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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

Some self proclaimed leftists on social media, CIF, etc(6000 comments now) are even questioning whether the descriptions the victims of their attackers have given are correct, how has it come to this?

Happy clappy world meets real world . And rather than admit happy clappy world is a figment of their imagination they behave like a demented gambler and double down . Again and again .

Actually it's reminiscent of hitler in the bunker in his final days and his inability to comprehend the reality of what was actually happening around him . These fuckos have long purged their social and political circles of anyone who'd disagree with them, and just like Hitler there's nobody left to say no to them and point out what's actually going on. They are quite removed from reality , and it's unpleasant to watch under the very distressing circumstances. In other circumstances I'd laugh but I'm really angry and depressed about all of this . And about what things will be like in the future .
The so-called "left" have forgotten their original purpose of improving the lot of the average person on the street and got sidetracked down the "calculus of oppression" rabbit hole whereby some people are automatically assumed to be more "worthy" than others, not on account of any individual merit, but simply on account of being in a certain "oppressed" category. In this case those thought/assumed to be the perpetrators are in multiple "oppressed" categories - immigrant, ethnic minority, muslim, and so they must be more "worthy" than an ordinary native woman. So they couldn't possibly be guilty of this crime. The cognitive dissonance is huge.
The so-called "left" have forgotten their original purpose of improving the lot of the average person on the street and got sidetracked down the "calculus of oppression" rabbit hole whereby some people are automatically assumed to be more "worthy" than others, not on account of any individual merit, but simply on account of being in a certain "oppressed" category. In this case those thought/assumed to be the perpetrators are in multiple "oppressed" categories - immigrant, ethnic minority, muslim, and so they must be more "worthy" than an ordinary native woman. So they couldn't possibly be guilty of this crime. The cognitive dissonance is huge.

That and just outright cultural relativism. I agree though
Maybe upon reaching the age of 12 (?) every man should get a 2 day class on consent and issues around that.

And every women gets a 2 day gun handling course and a free pistol that only works with a ring they wear (the tech does exist).

Be interested to see how rape, sexual assaults, and domestic violence rates change.... :D

On the subject of firearms the cops had them . In my view they would have been perfectly entitled to shoot as many of these bastards as necessary to prevent a woman being raped right in front of them . Not just the rapists themselves but their accomplices who wrre deliberately blocking the police and sheilding the attacks .They'd have gotten the fuck out of the way then .
I don't have any difficulty at all with the concept of lethal force being used to stop a rape that's being carried out by a gang right in front of the police. They should have the right to open fire to stop that happening . As should a woman who's being attacked by packs of fucking animals and degenerates .
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Honestly one thing I hadn't thought of in respect to the promotion of huge numbers of refugees in Germany was the way in which it can be used by the neoliberal state as a kind of disaster capitalism, as well as increasing the reserve army of labour (the motivation that I had previously assumed) it also makes it harder to build social solidarity and gives the state excuses to dismantle the state's social provision.
Honestly one thing I hadn't thought of in respect to the promotion of huge numbers of refugees in Germany was the way in which it can be used by the neoliberal state as a kind of disaster capitalism, as well as increasing the reserve army of labour (the motivation that I had previously assumed) it also makes it harder to build social solidarity and gives the state excuses to dismantle the state's social provision.

Well yes, I'm sure that's why the neoliberals support mass immigration. But the left's "calculus of oppression" plays right into their hands.
The so-called "left" have forgotten their original purpose of improving the lot of the average person on the street and got sidetracked down the "calculus of oppression" rabbit hole whereby some people are automatically assumed to be more "worthy" than others, not on account of any individual merit, but simply on account of being in a certain "oppressed" category. In this case those thought/assumed to be the perpetrators are in multiple "oppressed" categories - immigrant, ethnic minority, muslim, and so they must be more "worthy" than an ordinary native woman. So they couldn't possibly be guilty of this crime. The cognitive dissonance is huge.

