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Have you had the vaccine WITH POLL

Have you had your first Covid jab?

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Partner and Stepdad both booked in for jabs this weekend (1st and 2nd, respectively) now. That light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter. :oldthumbsup:
OH had 1st Astra-Zeneca jab yesterday and feels a bit wonky this morning. Nothing major, just a bit knackered and says food tastes a bit odd, slightly metallic.

Stepdad reports no side effects from his 2nd AZ jab at all. All good. :oldthumbsup:
YES! At last. I had to decamp to Scotland at the beginning of february and immediately started getting frantic texts asking me to get jabbed in london. Finally got local gp here to register me. Pfizer 5g. I have not been inside anywhere for so long with so many since the before times.

No unwanted effects so far. As long as none of the effects are covid from the heavy breathing shield wearer behind me. :mad:
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It's not a big issue, as long as it's dealt with straight away, my SiL has full training in using the 'crash trolley' at the vaccination centre she's been helping out at.

I think that is a little dismissive, if you've ever seen or tried to help anyone going into anaphylactic shock it is immediately life threatening (potential of dying within a few minutes) and utterly terrifying (ability to breathe becomes compromised pretty much right away), and an epi-pen or adrenalin shot doesn't always fix it right up, it can kill within minutes and even if you get immediate first aid you can die, sometimes even being in a hospital already and doing a tracheotomy they can't save your life because the reaction can cause your organs to start to shut down.

My brother has had anaphylactic reaction to things including when he was quite young and I had to help him once during a bad reaction - even if there is full medical assistance on hand, someone can still die from it. It's absolutely terrifying and can't always be fixed, even in a hospital.

(I personally have a peanut allergy that could result in anaphylactic shock) BUT I have no known allergies to any of the ingredients in the AZ vaccination. I do believe there is a suggestion that people who have had a severe anaphylactic reaction in the past should talk to their GP about which vaccination they should get

I understand wanting to say that the risk is very small so that people get vaccinated, but underplaying the severity of anaphylaxis isn't useful. Stressing that it is extremely unlikely to happen is more valuable.
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I should be called up soon for my first Covid-19 jab - hopefully this week but if not, certainly next week as we get into May.
I should be called up soon for my first Covid-19 jab - hopefully this week but if not, certainly next week as we get into May.
I got a text yesterday inviting me for my coronavirus jab. One of the options is Selhurst Park, home of Crystal Palace FC!

Does anyone please have any knowledge of whether this vaccination centre is easy to find and if everything is well organised? Being a Premier League football club I imagine everywhere will seem big. I won't say which football team I support. :D

Thanks in advance. :thumbs:
Is it a case of the younger you are, the further you may have to travel? There aren't any vaccine centres within 15 miles whenever I log in.
I got a text yesterday inviting me for my coronavirus jab. One of the options is Selhurst Park, home of Crystal Palace FC!

Does anyone please have any knowledge of whether this vaccination centre is easy to find and if everything is well organised? Being a Premier League football club I imagine everywhere will seem big. I won't say which football team I support. :D

Thanks in advance. :thumbs:
Come on, it's a day out, get down there! :D
I got a text yesterday inviting me for my coronavirus jab. One of the options is Selhurst Park, home of Crystal Palace FC!

Does anyone please have any knowledge of whether this vaccination centre is easy to find and if everything is well organised? Being a Premier League football club I imagine everywhere will seem big. I won't say which football team I support. :D

Thanks in advance. :thumbs:
I had a text the other day inviting me to go to the Spurs ground for mine, even though I already had one about a month ago.
I've been tracking the numbers on this (the first) and the other second thread on a spreadsheet planetgeli but the graphs look boring. I've only got about 10 days of data though. Wish I'd done this from the start. :(
I had a text the other day inviting me to go to the Spurs ground for mine, even though I already had one about a month
I should be called up soon for my first Covid-19 jab - hopefully this week but if not, certainly next week as we get into May.
I got a place nearby in the end although I have to wait until a week on Monday for my first Covid-19 jab.

Delighted it's all sorted out. Thanks, NHS! :thumbs:
That's a lot of people in one day.

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