Well, a few weeks ago in a thread in, I think, the DF, Mrs Quoad said if he was still an alkie he'd consider homebrew - Anyway, I poo-pooed the idea, citing the initial cost of the equipment & such as drawbacks. But at the time I did have a few dollars spare & it got me thinking, and the upshot of those thoughts was why the fuck not? So, the upshot was I got two fermenting bins & four barrels & I've now got a barrel of woodford wherry, a barrel of better brew IPA, a barrel of better brew mild and one of better brew yorks bitter. And I've constructed a makeshift bar on my balcony - Well, I say a bar, it's a wardrobe door on it's side, balanced on some old speakers.
Anyway, the wherry & IPA got kegged up on 13/11 & I was going to save them til crimbo, but I was that gutted about not being able to afford to come to the mcr meet that I thought fuck it, I'm cracking the wherry tonight - It's got a bit of a chill haze on it, but it keeps it's head nicely and it tastes pretty fuckin good, no yeastieness (gotta say though, I beefed it up a bit with half a kilo of hopped light spraymalt), I've made beer though - Satisfying on a level that can only be described as primal.
The mild and the bitter are still in the warm room doing their second ferment, but I can see the wherry and the IPA getting tanned long before crimbo. I wish I had a camera to show off the balcony bar, looks fit with all my washing hanging off it.