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How much evidence is there of long term high level UK paedophile ring?

I think my argument was abundantly clear, and the only reason you have chosen to pretend to yourself that it isn't is because you were dying to use "egregiously specious" on the thread.

Which, incidentally, I am nicking as my tagline forthwith.

No. Your argument was not clear and it's notable that you did not try to refine it.

Perhaps because you cannot.
How does his Zionism correspond to child abuse?

Or is he just an appalling person who needs to be punished by virtue of his Zionism, regardless of the child abuse claims that have lit him up as an appalling person by virtue of his Zionism?

Please do enlighten us as to your considered views.

The answers to your hectoring lie in the replies I've already, as anyone who isn't disingenuous and/or plain stupid will have already determined.
The answers to your hectoring lie in the replies I've already, as anyone who isn't disingenuous and/or plain stupid will have already determined.

I would have expected your answers to my "hectoring", given that they are so abundantly manifest, would be demonstrated by a simple sentence but maybe a simple man might need assistance in providing that simple sentence so simply.
I would have expected your answers to my "hectoring", given that they are so abundantly manifest, would be demonstrated by a simple sentence but maybe a simple man might need assistance in providing that simple sentence so simply.
have you ever tried writing a simple sentence? this ^^^ suggests you're unable to write one.
And to be clear - I am no fan of Janner, nor do I seek to defend him directly, but there is some surprisingly weak thinking on this thread amongst posters who are far, far more perspicacious then currently evidenced...
How fortunate, then, that you have found it within yourself to honour us with your presence, insight and wisdom in order to show us the error of our ways, not to mention take time out on a thread dealing with one of the most fundamentally corrupting offences to be committed against defenceless victims so you can educate us on the finer points of debate.

How lucky we are to have you (and your interminable self-regarding non-sequiturs) amongst us to maintain that perspective and prevent us from being distracted from the important matters - you and your ego - by the irrelevancies of people abusing power and privilege to sexually abuse children!
How fortunate, then, that you have found it within yourself to honour us with your presence, insight and wisdom in order to show us the error of our ways, not to mention take time out on a thread dealing with one of the most fundamentally corrupting offences to be committed against defenceless victims so you can educate us on the finer points of debate.

How lucky we are to have you (and your interminable self-regarding rambling non-sequiturs) amongst us to maintain that perspective and prevent us from being distracted from the important matters - you and your ego - by the irrelevancies of people abusing power and privilege to sexually abuse children!
I would have expected your answers to my "hectoring", given that they are so abundantly manifest, would be demonstrated by a simple sentence but maybe a simple man might need assistance in providing that simple sentence so simply.

Alternately, anyone with the intellectual assets of a 10-yr old could read the posts I'd already written and find the answer to your question there.
Do stop trying to construct an argument through manoeuvring your interlocutors. You're nowhere near sharp enough to do it subtly enough.
How fortunate, then, that you have found it within yourself to honour us with your presence, insight and wisdom in order to show us the error of our ways, not to mention take time out on a thread dealing with one of the most fundamentally corrupting offences to be committed against defenceless victims so you can educate us on the finer points of debate.

How lucky we are to have you (and your interminable self-regarding non-sequiturs) amongst us to maintain that perspective and prevent us from being distracted from the important matters - you and your ego - by the irrelevancies of people abusing power and privilege to sexually abuse children!

What has been proven?

Or, maybe...

Alternately, anyone with the intellectual assets of a 10-yr old could read the posts I'd already written and find the answer to your question there.
Do stop trying to construct an argument through manoeuvring your interlocutors. You're nowhere near sharp enough to do it subtly enough.

So you are too lazy to make your case.
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