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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

Suspects in Cologne sex attacks 'claimed to be Syrian refugees'

"The Express newspaper quoted an unnamed police officer who said his squad had detained several people who had "only been in Germany for a few weeks".
"Of these people, 14 were from Syria and one was from Afghanistan. That's the truth. Although it hurts," he said.

The newspaper quoted a second police officer as confirming the 15 who were held had "residence permits for the asylum procedure". Officers took down their names, and they are in the police records, he said.

If confirmed, the report will add new weight to claims of a police cover-up. The Cologne authorities have claimed they have no evidence whether asylum-seekers were involved.

It is not clear why the suspects were released but police officers have said they were overwhelmed on the night."
What a lot of psychological and criminological research has established in that some people ignore social norms and even laws because they feel that their own gratification is more important, and what these people do - in this case, what some men do - is construct justifications "after the event" to socially-smooth any comeback from their transgressions, hence all the bollocks about dress, make-up, drunkenness (of either or both parties) - the whole grubby collection of rape and assault myths. All nauseating, none acceptable.
what you'vee missed out is power
I don't know about the first time, but see how I edited the second while you were posting. I'm quite predictable, really.
I bet they're all deserters from Assad's SAA. It bears the hallmarks of a bunch of soldiers letting rip rather than anything cultural. It might explain how it was so coordinated.
Sorry to be all grim and humourless but.. I think Pickman is right, its not about fun (or pleasure) it's about power. Or, if you're a person who finds it fun to kick people, or sexy to grope screaming women, then there's something wrong with you.
No, of course I don't think it's fun at all. But I think some people do. Maybe I'm weird like that, but I have seen people.
I bet they're all deserters from Assad's SAA. It bears the hallmarks of a bunch of soldiers letting rip rather than anything cultural. It might explain how it was so coordinated.
so do you think they marched across europe in a block or synchronised watches months ago in damascus and said 'we will reassemble outside the hauptbahnhof in koln on 31/12/2015 at nineteen hundred hours; remember to wear mufti and no saluting'?
Tbh, this is another taboo: that sexual molestation is all about power, not about desire. Yes, of course it's about power but people wouldn't do it if they didn't enjoy it.
tbh i said it was at least as much about power as sexual gratification; i thought i had made clear it wasn't solely about either power or sexual gratification. i am sorry i was not clearer.
LOL. Interesting to consider all the things people do that they don't enjoy. But that is off-thread.
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