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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

I am just thinking out loud a bit here but In some respects I am more appalled by fact that oppression of women is still carrying on in the way it is in societies that have become more secular in modern times.
One would have thought/hoped that as religion moved out a bit this shit would have stopped or become far less common that it actually still is.

It is less common I think although I have no evidence and don't mind being proved wrong. However you cannot compare "secular" societies with the barbaric treatment still being meted out to both women and men in the Middle East and Africa, Far East etc.
Have societies become more secular though, Kitty? The US has been dissolving into a bizarre theocracy of insane fundamentalist Christian identities, (with many regressive attitudes towards women) not entirely unconnected with political manipulation and a very divisive economy - huge inequality, great insecurity, exploited by rapacious churches. Abortion and to a lesser extent homophobia are often higher on the agenda than economic woes. A worrying descent into a comforting simplicity...or a malicious and conscious propaganda drive.
Apols for going far OT.
I think European societies have, yes. Very definitely. Laws are not justified in religious terms. Religious grasp on education has been severely weakened. For most Europeans, even those who are a bit religious, religion doesn't play a central role in everyday life, and religious sensibilities mostly don't hold sway in dictating things such as acceptable taste or 'decency'. Fully secularised? No. But mostly secularised? Yes, I would say so. As an atheist, I feel I can live here without religion impinging on my life at all for the most part - we're not all the way there yet, but we're a lot farther down the road.

Take gay sex and gay marriage. Officially not endorsed by the 'official' religion of this country, but it's happened anyway.
Just to be clear: it's not an excuse, it's an explanation. Western foreign policy explains the presence of disaffected Middle Easterners in Europe.
...so you conclude that western powers are partly at fault for the rapes? Yes or no?
Have societies become more secular though, Kitty? The US has been dissolving into a bizarre theocracy of insane fundamentalist Christian identities, (with many regressive attitudes towards women) not entirely unconnected with political manipulation and a very divisive economy - huge inequality, great insecurity, exploited by rapacious churches. Abortion and to a lesser extent homophobia are often higher on the agenda than economic woes. A worrying descent into a comforting simplicity...or a malicious and conscious propaganda drive.
Apols for going far OT.

OK, I said "societies" in general to avoid pin pointing particular countries without the understanding or info to really back myself up :D
But would you say that the UK is more secular now that it was even 50 years ago over all?
Cologne’s police chief has been removed from his post amid criticism of his force’s handling of a string of sexual assaults and robberies carried out by groups of men in the German city on New Year’s Eve.

His enforced departure came as a witness to the violence told the Guardian the events appeared to have been coordinated. Lieli Shabani, 35, said she saw three Arabic speaking males who were “clearly giving instructions and directing a lot of the males”.

Cologne police chief fired as witness says NYE violence was coordinated

Describing what she called “coordination tactics” among the men, Shabani said: “I watched for some time as three men who were smartly dressed gave out instructions. One time a group of three or four males would come up to them, be given instructions and sent away into the crowd. Then another group of four or five would come up, and they’d gesticulate in various directions and send them off again.”

The men occasionally paused to take selfies on their mobiles, she said, adding that they wore “sports chic” or “the type of clothing rappers might wear – smart trainers, baseball caps”.

New developments, day before Pegida have their night protest. Witness was an asylum seeker from Iran. If this is correct, they may at least be able to prosecute the ring leaders.
OK, I said "societies" in general to avoid pin pointing particular countries without the understanding or info to really back myself up :D
But would you say that the UK is more secular now that it was even 50 years ago over all?
I would say absolutely yes. More dramatic examples would be places like Ireland or Spain, where the Catholic church has lost most of what was a very firm grip.
New developments, day before Pegida have their night protest. Witness was an asylum seeker from Iran. If this is correct, they may at least be able to prosecute the ring leaders.
Refugee, please. Are we really going to defer to authority on who can be called a refugee?
Mina Ahadi, of the Central Council for ex-Muslims, who lives in Cologne, said she was convinced darker forces were at play than just a group of young men, their inhibitions dissipated by drugs and alcohol, who all happened to have found themselves on the square at the same time.

“I have no evidence, but to me it seems too much of a coincidence that young Muslim men were seen to deliberately fire their rockets in the direction of the cathedral,” she said.

“That and the entire way this appears to have a political element to it, including the humiliation of women and undermining the law – I would not be surprised if it wasn’t coordinated by people who want to destabilise Germany and undermine the refugee policy,” she said in a cafe close to the square.

'I’ve never experienced anything like that': Cologne in deep shock over attacks

Not good, not sure what she is saying..
But it doesn't explain the presence of large groups of gang rapists, Phil.

Really? Last I read, a majority of those arrested were refugees from the wars of Western imperialism. So in a literal, physical sense their presence in the West is the product of Western imperialism.

Not to mention their likely psychological condition.
Many questions unanswered in Cologne harassment case | Germany | DW.COM | 07.01.2016

According to spokesman Kreitz, more than 140 police officers were on duty that night in Cologne. "It was dark, all you see is a mass of heads," Kreitz said, adding that people underestimate the dynamics a situation involving a highly aggressive mob.

This is nonsense, I've seen massive protests at night being disprupted in German cities, dogs, searchlights, etc, they held back for some reason.
Apparently Deutsche Welle (DW) DW.Com(German BBC) Journos tweeted from Cologne on NYE, presumably from the city centre, maybe even the Square, how did they miss what was going on?
Numbers - a disproportionately large number of men, of soldiering age (we know many refugees were avoiding military conscription)...in one concentrated area, drinking, bored, probably resentful and many of them with shitty cultural and religious attitudes towards women, particularly western women...and a police force which was ineffectual, dishonest. Terrifying.
Think it was only bosnia where it was deliberate policy :( rather than an offshoot of war breakdown of law and order and normal behaviour.
Even chencheya where the russians really went full hostel their wasnt a plan to rape anything that moved.

