Anyone read the June edition of Freedom btw . Quite an interesting read : front page about care of our old folk and the 'self first culture of the capitalist system introduced by Tories and run by Labour', page 2 Troops out of Afghanistan, page 3 criticising other parties attendance at council meetings and battling to save Burnley schools, page 4 Britain is a Christian country page, page 6 Labour Mp says Britain will be an Islamic state in 30 years, and articles criticising Tesco’s profits . page 7 nationalise the banks and help small business and an article on donated British organs being sold to foreigners due to the EU,two pages on Euro lections, page 10 article on Women against Pit Closures , page 11 activity from BNP councillors , defections to BNP, and the rest on BNP activity including the attempted banning of a St Georges Day parade by Sandwell Council.
Actually an interesting read , well put together with a good balance of information, propaganda and adverts for their party and products. definitely give the impression that they are underdogs going somewhere with the good fight I'm afraid.