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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

Anti-fa are planning a massive counter protest to the Right Wing one on Sat, may look to public they are defending the monsters, which of course, most aren't.

No new years resolution to have just a bit more faith in the public in 2016 then? Shame.
Anti-fa are planning a massive counter protest to the Right Wing one on Sat, may look to public they are defending the monsters, which of course, most aren't.

Fucking idiots. They should be organising a protest calling for the perpetrators of sex crimes to be stamped down on harshly. Give people a left-wing outlet for their anger at what has happened.
A man grabbed my arm last month in the street and then walked off, had another bloke say something really weird to me last night as I was about to cross a road. it seems to be increasing over here and it's enough to feel less relaxed about walking home etc than I used to.
That's the thing, though, isn't it, that we don't yet know what sort of conversation to have?

We know that we can have a conversation about the despicableness and non-acceptability of sexual assault, and we can debate prevalence across cultures of sex-related criminality - because we can draw on facts to inform our conversations. We're unable (as yet) to do that with regard to NYE in Germany.
This is such a confusing crossroads to be stood on, and such a prime place to be misunderstood.
Men who grope / rape women , they don't do it because they just can't help themselves or because the woman is wearing a skirt, or because they are from a war-zone or whatever.
The last time anything happened to me it was a very drunk arsehole, a well spoken white estate agent-type, with a decent suit on - on coldharbour lane where i was walking home.
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This is such a confusing crossroads to be stood on, and such a prime place to be misunderstood.
Men in public places who grope / rape women whom they don't know, they don't do it because they just can't help themselves or because the woman is wearing a skirt, or because they are from a war-zone or whatever. The last time anything happened to me it was a very drunk arsehole, a well spoken white estate agent-type, with a decent suit on - on coldharbour lane where i live .

What a lot of psychological and criminological research has established in that some people ignore social norms and even laws because they feel that their own gratification is more important, and what these people do - in this case, what some men do - is construct justifications "after the event" to socially-smooth any comeback from their transgressions, hence all the bollocks about dress, make-up, drunkenness (of either or both parties) - the whole grubby collection of rape and assault myths. All nauseating, none acceptable.
BBC monitoring appears to have trawled through some arab-language social media to find angry responses to the attacks and their possible consequences.

Arab social media fury at Cologne sex attacks - BBC News

People on Arabic-language social media have voiced dismay and anger at the sexual violence against women in Cologne and other German cities on New Year's Eve.

Indications that many of the attackers were North African or Arab in appearance prompt soul-searching, with some alluding to the perception that sexual violence against women is widespread in North Africa and the Middle East.

Many express concern about the possible impact the incidents could have on Germany's perception of migrants and refugees from the regions.
some people ignore social norms and even laws because they feel that their own gratification is more important, and what these people do - in this case, what some men do - is construct justifications "after the event" to socially-smooth any comeback
Re-read that with a view to this thread and the response of the world at large to the women's testimony, apparently silenced for days due to concern over the political consequences ?
It really frightens me that the stage on this is totally left to people like Zero Hedge / Die Welt and far worse. I know it's out of good intentions but what a mess.

Zero hedge have some interesting shit, often well sourced, amogst the rest of the guff- they do have a pervasive goldbug/ survivalist/ fiat money theme going on in the background though.

Die Welt isnt Bild but its not far off nowadays
Plenty of arabic people and others from the M.E will be angry if it turns out to true, who wouldn't, especially the Syrian families who were probably all in bed on NYE.
BBC monitoring appears to have trawled through some arab-language social media to find angry responses to the attacks and their possible consequences.

Arab social media fury at Cologne sex attacks - BBC News

How do the Arab speaking world look upon this ? Would be interested to see a breakdown of Arab speaking vs "propa" Arab viewpoints. Too easy these days to describe North Africa as Arab, when the situation is plainly far far more complex than that on a country by country basis
Zero hedge have some interesting shit, often well sourced, amogst the rest of the guff- they do have a pervasive goldbug/ survivalist/ fiat money theme going on in the background though.

Die Welt isnt Bild but its not far off nowadays

Bild is a comic that knows it's a comic. Die Welt is a comic that thinks it's a serious newspaper.
What a lot of psychological and criminological research has established in that some people ignore social norms and even laws because they feel that their own gratification is more important, and what these people do - in this case, what some men do - is construct justifications "after the event" to socially-smooth any comeback from their transgressions, hence all the bollocks about dress, make-up, drunkenness (of either or both parties) - the whole grubby collection of rape and assault myths. All nauseating, none acceptable.
Very well said I would just like to add to that, the atrocities people are capable of carrying out when part of an anonymous group, that's been very well documented. And the addictive thrill of power and intimidation. As for constructing justifications, absolutely I believe every human being has a tendency to do this for every mean and cruel act they do. "They had it coming" or "it was tough love" or "if I helped them that never learn to stand on their own feet", or they did this to me many years ago so I won't help them now", etc etc.
Very well said I would just like to add to that, the atrocities people are capable of carrying out when part of an anonymous group, that's been very well documented. And the addictive thrill of power and intimidation. As for constructing justifications, absolutely I believe every human being has a tendency to do this for every mean and cruel act they do. "They had it coming" or "it was tough love" or "if I helped them that never learn to stand on their own feet", or they did this to me many years ago so I won't help them now", etc etc.
For once, Greebozz, I agree.
Fucking idiots. They should be organising a protest calling for the perpetrators of sex crimes to be stamped down on harshly. Give people a left-wing outlet for their anger at what has happened.

