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Hundreds of women assaulted in German NYE celebrations

The left can respond to the discovered detail, if and when it emerges. It can't do hardly any of the detective work, and I wouldn't want to form a response on this front until some actual facts are known.

Will the facts ever emerge though? That's the problem.
Will the facts ever emerge though? That's the problem.
I very much doubt it, it was dark, there were a lot of people involved, and its politically highly flammable.

I think maybe all we'll have here is the testimony of the victims, which was not a about migrants / refugees just said that the men who attacked them were kind of swarthyish and that German was not spoken whilst they were being attacked.

It would be so much better for "us" if they hadn't reported what happened to them, or hadn't given any sort of description of the perps.
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Will the facts ever emerge though? That's the problem.

I expect something will. Whether its enough to give at least the beginning of the real picture I couldn't say. Accounts to the press from a number of victims gives us something, perhaps there is already useful detail there that I haven't found or cannot find due to not speaking German.
The left ...whatever that even is these days...will do the usual headless chicken on this one . The fact they need a response means they don't have one . They'll mostly fret about the far right gaining support while simultaneously denouncing anyone who's pissed off about the entire shebang as a racist and even a fascist. That will be it pretty much. Along with a few face palm slogans .

They'll probably start a #hashtag. There's no problem that can't be solved with a #hashtag.
There's this on zerohedge: The "Monsters" Unmasked: Cologne Police Admit "Most Of The Attackers Were Refugees" | Zero Hedge

Not sure how reliable that is. There's a link to a Die Welt article if anyone can read German. The auto translation seems a bit crap.

No. Zero Hedge is borderline loonie right (I think) and that article launches in with "These people that we welcomed just three months ago with teddy bears and water bottles ... started shooting at the cathedral dome and started shooting at police," one hotel bouncer who witnessed the melee in Cologne said."

Die Welt = The Sun.
Zerohedge is extreme pessimist/apocalyptic. But that doesn't automatically mean everything on there is BS.
Zerohedge is extreme pessimist/apocalyptic. But that doesn't automatically mean everything on there is BS.
That article is though, what with the headline quote being the opinion of a local hotel bouncer who somehow magically KNOWS the perpetrators arrived 3 months ago carrying teddy bears.
Unfortunately, if you are claiming asylum, background checks with regards to previous criminal activity are forgone. Its one of the reasons why people will choose to claim "asylum" as opposed to other ways of entry into a country. Its an issue ive brought up before in this forum (criminal elements getting mixed in with genuine asylum seekers) but i was hounded for being a "rascist".

There's a number of people on this forum who regularly follow me around threads denouncing me as a fascist . An actual real proper one, not just as a generic insult. For years now. They're very serious about it and have long wanted to have me banned . Others openly urge others to report my posts on the most spurious of grounds.

There be wankers here, lefty wankers .

I'll point out here I spent the early half of new years eve on a mostly anarchist demonstration in Berlin , ending up outside a miserable bloody prison to show solidarity with left wing prisoners. Freezing my bloody balls off . In solidarity .
I shouldn't have to point that out to anyone but we all have our crosses to bear .

Gordon brown once denounced an elderly lady as racist on similar grounds. Didn't end well for him. But the circle jerk continues as the left slides further into irrelevance and further up its own arrogant , shreiking, accusatory backside .
It really frightens me that the stage on this is totally left to people like Zero Hedge / Die Welt and far worse. I know it's out of good intentions but what a mess.

If there is any information on what actually happened, they should just release it. Keeping schtum just adds fuel to the fire. If not, then what are the police doing?
It would be so much better for "us" if they hadn't reported what happened to them, or hadn't given any sort of description of the perps.

I think it's very clear by now there's an established school of thought both on the left and within the German establishment who sadly agree with that sad reality . Pretty inescapable at this point. And that won't change either, sadly .
If there is any information on what actually happened, they should just release it. Keeping schtum just adds fuel to the fire. If not, then what are the police doing?

The general feeling in Germany seems to be that the whole event was silenced by the media for 4 days due to fears about it playing into the hands of the right. It was via social media that this story broke at all, I think.
Cover-up claim over NYE mass sexual assaults
Unfortunately, if you are claiming asylum, background checks with regards to previous criminal activity are forgone. Its one of the reasons why people will choose to claim "asylum" as opposed to other ways of entry into a country. Its an issue ive brought up before in this forum (criminal elements getting mixed in with genuine asylum seekers) but i was hounded for being a "rascist".

That will have to change I reckon . It's been abused far too much by all sorts and the effects have been detrimental . It's been scammed beyond being fit for purpose. The amount of people deliberately destroying their documents has ripped the piss out of the entire principle.
There's this on zerohedge: The "Monsters" Unmasked: Cologne Police Admit "Most Of The Attackers Were Refugees" | Zero Hedge

Not sure how reliable that is. There's a link to a Die Welt article if anyone can read German. The auto translation seems a bit crap.

