Does the phone automatically pick it up or do you have to go to settings?I've got mine (46, reasonably healthy) on Wednesday.
Really looking forward to it - our broadband is shite, so the 5G will help a lot with WFH.
Does the phone automatically pick it up or do you have to go to settings?
Cheers.Not sure, hopefully there'll be a leaflet or something. I'm on Android if anyone has any pointers...
Does the phone automatically pick it up or do you have to go to settings?
My mate thinks he is a 5G mast since the vacinne but STILL he's having network takes the nano bots a few weeks to self replicate. When that happens they automatically log into the gates network.
My mate thinks he is a 5G mast since the vacinne but STILL he's having network problems.
I got the text, replied, thought I'd booked it for Saturday morning at a local Chemist , rocked by at 9.55 for my 10.05 appointment, I hadn't booked it I was supposed to confirm the appointment after another text which I didn't get . They still jabbed me , at about 10.05 . Had the AZ flavour , no side effects.Still no call. I did only reply YES. Did it need to be YES PLEASE?
When I went to book my first dose, the website said I had missed the appointment. So, that’s just a bug in the site.Didn't hear anything about my second jab.
The first appointment was made with my GP because I had been left off the automatic list. They said they would be in touch to tell me when the second one would be but I never heard anything. It's been seven weeks so I checked on line where it told me I had missed my second appointment (but didn't say when that was). I assume I didn't actually miss anything (as it would have only been 7 weeks), but was able to book for the 11th May. That's only a couple of days off 12 weeks so not ideal. Supposed to be best at 6-8 weeks I think for medical effectiveness right? 12 weeks was the government stretching things out to their limit? . . . but I guess it's ok?
OK cool. Looks like I found it just in time. Places were getting booked up before my eyes. The whole Friday disappeared for every location as I was filling in a time.When I went to book my first dose, the website said I had missed the appointment. So, that’s just a bug in the site.
I thought the standard in the U.K. was 12 weeks between doses? So, you have nothing to worry about.
Found the link
I gather over 40s can book via the NHS website now (it still says over 50s on the homepage) but a few 40+ people I know have booked today successfully
Hmm both those people were 48