Exactly. And if one of those little black blockers, often not the sharpest knife in the drawer at the best of times, lobs the obligatory firework at police lines it'll look even worse. And frankly it shouldn't even be about providing a left wing outlet, but left wing leadership on an issue the left have supposedly been to the forefront of and most vocal for decades now . Otherwise what's the point ? If the ethnicities were reversed here it'd be a no brainer as to what to do . Instead it's just no brains . And moral and political cowardice frankly .

Similarly as regards the assaults in St Pauli. Had a bunch of boneheads been wandering about targeting women of non German ethnicity, or hassling gays or whatever they wouldn't have gotten out of there alive . No doubt about it . Yet seemingly everyone had taken the night off or gone deaf dumb and blind . And off the bastards wandered, on their merry way . After a string of repeat sexual assaults right in the middle of St Pauli , we're presumably the entire fucking local fan base would have been out celebrating NYE . Just meters away from that rape gang . Who walked off unscathed after targeting multiple women at their leisure . It's not exactly a huge area after all.
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We know that we can have a conversation about the despicableness and non-acceptability of sexual assault, and we can debate prevalence across cultures of sex-related criminality - because we can draw on facts to inform our conversations. We're unable (as yet) to do that with regard to NYE in Germany.

Well the police chief has now come out and said its unlikely anyone will be caught and prosecuted over this, so we might as well all shut up then . As " the facts " now simply won't be established to the degree deemed satisfactory to those on the left who say this should not be discussed, because " the facts aren't established ". The Mayor has now come out and said its " absolutely impermissible " to even suggest the gang were refugees , because that fact has not been established . And the German media are now openly admitting they had the facts at their disposal from the very outset and chose not to report on them .presumably someone thought it better not to proceed until the facts are established more thoroughly .

A lot of Germans in poSitions of power and responsibility seem to be taking a similar line on this to the one you are suggesting .

Tensions rise in Germany over handling of mass sexual assaults in Cologne

So we should as you suggest simply not have the conservation. We are unable to .

Btw it turns out its five separate cities this happened in now, not the 3 stated originally . Cologne, Hamburg, Stuttgart, Frankfurt and Dusseldorf . And 2 rapes reported now in Cologne and not just one.

Safe to say at this point they've most likely gotten away with it .
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Re-read that with a view to this thread and the response of the world at large to the women's testimony, apparently silenced for days due to concern over the political consequences ?

Definitely silenced . That's established now. ZDF admitting they knew all about it from the very beginning but deliberately opted to keep schtum.
Probably quite a factor but I would also add journalists being on holiday as a reason why proper news can be thin and slow around that time of year.

Well you've factored it in wrong. German media have now admitted they knew all about it from the outset but quashed it deliberately . Now apologising for their " mistake " .
I'll file that one alongside your previous moonbeams of optimism it'll all turn out alright in the end .
Well you've factored it in wrong. German media have now admitted they knew all about it from the outset but quashed it deliberately . Now apologising for their " mistake " .
I'll file that one alongside your previous moonbeams of optimism it'll all turn out alright in the end .

I've seen ZDF apologising for deciding to run the story on Tuesday rather than Monday. I'll assume thats what your hyperbole is referring to.
Two teenage girls gang-raped by four 'Syrian nationals' in southern Germany

Three Syrians have been arrested in southern Germany for the alleged gang rape of two teenage girls on New Year’s Eve, as reports flood in of sexual assaults against women across the country.

A 21-year-old man and two 14-year-old boys are being held in Weil am Rhein, a small town near the Swiss and German borders, for the alleged rape of two girls aged 14 and 15.

Prosecutors allege that the two girls were held for several hours and gang-raped after attending a New Year celebration at the home of the 21-year-old man in the nearby village of Friedlingen.

Although the suspects have been in custody for several days, news of the arrests only emerged on Thursday. Prosecutors said they were kept secret to protect the victims' identities

Police are searching for a fourth suspect believed to be the man’s 15-year-old brother. None of those involved have been named under German privacy laws.

The suspects are not asylum-seekers. The 21-year-old man and his brother are long-term German residents, while the two 14-year-olds live in Switzerland and the Netherlands.

None of these are asylum seekers but had been living in germany for some time according to the torygraph. Even worse if true
Reports that similar incidents happened in other European cities on New Years Eve (some seem to fit the pattern better than others tbh) and that in Helsinki, there is apparently evidence incidents were organised beforehand, and organisers were intercepted by police beforehand (although sexual assaults still took place on the night).
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