The main point I took from the Die Welt article, due to lousy computer translation spoiling other potential points, is that some police report has leaked.

And yes, sure enough we now have some english-language reporting of this. Not sure how much, but this is what I found so far.On the face of it a number of article sources and details are the same as the Die Welt article.

Police Report of Cologne New Year’s Eve Details Chaos, Overwhelmed Force

A detailed account of the mass assaults in Germany’s fourth-largest city on New Year’s Eve emerged Thursday, drawing a picture of chaos and aggression that left police overstretched and attackers enjoying virtual free rein.

An internal federal police report dated Jan. 4 and seen by The Wall Street Journal described scenes of crying women fleeing sexual molestation from crowds of men, passersby trying to rescue young girls from being raped and groups of intoxicated men throwing bottles and fireworks at a police force no longer in control of the situation.

“Women with or without company were literally running the gantlet through crowds of heavily drunk men as one cannot describe,” a senior police official in charge that night wrote in the report.

“Our units on the ground couldn’t master all the events, assaults and crimes, there were simply too many at the same time,” the person wrote.

The assaults in Cologne, and similar reports in other German cities, have been fueling a debate over the security implications of record migration into the country as numerous witnesses and police said the alleged attackers appeared to be from the “Arab or North African area.”

In the police report, the official wrote women reported being sexually assaulted by “groups of men with migration background.” On Thursday, it was still unclear who the attackers were and if any of them were recently arrived migrants.

Police in Cologne meanwhile bulked up their investigation team with up to 80 officers trying to track down the attackers.

Police said they had identified 16 young men mainly of “North African” origin they believe could be among the perpetrators.

A total of 121 complaints had been filed in Cologne by Thursday, with around three quarters of them being for sexual assaults, police said.

Arnold Plickert, deputy head of the GdP police union, said police had checked the identities of about 70 individuals in and around the square during the night. Among those checked were some who had identified themselves as asylum seekers and police are investigating if they committed any of the reported sexual assaults.
The general feeling in Germany seems to be that the whole event was silenced by the media for 4 days due to fears about it playing into the hands of the right. It was via social media that this story broke at all, I think.

It's even been silenced on social media. I've read numerous complaints on Reddit that almost every sub reddit on the subject was immediately censored and deleted.
A reminder that focussing on the cultures of migrants may be barking up the wrong tree:

Women’s organizations in Munich promote safe Oktoberfest

I got this figure btw from a conversation between Germans of Middle Eastern origin on facebook. They are naturally very concerned about their safety and their relatives safety following the highly misleading police and media reports. They are also concerned about the closing of borders to refugees of course. So while not minimising the suffering of the victims, it's important to remember there may still be further victims of this if people continue to misreport it.

Can you point out in which way you think that the media reports were misleading? The initial reports, or lack thereof, did seem misleading but only insofar as there seems to have been a pretty clear goal of either entirely covering up these assaults and rapes and/or being ambiguous about the background of the attackers.

Honestly how well do you think the, 'but white people rape too' or 'it isn't all Muslims' fault because it's actually the fault of men in general' is going to look to most normal people? It looks like a cowardly cop out and an absolute failure to acknowledge the fact that a gang of a thousand and smaller gangs of hundreds took part in a mass sexual assault and rape spree.
Probably quite a factor but I would also add journalists being on holiday as a reason why proper news can be thin and slow around that time of year.
:rolleyes: ok. maybe they were all hungover / on holiday when they wrote nothing of it for days.
Can you point out in which way you think that the media reports were misleading?

It looks like a cowardly cop out and an absolute failure to acknowledge the fact that a gang of a thousand and smaller gangs of hundreds took part in a mass sexual assault and rape spree.

The idea that a gang of a thousand or more committed rape and other sexual crimes is one if the misleading things in the media, but you apparently still buy into that so no wonder you didn't notice.
It's even been silenced on social media. I've read numerous complaints on Reddit that almost every sub reddit on the subject was immediately censored and deleted.
Nobody has 'liked' me at all since we started talking about this and Casually Red is my new and only friend. :(
I think this is very frightening. I understand that the fear and silence is well-intentioned but that doesn't make its any less cowardly.
Don't worry about the thousand strong rape gang because white people rape too!

Yup , it's fucking pathetic . And they accuse others of knee jerk reactions while they're at it, their own knee jerking away like a goose stepping Prussian on a bouncy castle.
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The idea that a gang of a thousand or more committed rape and other sexual crimes is one if the misleading things in the media, but you apparently still buy into that so no wonder you didn't notice.

What size was this crowd then do you reckon ? Just for clarity .
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