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Greek Parliamentary Election

Just spotted that Syriza is second in the polls. As there is no thread I thought I'd start one :D


Last time I checked up on Syriza about 12 months ago they were doing crap. When I first heard of them I thought they could do well. Looks like they could finally be doing well.

Fascist Golden Dawn are currently on 6-8% and could enter parliament.

Any thoughts?
Fascist Golden Dawn are currently on 6-8% and could enter parliament.
Fascism rises from the depths of Greece's despair
Independent Friday 04 May 2012
One of the new lawmakers is likely to be Elias Panayiotaros. A candidate for central Athens, he runs a shop called Phalanx selling military gear. His business card features a Byzantine eagle and a skull and crossbones. Speaking at the party's offices opposite the Larrisis train station where volunteers do weekly handouts of clothes and food to "needy Greeks", Mr Panayiotaros said that the priority in the midst of the economic crisis was to throw out foreigners. "All of the immigrants are illegal, even the ones that have been in the country for a long time and they have to be punished," he said.

Greeks were afraid to leave their homes as immigrants were on a spree of robberies, rapes and murder, he said. The cost of jailing or deporting more than a million people would be offset, he said, by putting them into work camps. Those that were not prepared to work would not be given food, he added.
Jesus wept.
No KKE are NOT allied with the rest of the Left. For a party stuck politically in a Stalinist timewarp circa 1936 (third periodism -- EVERY other Left party is "objectively social fascist" - that sorta sectarian position) I have to say that the KKE DOES actually seem to realise quite clearly the " Chilean Allendeist" danger facing a Left coalition at this time if it took office on an agenda to repudiate the austerity deal with Finance capital (and the Germans in particular) . ie the people of Greece probably AREN't yet at the stage of class awareness and insurrectionery preparadeness to withstand an embargo by the capitalist states which would be imposed on a Left government trying to repudiate the debts AND the austerity package. The KKE sectarian position though immeasurably weakens the strength of the working class as the crisis of ruling class control in Greece spirals out of their control.

Whether the many components of the Syriza coalition of Left/ish/Green parties can avoid getting drawn into some "accomodation with, for instance, Pasok, a la our own Lib Dems with the Tories, in return for ministerial positions, we shall see. It's a VERY dangerous situation. The Greek security services, are no doubt increasing support for the Greek Nazi groups , and generally stirring up the "Strategy of Tension, as we speak - leaving in play an eventual "Greek Colonels" option if the political turmoil makes the imposition of World Capitalism's austerity measures undoable under "normal" bourgeoise democratic structures..

Makes our local government election results seem pretty irrelevant doesn't it !
results update has KKE on 8.5%, centre right 19, syriza 16, antiausterity centre left 10, proausterity centre left 13, nazis 7, antiausterity centre right 10.
"Democratic Left",


from my reading they are somewhere between PASOK and Syriza crowd.

Yes Golden Dawn are the real deal. there was a yes blatant bunch kicking around on the far right (LAOS) but they have fucked themselves over by supporting austerity (coalition partners). much of their vote has transferred over to GD.
hysteria on BBC News from yank market analysis about "shock" of these results. but its been clear from opinion polls they've been coming for months. normally market analyists would factor this in in advance.
The Euro is fucked isn't it? The health and wellbeing of the entire currency is dependent on its weakest parts. It's never going to work

bloody hell ...

Golden Dawn described itself as a "People's Nationalist Movement" and "uncompromising Nationalists."[9] Michaloliakos described Golden Dawn as opposing the "so-called Enlightenment" and the Industrial Revolution.[9][10] According to the Party's charter, "only Aryans in blood and Greeks in descent can be candidate members of Golden Dawn".[10] The charter also puts the leader in total control of the party, and formalizes the use of the Hitlergruss for party members.[10] At first, the party embraced neo-Pagan beliefs, in accordance to Nazi occultism, describing Marxism and liberalism as "the ideological carriers of Judeo-Christianity."[11][Third-party source needed] Later, however, the party underwent ideological changes, embracing Eastern Orthodox Christianity.[12]
I just looked on Stormfront:

It's the first national socialist party to enter parliament in Europe since WW2.

This can't be overstated they are not the typical anti-immigrant and polite party you see in other countries. They are a national socialist party.
On a positive note there are a lot more good leftists in Greece than there are rightists ime.

The country would have gone red in '45 if it wasn't for Churchill cutting a deal with Stalin, and the Brits and Americans sending massive amounts of aid to the right.
those projections above, if correct, by my estimations add up to:

anti austerity right: 53 seats
anti austerity left: 92 seats

anti austerity total: 143 seats
pro austerity total: 155 seats
I'm guessing Syriza are the umbrella that the buggest trotskyist groups in Greece are working within? The ones that aren't entryists in PASOK, that is. Anyone got any inside info? Nigel Irritable?

My gut feeling is that a party as wooly as Syriza will eventualle get pulled into a coalition in order to "do the right thing" and become a grownup party. Golden Dawn, if they're sensible, will stay 100% rejectionist and just pick up even more votes next time around.
According to Wikipedia they comprise of the following:

Active Citizens (Ενεργοί Πολίτες): Democratic Socialism, Patriotism
Anticapitalist Political Group (ΑΠΟ): Communism, Trotskyism
Communist Organization of Greece (KOE): Maoism, Communism
Democratic Social Movement (DIKKI): Nationalist socialism,[29] Euroscepticism[30]
Ecosocialists of Greece: Eco-socialism, Left Ecology
Internationalist Workers' Left (DEA): Revolutionary socialism, Communism, Trotskyism
Movement for the United in Action Left (KEDA): Communism
Radical Left Group Roza
Radicals (Ριζοσπάστες): Democratic Socialism, Patriotism
Red (Κόκκινο): Communism, Trotskyism
Renewing Communist Ecological Left (AKOA): Democratic socialism, Eurocommunism, Green
Synaspismos (SYN): Democratic socialism,[31] Eco-socialism,[2] Eurocommunism,[32] Ecologism,[31] Feminism[31]
Unitary Movement: Democratic socialism, Social democracy
Yes Golden Dawn are the real deal. there was a yes blatant bunch kicking around on the far right (LAOS) but they have fucked themselves over by supporting austerity (coalition partners). much of their vote has transferred over to GD.

It looks like they lost all their seats
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