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How much evidence is there of long term high level UK paedophile ring?

Here's the notes from Toczek:

Toczek-p38.jpgToczek-p40.jpg Toczek-p41.jpg

I know I have read stuff elsewhere on Hamilton & Proctor and the Monday Club stuff (and Hamilton's ‘it was all a joke/mistake/Communist entrapment’ defence to the Nazi salute stuff), but can't quite recall where - will have a think about it.

ETA: Apologies - I originally posted up p32 again instead of p40 - now corrected.
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Just posting, not endorsing:

Mr Smith added that the paedophile has always been 'deeply hostile towards the police' and has said 'the only good copper is a dead copper'.

Mr Smith added that the police say it is highly unlikely they would make a deal with the defendant, but they would be willing to speak with him, either before or after his sentencing.

Judge Peter Benson spoke briefly to the defendant to inform him of the new date for his sentencing and told him he would remain in custody.

McAuliffe then said, 'Can I just say the names I've got...' before Judge Benson cut him off and sent him down to the cells.

He will be sentenced in six weeks' time at Bradford Crown Court.
A;though his name has come up on this thread before, I'm not sure if the recent press reports about the police looking into Tonypandy/George Thomas because a victim came forwards actually got mentioned.


Meanwhile there have been some stories repeated by the likes of the Daily Mail, from an original story in the Star, about Jill Dando. Of all the 'wacky' rumours flying around the net over the years, this is one where I don't think I'd ever worked out what alleged dots there possibly were to join between her death and paedophile rings, other than random paranoid dot-joining. This latest news does not exactly clear that up or add any great weight to the theory, but perhaps offers some kind of starting point of an explanation for such rumours or who they might have come from.

Hencke/Exaro report on meeting between May and 6 of the 7 "concerned MPs" wrt the new chair of the CSA inquiry and,apparently, its terms of reference....


There likely won't be a decision before September because parliament is about to go on its summer holidays. I wonder if much else will come out in the press over the summer - they are running out of 'historical stuff we could already read about on the net for years/old rumours' to look at again, but lately there has certainly been some new revelations so who knows if there are many more to come.
From the same article

Baroness Butler-Sloss, pictured, feels 'hurt and sadness' over resignation

By Martin Delgado

Baroness Butler-Sloss, chosen to chair the inquiry into historic child abuse, has spoken of her ‘hurt’ at having to resign before she could even take up the role.

The resignation last week came after claims the retired judge’s late brother, Sir Michael Havers, who was Attorney-General and later Lord Chancellor, was involved in a cover-up.

‘I didn’t want to resign but I had to.

'The victims didn’t have faith in me,’ she said. ‘Now all I feel is hurt and sadness.

My heart bleeds...

My heart bleeds...

Aye, it comes to something when political correctness stops a C of E attending judge having a bit of latitude about a noncey bishop going to prison. Christ, next thing they'll be suggesting the sister of a nonce party attending Attorney General shouldn't investigate whether he stopped an investigation into political nonces. The legendary integrity of the ruling class means all those moaning minnies can keep their liberal bleating to themselves. :mad:
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Fester Rancid again eh :hmm:
Good old Esther, giving chapter and verse on Savile

To be honest, if the 'rumours' she heard were as non-specific as she claims she's no more guilty than anyone else who did nothing and a lot less than those who were in authority at the time (though I just don't believe her that she has no memory of Shy Keenan reporting stuff to her - which would put a very different complexion on it). I just think, as the founder of childline, she could have had the good grace to be mortified rather than coming out with that defensive shit.
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Yeah, I saw that but wasn't going to do it the honour of mention. But since it has been mentioned, that particular brand of tone-deaf self-importance is beyond parody. This in particular made me laugh hollowly:

She distances herself from the late Conservative MP who died at 61 in 1995
...because of course the first thing that sprang to everyone's mind when Fairbairn was mentioned would be "I wonder how Esther is involved in all this?" :facepalm:
That tweet is getting on a bit now. I only point this out because most recently they have been preoccupied with what they've decided is a disinformation campaign that the police and other state agents are complicit in, in regards to changing the details of the 'customs seized child porn video' story.

There were two quite different stories, that I was previously treating as separate historical events. But it seems proponents of each story reckon enough details are the same that the other version of the story is relating to the same event but is a lie.

One version is that an important politician was stopped at customer many years ago, in possession of a child porn video. The other version is that someone else was stopped, and the politician was IN the video.

Exaro support the latter version of the story, but details of what the customs officer said in some audio recording (e.g. whether he named the politician without prompting or whether the journalist/person interviewing him offered the name) are currently in dispute due to comments from a rival journalist who wrote the other version of the story (we discussed this on the thread recently). Exaro have gone massively on the attack on their twitter feed over this. Several MPs now have a copy of the audio recording so some parties out there know the truth about certain details that we cannot right now. Obviously I want to take Exaros word for it, but I suppose I cannot exclude the possibility that they have been fed some shit for one reason or another, so I have to wait and see.
Rochdale abuse claims: Force refers itself to police watchdog


Assistant Chief Constable Ian Wiggett, of GMP, said the force had now referred itself to the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC).

He said: "Following the publication of MP Simon Danzcuk's book, 'Smile for the Camera', GMP conducted an assessment of the allegations contained within that book. As a result of the assessment, GMP decided that a criminal investigation was required.

"The GMP investigation will now seek to identify whether any offences have been committed in the way that previous reports of abuse were handled or allegedly covered up.

"We are aware that some of the allegations relate to the past involvement of police officers, and therefore we have referred those matters to the IPCC. In addition, we have established an independent oversight panel to demonstrate the independence and rigour of the investigation that we will be conducting."
Have I missed something or is it two separate events:confused:

I have been reading that a well known peado was stopped with a child-porn tape that showed a Tory MP involved in child sex. This story in the Telegraph claims

"A senior Tory politician said to be part of a child sex ring was allegedly stopped by a customs officer with child pornography videos but got off scot-free, police have been told.

The former MP was driving back to the UK via Dover when a customs officer pulled him over because he was “acting suspiciously”. The border guard, who is now retired, has told detectives that when he searched the MP’s car he found videotapes of children “clearly under the age of 12” taking part in sex acts."
Have I missed something or is it two separate events:confused:

I have been reading that a well known peado was stopped with a child-porn tape that showed a Tory MP involved in child sex. This story in the Telegraph claims

"A senior Tory politician said to be part of a child sex ring was allegedly stopped by a customs officer with child pornography videos but got off scot-free, police have been told.

The former MP was driving back to the UK via Dover when a customs officer pulled him over because he was “acting suspiciously”. The border guard, who is now retired, has told detectives that when he searched the MP’s car he found videotapes of children “clearly under the age of 12” taking part in sex acts."
See elbows post at #3987, and Exaro tweets:

See elbows post at #3987, and Exaro tweets:

The Needle blog seems to think it is the same story

"A source close to the investigation said that the customs officer was originally approached over claims that a known paedophile had been stopped with a videotape showing the MP at a sex party with underage boys. The customs officer said the report was false, but told police he had stopped the MP in question and seized child pornography videos from him.

The source said: “He viewed the tapes on a video recorder at the border control, and found them to contain pornography involving both underage girls and boys together. He said the children were clearly under the age of 12.

“Unfortunately he can’t remember the exact date when it happened, but he had no doubt about the identity of the MP because he checked his passport. He said he had passed the details of the seizure up the chain of command and had no knowledge of what happened after that."

Misinformation may be going on somewhere :hmm:
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