Superb post, I await a communique from Rees and German about the events
Honestly one thing I hadn't thought of in respect to the promotion of huge numbers of refugees in Germany was the way in which it can be used by the neoliberal state as a kind of disaster capitalism, as well as increasing the reserve army of labour (the motivation that I had previously assumed) it also makes it harder to build social solidarity and gives the state excuses to dismantle the state's social provision.

Capitalist society simply isn't equipped ...or even designed..to handle this level of migration in a socially responsible manner . And the european left is simply too infantile and unfit for purpose to take up the slack . Whether accidental or deliberate this is an absolute disaster. For the victims, for society and for everyone, migrants included . And worse still an unnecessary and preventable one that need not have happened .
The so-called "left" have forgotten their original purpose of improving the lot of the average person on the street and got sidetracked down the "calculus of oppression" rabbit hole whereby some people are automatically assumed to be more "worthy" than others, not on account of any individual merit, but simply on account of being in a certain "oppressed" category. In this case those thought/assumed to be the perpetrators are in multiple "oppressed" categories - immigrant, ethnic minority, muslim, and so they must be more "worthy" than an ordinary native woman. So they couldn't possibly be guilty of this crime. The cognitive dissonance is huge.

Absolutely spot on. Summed up perfectly .
Capitalist society simply isn't equipped ...or even designed..to handle this level of migration in a socially responsible manner . And the european left is simply too infantile and unfit for purpose to take up the slack . Whether accidental or deliberate this is an absolute disaster. For the victims, for society and for everyone, migrants included . And worse still an unnecessary and preventable one that need not have happened .

Well we don't really need to wonder whether it is intentional or not, we have been hearing for months about the need for all this immigration to solve 'labour shortages' (translated out of establishment common sense and into English this of course means 'we are worried that we will have to increase wages') in Germany
Well we don't really need to wonder whether it is intentional or not, we have been hearing for months about the need for all this immigration to solve 'labour shortages' (translated out of establishment common sense and into English this of course means 'we are worried that we will have to increase wages') in Germany

The thing is most won't get German citizenship for some time, as didn't the Turks, etc, its cheap labour, they will get resentful,
Yes, there were a few on the Reeperbahn apparently (which as I mentioned before isn't so uncommon) but other assaults were reported on the Alster and Landungsbruecken in Hamburg. 60 incidents in total reported to the police as of this morning.

Apparently there would have been a great deal more sexual assaults in st Pauli were it not for the efforts of the districts bouncers, who issued warnings to women in the nightclubs not to go outside because the streets were unsafe due to the presence of these predatory gangs. Most women heeded this , but apparently those who were attacked found the story so unbelievable they ignored it and went outside . Which goes to show the false sense of security women previously had has now been shattered by a new phenomenon .The situation there potentially could have been a lot worse were it not for the security staff . Sadly not enough though .
"Reading the Guardian here is certainly knocking the left out of me, little by little"

I have to say the same.
That's exactly how I feel. I was going to start a thread about it actually. After all, we've all been criticising 'the left' on this thread. What does that make us?! Are we not part of 'the left'? I would say the left changed, not me, but then I'd sound like Nick Cohen.
Jesus the more I think about it. Most if not all of those poor women in cologne will find it a necessity sooner or later to have to use that train station again. It will most certainly still be a congregation point for these gangs . The scum who participated in all of this will still be there. That's absolutely heartbreaking . How the hell are they supposed to cope with that ? And what if one of these " Waltzers " approaches one of them in " a playful fashion " as they carry out their usual distraction robberies ? How terrifying is that going to be ?

Even the fuckers just hanging about and leering at them. Jesus its sickening .
And there thousands more arriving every day .

And all the left have to offer them is an insistence that they shouldn't be claiming migrants were responsible for the attacks . Nothing else .

