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How much evidence is there of long term high level UK paedophile ring?

Radio Four seem to be re-running the Ted Heath episode of Desert Island Discs ...
His choices included Topol's "If I were a rich man" from "Fiddler on the roof" and Elgar's Cockaigne (In London Town), Op. 40, also known as the Cockaigne Overture. Along with the luxury item of suntan lotion.
Kincora in my Troubles reading again today- more claims that it was used as leverage. Interestingly the author refers to a 'homosexual vice ring' operating out of kincora, rather than noncery. Claimed as part of a wider dirty tricks campaign, including it being used to end the power sharing executive through dark means, i.e get the ulster strike endorsed rather than spiked. Not sure what to make of it all. The claims that this was done deliberatly to discredit wilson and his gov are certaiinly going to need more than the word of one ex spook

There's 2 ex spooks now . Brian gemmell is speaking out too .

Just on MCkeague, his is one of 2 deaths connecteed to kincora were there's strong suspicion the British intelligence services had a hand in it . In the early 80 s an INLA grass, Rab MCCallister decimated the organisation in Belfast . While grassing up his comrades he personally admitted to 5 killings . One of those was McKeague , who shortly before his killing was threatening to name names after being questioned by the cops about kincora .
MCAllister admitted to having been turned as an agent a year prior to that killing . Despite his admission he was never prosecuted for shooting McKeague .

Months prior to that Robert Bradford MP was executed by the IRA . He too had been digging into kincora . It's since transpired that the special branch and military intelligence knew in advance of the killing but did nothing . There's persistent rumours that Fru agents..namely stake knife / scap ...was up to his neck in it too . Bradfords special branch bodyguards were left unharmed ..and they never harmed the hit team either . Although a civilian witness was ruthlessly cut down .

Pretty much stinks of loose ends being conveniently snipped off .
Months prior to that Robert Bradford MP was executed by the IRA . He too had been digging into kincora . It's since transpired that the special branch and military intelligence knew in advance of the killing but did nothing . There's persistent rumours that Fru agents..namely stake knife / scap ...was up to his neck in it too . Bradfords special branch bodyguards were left unharmed ..and they never harmed the hit team either . Although a civilian witness was ruthlessly cut down .

Lyra McKee has been digging into this the past few years

(Really) not wishing to muddy any waters here...but this reported FT interview of Camila Batmanghelidjh caught my eye...

So she was shut down because she Knew Too Much, not because she was too incompetent an administrator to receive government funds?

Look out for bankers claiming that they were fingered for fiddling foreign exchange rates only because they Knew Too Much.

.....was my initial reaction....although I see that going back a few weeks we do have a record of it being slightly more substantial - yet another "dossier" in-fact ...

....was this Camilla's insurance policy as she lived high on the hog......we all know what these insurance companies are like when we want to claim on a policy.....

Ministers hid abuse, says charity chief

Katie Gibbons
Last updated at 12:01AM, July 4 2015

A children’s charity head claims that she is being pressured to resign after approaching the government with a list of establishment figures involved in an historical child sex abuse case.

Camila Batmanghelidjh, founder of the charity Kids Company, has said that she “will not be bullied” into resignation despite alleged threats to withdraw vital state funding.


Also don't think this has been posted : from Don Hale via the Sunday People : Puts Heath as an attendee at PIE meetings from his mysterious Barbara Castle dossier :

Edward Heath fixed it for Jimmy Savile to receive OBE and attended Paedophile Information Exchange meetings

We can also reveal that Heath, under investigation by seven police forces over child abuse claims, was present at more than half a dozen Westminster meetings of the notorious Paedophile Information Exchange.

A dossier of files compiled by former Labour minister Baroness Castle showed Heath was present at Westminster meetings with paedophile rights campaigners from the PIE group.

Heath is said to have attended at least a quarter of the 30 or so monthly or bi-weekly meetings.

His name is said to have appeared on minutes of the private gatherings, also apparently attended by other MPs, along with scoutmasters and headteachers.

But the Castle files have been missing since the mid 1980s.
Very difficult to listen to.
It beggars belief how this seems to have been covered up, and the perpetrators protected.
Sadly, it does not beggar belief at all.
UK society was operating in a state of total denial regarding sexual abuse of any kind...from sexual abuse of women to child sexual abuse, it was ignored, laughed off, and utterly denied. Sure, we'd joke about the pervy games teacher or the inadequate with a penchant for friendships (which were probably harmless) with young kids, but in doing so, we studiously ignored the army of careful, skilful abusers who had made their stock in trade the violation of - particularly - innocents. Society sent these people the message that the risk of getting caught was minimal, and the likely penalties no more than token, given our unwillingness to acknowledge what was going on in plain view under our noses. I know of several schoolteachers who were given their marching orders "or we're calling the police" - an empty threat, since no school wanted to be bothered with the aggravation of a (likely futile) prosecution, so sex abuser teachers could safely move on to pastures new and totally innocent of their history...because, for sure, no reference given was ever going to risk disclosing their predilection.

To make things worse, the stigma of child sexual abuse was just bad enough to ensure that abusers would close ranks and collude in ways that inevitably put their victims at even greater risk, through networks of abusers, and "intelligence sharing" of a kind that meant their naive victims stood no chance of overcoming.

Surprise? Nah. It's not even surprising that it's taken this long to come out.

The true surprise will come when we learn just how endemic this has been - and continues to be - in our society.

ETA: and of course, in all of this, the one group no thought whatsoever was given to was the people who suffered at the hands of both their abusers, and a society which refused to listen to or take seriously their experiences.
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Janner faces arrest if he fails to appear at court hearing on child abuse charges

Lawyers acting for Greville Janner have lost their attempt to prevent him being forced to attend court on Friday to face child abuse charges.

They had argued that it would be “barbaric, inhumane and uncivilised” to arrest the former Labour peer if he did not attend the hearing. Paul Ozin said there was medical evidence that requiring Lord Janner to attend court would cause a “catastrophic reaction” due to the severity of his dementia....
Lord Janner fails to appear in court over child sex abuse charges

Lawyers for Greville Janner argued on Friday for the former Labour peer to be allowed appear before court via video link after he failed to attend a hearing in central London.

Janner, 87, had been expected to attend Westminster magistrates court for his first appearance over allegations that he sexually abused nine boys over three decades after his legal team lost a high court bid to keep him out of court.

His barrister, Paul Ozin, was in court but Janner did not appear. Ozin said his preferred option was for Janner to appear via videolink from his home, but prosecutor Louise Oakley said that would not be lawful....

I hear Janner has again failed to appear in court despite being ordered to by a judge.

His lawyers have been asking for a video link from his home but the court is not willing.
I hear Janner has again failed to appear in court despite being ordered to by a judge.

His lawyers have been asking for a video link from his home but the court is not willing.

Video links are only accounted for in victim legislation. It's not that the court is unwilling, it's that there's no legislation allowing defendants to "appear" via video link.
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