The public school/boarding school background of our rulers may give a clue to the otherwise unfathomable disconnect between ordinary peoples' revulsion at child sex abuse, and the seeming unwillingness to act/inability to view it as revolting, as is displayed by the 'Establishment'.
Does this also give us a clue as to why so many have been willing to turn a blind eye/'lose' files/ignore calls for an enquiry? If they - when at public school - were either witness to, perpetrators of, or victims of sexual abuse, have they somehow internalised it as "well it wasn't that bad"? It is extraordinary, but may go some way to explain the inexplicable refusal to be a 'whistleblower' or just refuse to obey your higher-ups who wanted a report buried?
The latter point may apply just as much to police as to civil servants/ politicians, but here it's less likely - I would guess - that police have a background of public/boarding school. But with the police there is the strong tendency to conservatism, respect authority, obey higher-ups. So the end result may be the same thing - reports got 'lost', witnesses ignored etc. Where it gets really f--ing nasty and unfathomable is when witnesses are intimidated and threatened so as to protect high-society nonces - this is presumably down to the "for the greater good" mentality, preserve the 'Estabishment' at all costs.
Scandal damages democracy itself. After all the worst bit about raping kids is the scandal that it causes.