This is so distressing for me to the point I'm not actually worried about the far right. They're oddballs , clowns and obvious opportunists and I don't for one minute believe ordinary Germans are going to flock to them over this . Only a tiny minority will be stupid enough to follow that inane , dysfunctional dog whistle .
What I fear more is this entire debacle and tragedy, and the injustice of it , and the giving up of ordinary peoples sense of security and freedom to just go out and enjoy themselves as normal , leading to a very deep seated and brooding resentment among the ordinary people . And real hatred. Not the inane sieg heiling kind of the fuckwits but something even more deep rooted and it becoming the norm.

Because make no mistake about it not only the victims but the entire German people have been let down and betrayed by all quarters of their society, from right and left , police , media, politicians and all manner of liberals. Every bloody quarter has let them down .

That distrust and betrayal combined with the injustice and a real attack on their way of life is going to lead to something very deep rooted among the ordinary people. I don't know what but it's not going to be pleasant . And it seems nothing is going to change except for the worse . Meanwhile there'll be another million migrants taking up residence. It won't end well, it'll end up seriously bloody bad over there .
And all the left have to offer them is an insistence that they shouldn't be claiming migrants were responsible for the attacks . Nothing else .

One thing that I wonder about all this is the Badiou quote brought up following the attacks in Paris about the left being used in as disciplining force


I think that the fundamental function of a state such as the French state is to discipline
the middle classes. And this is spectacularly the work of the Left. The Left is excellent
when it comes to disciplining the middle classes. Let me remind you that during my
youth, during the Algerian war, the Left, who, with Guy Molet, were in charge of the
government, obtained ‘special powers’—just as today they obtain with almost
unanimous support a ‘state of emergency’—to launch a total war. It does indeed seem
that, in order to discipline the middle classes by saying to them ‘war, war’—when war
hardly belongs to the habits of the aforementioned class—what is really needed is the
authority of an arrant socialist.

That's what is happening here, it's the process that we can observe happening right now, isn't it?
Dear God. I was vaguely aware of this, and it wasn't just Soviet soldiers, either. Don't know about the suicides (do you have a source?) but wiki is horrific. Rape during the occupation of Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's mentioned in most "general" histories of WW2 nowadays, but in terms of earlier texts Bracher mentioned it (controversially) back in the '60s when he published "The Hitler Dictatorship", and got his figures from Red Cross and the UN (who were coordinating refugee movement in Germany).Tony le Tissier mentioned it in "The Battle for Berlin, 1945" in the '70s, and gradually it seeped into public consciousness - a sort of hidden corollary to the publicity given to the Reich's treatment of Jews. :(
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Not sure if I missed this detail being discussed on the thread?

Cologne police say they are currently investigating 21 people in connection with the sexual assaults. It is not known how many of these are asylum seekers.

The federal police - responsible for the station itself but not the area nearby - released information on their investigation on Friday.

"Of the 31 suspects whose names are known, 18 have asylum seeker status," federal interior ministry spokesman Tobias Plate told reporters.

The suspects include nine Algerians, eight Moroccans, four Syrians, five Iranians, two Germans and one each from Iraq, Serbia and the US, he said.

Cologne police chief removed after New Year Eve attacks - BBC News
The thing is most won't get German citizenship for some time, as didn't the Turks, etc, its cheap labour, they will get resentful,

WRT Germany's "Turks", the citizenship issue was different - until the law was changed in the early '00s (might have been a bit earlier) there was a big issue of people of Turkish extraction whose parents (or even grandparents and parents) had been working in Germany for 20-30 years, not being able to apply for citizenship, or gain voting rights. Most current migrants will be able to take citizenship in 2-5 years.
M.DW.COM - Germany - Germany set to finally update rape law

Bit of good news :)

Angela Merkel's office seems to have dropped its objections to a legal amendment that would widen Germany's definition of rape. Until now sexual assault has often not been prosecuted if the victim failed to fight back.


Not too different from most states, then. Here the OB sometimes don't put assault (and even rape) cases forward if the assault doesn't "sound like a good case" for the twats at the CPS to prosecute. :(
It might possibly be worth remembering exactly why so many migrants are flocking to Europe from the Middle East just at the moment.
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