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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

If I had a baseball bat... sorry I know fighting fire with fire is wrong but by Christ try and stop me if I saw that.
If I had a baseball bat... sorry I know fighting fire with fire is wrong but by Christ try and stop me if I saw that.

It is from Tahrir Square in Egypt in 2013. Not that your reaction is wrong, they all deserve worse than death.
That looks truly horrifying, and I can only wish swift justice on those fucking animals

I wonder what its provenance is, is it on other sites, the poster looks like an right wing extremist.

Ed, please just provid a link, if possible, I agree its very distressing.
Please could you expand on this?

I'm not sure how to do that. I meant only what I said: it's worth remembering exactly what has caused the recent influx of refugees from the Middle East into Western Europe, if we seek to attain an intelligent interpretation of events.
How would that help us understand anything about the (reported) mass rape of women in Cologne?
It might possibly be worth remembering exactly why so many migrants are flocking to Europe from the Middle East just at the moment.

That would be because the West, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Israel decided to fuck up Syria for fucked up geopolitical reasons. If this mob had attacked Germany's political leaders with machetes, I would have said it was poetic justice. Unfortunately that never happens and it's always the "plebs" who suffer.
Supporting victims of sexual assault is something Kopetzky Irmgard has been doing for years. Irmgard, who works at a local charity that offers emergency counselling for sexual assault and rape victims, told BuzzFeed News that over the last year, the charity saw no rise in sexual assault or rape cases despite the number of refugees arriving in the country.

“It’s nothing new that women are attacked or molested, or shouted at or groped,” she said. “I spoke to a woman recently who said she was pulled off a train by a man and sexually assaulted, and that 20–30 people sat on the train and watched but didn’t do anything.”

Cologne central station is always a “hot spot” for crime at New Year’s Eve, Irmgard said: “Perhaps police didn’t prepare that night. They look for other things: fights, fist fighting, fireworks. They didn’t look for sexual assault.”

She described the huge number of women who have reported cases of sexual assault as “extraordinary” – not merely for the unprecedented amount of cases made to police, but because most women she works with are too afraid to report a crime and go unreported.

“They feel so supported in the media and on every level, and as a result, they find it easier to talk about,” Armgard said. But she suspects part of that support for victims only exists because of the nationalities of the perpetrators: “That level of support should always be there, but unfortunately it’s not.”

What Really Happened The Night Women Were Sexually Assaulted In Front Of...

More apologism?
Unlike huge swathes of the men, young and old, in this country that meet weekly (at least) at certain events.
Those events having a strong historical link to violent crime.
Becoming life time obsessed to the extent that it controls a lot of their lives.

Yes, I am talking about football.

Yeah - a lot of football supporters like to meetup and then go sexually attack women after a match...beats going for a pint innit :)
Oh for christ fucking sake can't you leave your silly hobby horses out of it. The comments of two non-entities that the hardly anyone has ever heard or some random bod posting a comment on the internet is utter meaningless in the grand scheme of things.

No, because versions of these two have a impact across europe.
No, because versions of these two have a impact across europe.
No they don't, they barely have a impact on their silly cafe let alone across Europe. Do you realise how mad you sound right now?

If you really think that you need to log off the computer and spend some time i the real world rather than regurgitating comments form news sites.
I'm glad it was removed*. I've still not seen a beheading, torture video or a lot of the other horrible stuff out there and have no wish to tbh.

*Provide a link if necessary - but with an apt description so people can decide.
Although in a way maybe we should have to watch these films more often so at least our minds are forced open to issues rather than conveniently forgetting in the way we all do?

Or maybe I'm just chatting shit....
....well I don't know if some sort of Rubicon has been crossed in public attitudes and if so why the tipping point arrived now although the fact it was in Germany implies its some sort of release of pressure occassioned by the country's extraordinary position at the centre of the migrant crisis ( courtesy of Mrs Merkel ) as as opposed to say anxieties over the Parisian terror attacks...

...if we are looking for another shoe to drop then the Swedish authorities should be getting concerned....some of them make Henriette Reker look like Julius Streicher...

...this was the reaction of their "Stop racism ambassador" Elina Gustafsson to what was described as "the grossest rape in Swedish legal history" by Afghans lodged in an asylum accommodation centre in 2011...

Stoppa rasismens ambassadörer - Sydöstran

”Jag är rädd hela tiden”

It's great that people get angry over this type of deed, that people show their sympathy for the woman and her family, and even mark against violence against women. It is good that people take a stand and show their abhorrence of rape, domestic violence and more.

What, however, I can not understand is that the most frequent comment when the news was published were: Send home jerks !. Just as the problem of men who rape women disappear if we deport the men with different backgrounds to another country?

Deporting rape prone men to another country does not mean at all that we do not read about the horrific sexual abuse of girls. It just moves the problem to another location. As soon as a person with non-Swedish background committed a crime in Sweden are suddenly all over the sly racist elite's self-appointed ambassadors active to stop the rape of our Swedish women.
That would be because the West, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Israel decided to fuck up Syria for fucked up geopolitical reasons. If this mob had attacked Germany's political leaders with machetes, I would have said it was poetic justice. Unfortunately that never happens and it's always the "plebs" who suffer.

Exactly. The presence of disaffected Muslim refugees in Western Europe is no accident. It is the direct result of Western foreign policy. Let us remember that throughout this discussion.
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