Bangladesh v Pakistan in early seventies saw rape tool in warfare and previously in Diaspora 1948. There's loads of examples during post colonialism and during cold war.

During same period as Bosnian conflict Rwanda Tutsi's raped by Hutu's & probably visa versa. Lords resistance army Uganda were accused of similar tactics.
At 8:57 a.m. on the morning of January 1, the Cologne police department's press department released a statement under the heading: "Festive Atmosphere -- Celebrations Largely Peaceful." But that isn't how Cologne police officer Hermann Wohlfahrt had experienced the previous evening.

Wohlfahrt has been a police officer for almost 20 years and has seen a lot: hooligan battles and melees between neo-Nazis and anarchists, for example. When speaking with SPIEGEL about New Year's Eve, he asked that his real name not be used. Wohlfahrt is a pseudonym.

His street shift began at 10 p.m. and he had been assigned the area around the cathedral and some of the main streets nearby. Some 80 riot police from the 14th Company were on duty that night, which was twice as many as had been patrolling the streets the previous year -- an increase that was largely due to fears of terrorist attacks. The Cologne police station had requested the full complement of 124 riot police, but the state police headquarters denied the request.

In the preparatory meeting at 9 p.m., just prior to his deployment, Wohlfahrt learned that there was an unexpected situation at the main train station. In a statement issued later, the police summarized the situation as: "400 to 500 apparently intoxicated persons engaging in conspicuously aggressive behavior. The majority are male and they are firing off firecrackers and rockets in an uncontrolled manner." In an internal report from Jan. 2, these men were surprisingly quickly, and without any confirmation whatsoever, described as "refugees." Shortly before 11 p.m., the police began speaking of more than 1,000 people, mostly men and mostly of "North African or Arab origin."

At the taxi stand on the square, two young women climbed into Lucia Keller's vehicle and asked her to take them to Breslauer Square, located on the other side of the train station. Keller had been waiting for a fare for an hour and didn't know what was going on in the area, so she asked the two women why they didn't just walk through the train station to the other side. "We don't want to go through there," was the response. They had already seen what was going on inside.

Hermann Wohlfahrt arrived in front of the train station at around 10:50 p.m. His estimate for the number of men in the square in front of the station and on the stairs leading up to the cathedral is between 1,000 and 1,500. He watched as some of them aimed fireworks at others. And he was surprised that the men seemed completely unimpressed by the police presence.

A Policewoman Under Attack

Wohlfahrt doesn't know where the men were from. He recalls that some of them kept shouting the French phrase "Pas de problème!", which means "no problem," and then continued lighting off their fireworks. "We had no effect on the atmosphere whatsoever," Wohlfahrt says. Colleagues of his reported seeing two Moroccans trying to take a mobile phone from an Iranian refugee, but it is impossible to confirm that story. It is neither clear that the attackers were from Morocco nor that their victim was from Iran, much less a refugee from Iran.

Wohlfahrt first heard reports of sexual assaults over his police radio. He also heard that a female colleague had become a victim of violence. She had been together with two other officers dressed in civilian clothes in order to track down pickpockets and petty thieves when she was surrounded and indecently touched while others tried to steal her bag. From a police report, Wohlfahrt later learned that, because of the "complexity of the situation as a whole," the "deployment of uniformed officers" to protect the policewoman "had not been possible."

By a quarter past 11, all officers belonging to the 14th Company had arrived at the main train station and began clearing the square shortly thereafter, with federal police officers blocking the entrances and exits to the main train station. The operation lasted 40 minutes, whereupon parts of the 14th Company were ordered to deploy to other parts of the Cologne city center. Around 40 officers remained behind at the cathedral and they watched as the area once again began to fill with people. The police established two corridors: One on the narrow area between the top of the stairs and the cathedral, and the other at the entrance to the train station. Several people asked police for an escort, including, as the police report makes clear, many who themselves had "immigration backgrounds."

One of them stopped Hermann Wohlfahrt not long after midnight and asked him if such events are typical for New Year's celebrations in Germany.

It took four days before an officer with the federal police force put into writing what, from Wohlfahrt's perspective, really happened that night. The author makes it clear that the escalation that took place prior to the clearing of the square was caused by "persons with migration backgrounds." Later on in the "deployment report," it says that an identification of the perpetrators "was unfortunately not possible."

'Serious Injuries or Even Deaths'

His report reads like the protocol of a massacre. "Upon arrival," it begins, "we were informed of the conditions in and around the station by agitated citizens with crying and shocked children." Many "upset passersby" ran to the arriving police to tell them about fights, thefts and sexual attacks against women.

Regarding the situation on the square in front of the train station: "Women, accompanied or not, had to run a literal 'gauntlet' of heavily intoxicated masses of men of a kind that is impossible to describe." There were fears that "the situation we were confronted with (chaos) could have led to serious injuries or even to deaths."

Chaos and Violence: How New Year's Eve in Cologne Has Changed Germany - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Article in Spiegel Online, seem to give most clarity in an article yet, it has a detailed report from an experienced police officer who was on duty on NYE in Cologne.
Don't understand how this could happen. Just terrible. How unsafe must they feel? Germany has to adjust. They crawled out from under their rock and hopefully will not do so again. They've got to make sure that if they do the cunts won't get away with it.

Don't really understand it. Why would such a large mob organise and attack people? For what end? A thrill?
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