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My new home & project - tips and advice welcomed!

Basically, that's the plan.

Except I hate magnolia, I much prefer white walls.
Magnolia is the default colour of the Universe all of Chez Q bar the bathroom and Youngest Q's bedroom (green but MUCH paler green than your hallway) is done in magnolia. In a clear case of sexual discrimination, Mrs Q asked Youngest to pick colours for her room but has just pooh-pooh'ed any suggestion I've ever made.
Mrs Q and I will probably be the target demographic that you will be aiming to sell to in a few years (but not in Worthing Mrs Q will not want to move away from where the grandkids are)
Our current house is feeling way too big for just the two of us with the offspring 90% gone. The idea of a bungalow but with a spare room in case we have someone to stay over seems very appealing.
Best of luck with this project.
Absolute top tip about renovating.

If you are doing your own tip runs keep the material/rubbish you are gonna have to transport dry or take it to the tip immediately/that day

The absolute misery of moving rain/waterlogged dirty material into your car and to the tip is fucking awful when it doesn’t need to be

And regular small tip runs mean you are always working with a reasonably clean slate
Absolute top tip about renovating.

If you are doing your own tip runs keep the material/rubbish you are gonna have to transport dry or take it to the tip immediately/that day

The absolute misery of moving rain/waterlogged dirty material into your car and to the tip is fucking awful when it doesn’t need to be

And regular small tip runs mean you are always working with a reasonably clean slate

It's covered with tarpaulin, but I have a small van, so it doesn't matter as much as with a car.
I am lucky vans are allowed into the tips around here, as long as you register it with the council first and get a van permit, but everyone is limited to five trips a month, so I always jam pack it as much as possible, 4 trips in the second half of Oct, 5 done this month, with stuff piling up ready for next month.
Having took out the knackered fitted wardrobes, I was left with a lack of carpet along that wall.

1 - Bed 2a.jpg

As this will be the last room to sort out, I couldn't live with that, so I've just had some new carpet fitted...

1-  Bed 2b.jpg

I found a room size remnant for £150, got them to throw in an off cut of underlay & a strip of gritter to fill in the missing bit, fitting reduced from £60 to £50 as I agreed to dispose of the old carpet myself, so all in - £200, which seems reasonable enough.

Oh, and killed off and removed the mould in the corner, which was caused by condensation and not damp coming in.
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