And always, lurking in the background and arriving imminently ...
My youngest daughter is arriving from the Philippines tomorrow lunchtime (23/12/22,) to stay for two weeks. I haven't seen her for four fucking years, what with the NSL and Covid and shit!
She's 30 years old.
She graduated from the top university in the Philippines, Cum Laude, in International Development Studies (she wanted to be a fucking diplomat or something, FFS!), and recently completed her three year Masters degree in International Business with a thesis in Human Resources.
Working full time (45 - 50 hours a week), in highly complex governmental and private sector positions and building a career and a reputation for her integrity, straightforwardness, attention to detail, passion, discipline, persistence, compassion, empathy and creativity - she's quite fucking something!
Highly articulate fluency in idiomatic spoken and written English, with an extraordinarily broad vocabulary.
Tested to Level Four fluency in spoken Japanese (in whatever the benchmark exam is).
And learning Mandarin for the last three years in her spare time.
Native Philippino speaker and mother tongue Tagalog.
A truly profound creature of the universe in the 21st Century.
Usually, in her spare time, to be found with her head down in a book.
And yet, she still earns less than a fucking quarter (yes, less than a fucking 1/4!) of the UK minimum wage!
How the fuck does that work!? It's a fucked up world! It's fucking unfair and not right!
Anyway ... Heh!
She's smart as a fucking button, progressive and politically engaged with a global/international perspective.
A committed feminist. Mostly quiet and studious and yet stridently vocal and intolerant of stupidity, ignorance and prejudice.
We love each other to bits and I can't fucking wait to see her.
I'm too excited for my own fucking good. It's too fucking late and I can't fucking sleep - and it'll be 3:30am-o'fucking-o'clock in the morning soon.
Anyway ...
It'll be just her, Bella and me. For a whole two weeks.
Fucking paradise! Poetry! Perfection!
Oh! And the occasional Orc on Fridays, of course, including tomorrow.
She knows him well and knows he'll be here. She understands.
She'll no doubt be shaking her head at us, as usual, and going to bed early, as usual.
A sensible girl all round. I fucking love her to bits.
Bella. Bed now. It's far, Far, FAR too fucking late.
I may be intermittent around Urban for a wee bit peeps.
Priorities and stuff must prevail.
In the meantime ...
Please be nice to each other peeps.
There's so little time left.
Don't waste it.
Blessings all.
Come Bells.
A small correction. Apparently, the Level 4 Japanese that the youngest has been tested to, is not just in spoken Japanese. It involves passing four, separate, one-hour examinations in speaking, listening, reading and writing.
My bad.
Despite that (and on top of her Masters and everything else,) she's still working 45+ hours a week, fifty weeks a year, for less than GBP 1:90 per hour - before deductions and tax.
It's not right.
Anyway, she's gone again (I thought it was for two weeks but it was only ten days ).
We had a fucking superb New Year though!
S'just Bells and I again now.
Be nice to each other peeps.
Come dog. Piss for us both, then teeth for me and bed for all.
It's too late again.
G'night all and sundry. Blessings.