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Greek Parliamentary Election

not necessarily - they changed the election laws recently to give the party with the highest number of votes a 50 seat premium in parliament

so even though it's a proportional representation system, a coalition cobbled together by any party not containing the biggest party may have a higher share of votes, but that wouldn't automatically translate into a higher share of seats in parliament and the ability to form a government

there's bound to be another election in a few months i reckon

edit: say if you take Pasok and Dimar combined, at present they have about the same percentage as ND (just under 20%), but their total seats come to around 60 compared to ND's 111 - with the difference being the 50 seat premium
slight change as count progresses. New Democrats (centre right) are down one seat to 110, Democratic Left (left) are up one to 19.

this means that pro austerity parties are projected to win 152 seats and anti austerity parties 148 seats, with 75% of votes counted.
Ecologists are hovering just under 3%,I think it's likely they'll miss but not by much.
( I meant the ecologists greens not the loopy ecologists)
if any of the parties just under 3% crossed the line that would probably tip the balance (either for or against austerity parties). they'd immediately take around 10 seats from the other parties current projected tally. i think greens are anti-austerity (for now). LAOS (far right) are also just under 3% and are/were pro austerity and were in the coalition.
100 v 200 if it wasn't for Acerbo-lite

(or probably something closer to 120 v 180 - as the 50 seat bonus that the front runner gets would otherwise be allocated amongst all parties, so the pro austerity bloc would get roughly 40% of those 50 seats)
Golden Dawn are the real thing, even worse than Jobbik, god help Greece...


bloody hell ...

Golden Dawn described itself as a "People's Nationalist Movement" and "uncompromising Nationalists."[9] Michaloliakos described Golden Dawn as opposing the "so-called Enlightenment" and the Industrial Revolution.[9][10] According to the Party's charter, "only Aryans in blood and Greeks in descent can be candidate members of Golden Dawn".[10] The charter also puts the leader in total control of the party, and formalizes the use of the Hitlergruss for party members.[10] At first, the party embraced neo-Pagan beliefs, in accordance to Nazi occultism, describing Marxism and liberalism as "the ideological carriers of Judeo-Christianity."[11][Third-party source needed] Later, however, the party underwent ideological changes, embracing Eastern Orthodox Christianity.[12]

My Hungarian colleague told me recently that since Jobbik got big over there, they've revived a lot of "blood and soil", racial mysticism stuff. . . this does not augur well.
It is claimed that Syriza are trying to pull together a coalition to form a government ! if true this would be a HUGE tactical mistake - as it would be a multi party shambles and would eventually discredit the Left - and leave the field open for further NAZI growth. This is a time where TACTICS/timing will be very important for the Left - as it aint a revolutionery situation yet in Greece - nor one of "dual power" (though there are aspects of this emerging , eg, the widespread factory occupations) .. better to wait it out and build up strength on the ground in the working class and its allies, and let Pasok and New Democracy discredit themselves yet further. I suspect there will be a lot of NAZI v Left street battles and generalised aggro in Greece from now on similar to early 30's in Germany . A VERY dangerous situation , with wideranging implications for the rest of Europe.
My Hungarian colleague told me recently that since Jobbik got big over there, they've revived a lot of "blood and soil", racial mysticism stuff. . . this does not augur well.

it's more worrying in greece considering the role the far-right have played in Greek politics in the past
Greek TV channels are reporting that the country's electoral earthquake has been met with "stunned silence" by officials at the International Monetary Fund in Washington. "Our sources at the fund are telling us they had no idea of the extent of the anger and anti-austerity feeling in Greece. They are amazed," said Alpha TV's Washington correspondent.

They had no idea? Really? Where the fuck have they been for the past 18 months? This'll be the same (highly paid) experts who had no idea that the world's banks would implode in 2008. The people who manage the global economy.




did they think all this was just a few lairy kids?
Greece needed this election like it needed a hole in the head
Nicholas Spiro, managing director of Spiro Sovereign Strategy disgusted that the greek people have been allowed a say in their own fate. They should leave that tricky stuff to the wise technorats and financial experts. (see above)
Anyone notice the reporting of the greek election and its consequences in the Guardian?, they seem to be bringing in a number of finance apparatchiks to pour cold water over the results, Brechts maxim comes to mind of 'electing another people'
They had no idea? Really? Where the fuck have they been for the past 18 months? This'll be the same (highly paid) experts who had no idea that the world's banks would implode in 2008. The people who manage the global economy.


did they think all this was just a few lairy kids?

They've had their fingers in their ears and their eyes tight shut, trying to avoid having to acknowledge that an awful lot of their key assumptions about how the world works have fallen apart, and that several broadly left-wing critiques from the last couple of decades of the world economy, where it's going, how it's run, by whom and with what effect have been proved horribly right!
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