida demo . Occupy the void the right want to exploit. . Make these spaces unsafe for the rapists, molesters and their anto social criminal accomplices , not for us as they currently are . Go zero tolerance on the fuckers. Even if it's for littering . And don't pay the slightet bit of heed to any cries about harassment and racism because these bastards are well versed in that game .

Deport any of them found to be even in a criminal gang , even if it's for a minor pickpocketing offence, treat it as organised crime . Dismantle the western liberal culture of silence that saw this entire thing covered up for days for reasons of both political correctness and personal political reputations .

And get rid of that fucking mayor, she's clearly unfit for office


Have the police make clear that if they've reason to suspect a woman s being raped behind a shield of accomplices blocking the police path they'll use lethal force to prevent that rape occurring . Put an end to that gang tactic by making it seriously hazardous for their health . And deport anyone found engaging in it .

And have officialdom stop issuing codes of conduct to the potential victims of rape but to potential rapists in the asylum centres . Fuck it if it offends anyone, this is much too serious . It's their way of life that needs to be challenged and changed, not their hosts .

OK, first and foremost I very much agree that anyone guilty of being part of this or similar crimes is a cunt, should be punished and offered no part in this society.
But it is already the case that any person already having or seeking visas etc that gets in trouble with the law seriously faces deportation don't they?

But to address the rest, I think the police will be going hammer and tongs to try and make sure this stuff doesn't happen again in terms of the people that are already in Germany/here/the west.

You say "reverse the immigration policy". How do you suggest that happens?
I think that firstly the current system is already far more strict than you seem to believe but also, reversing policies, mass deportations, etc etc, what do you think is going to happen to all the people? Are they just going to *poof* disappear with a click of the fingers?
There have been millions fleeing Syria. Most of them absorbed by the countries closest to them but still there people that are already in or trying to enter Germany/France/UK/etc are real live human beings that exist in a physical space as well as political and emotional.
You can't just say "well I don't like what they bring, the potential for cultural clashes, their attitudes towards women etc" and expect that to be the end of it can you?
They don't just automatically end up back where they started just because some seriously bad shit has happened do they?

So, what do you suggest that we actually do about this?
Again: Do you partly blame western powers fot the sexual attacks. Yes or no?
What I think he is trying to say, and I think he is right. Is that men do not decide to become rapists in a vacuum their attitudes are shaped by the society they grow up in. Although of course everyone is unique and responds differently to the same experiences. In the case of the Middle East the societies these men have grown up in and their current situation has been massively shapped by Western foreign policy. None of this helps deal with the current situation however.
Chickens in 'Coming Home To Roost' Shocker.
Also this is disgusting.
Has anyone called this a terrorist attack ?
It seemed so well co-ordinated, with a kind of
'we will take your women and there's nothing you can do about it' attitude.
It seems like a new type of terrorism. Which if the case is truly chilling :(
Just to be clear: it's not an excuse, it's an explanation. Western foreign policy explains the presence of disaffected Middle Easterners in Europe.

But it doesn't explain the presence of large groups of gang rapists, Phil.

Really? Last I read, a majority of those arrested were refugees from the wars of Western imperialism. So in a literal, physical sense their presence in the West is the product of Western imperialism.
Perhaps their presence but not their subsequent actions.

If you made me bankrupt and deprived me of everything I owned, it might explain why I'd want to smack you in the mouth or even kill you. Also my need to live in your house or a shack on your street.

It would not explain my raping your wife or daughter.
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Deport any of them found to be even in a criminal gang ...
Where to? In many cases it's not certain where they're from and deportation is a legal process in which a country accepts back the deportees. Unless you're suggesting we just stick them on a boat and drop them off on a beach somewhere by moonlight?

I'm all for deporting dangerous foreign criminals, but not to certain death and not for pickpocketing or gang membership.
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Really? Last I read, a majority of those arrested were refugees from the wars of Western imperialism. So in a literal, physical sense their presence in the West is the product of Western imperialism.

Not to mention their likely psychological condition.
what are we to blame for your likely psychological condition?
There's some pretty odd posts being made here. From what I remember the people arrested so far are German, Morrocan, American, Algerian and Syrian so a whole host of backgrounds, some are refugees some aren't.

But let's say for arguments sake that all thousand or so of these abusers are from that influx of refugees, a million or so people, it's not exactly surprising a percentage of them are gonna be rapists, sexual abusers, murderers, thieves, paedos etc. Take a random sample of a million white British people and there will probably be the same sort of scum floating amongst it. What's so grim about this is the nature of how it was carried out, what adds to the shit storm is how the authorities utterly failed to deal with it because they're still woefully inept at preventing sexual assault, supporting the victims, prosecuting perps and so on. Also, because of the background of the perps in this case it's been hushed up to save face, save face ffs and in order to not be seen as racist which really boils my piss. Regardless of the perps background, yet again women have been sexually assaulted and yet again they've been failed by the authorities only this time there's a new dimension to that failure for reasons of political correctness and political face saving. What a complete and utter mess.
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