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Goldsmiths University Diversity officer facing sack

Should she be sacked?

  • Yes she should

    Votes: 71 53.4%
  • No she should not

    Votes: 32 24.1%
  • Official warning

    Votes: 7 5.3%
  • Attention seeking option

    Votes: 23 17.3%

  • Total voters
Well if she was being paid to do stuff then she shouldnt be doing occupations although what exactly a diversity officer does day to day is anyones guess:facepalm:
Well if she was being paid to do stuff then she shouldnt be doing occupations although what exactly a diversity officer does day to day is anyones guess:facepalm:
From this thread I'd guess her job is all about race. Odd, if I was disabled and a Goldsmiths student, and had a load students stopping me disability support, i did would of thought her office would have been my next port of call. To find that she wasn't there and was in fact trying to arrange my grievance was shouted down, would have pissed me right off, more so than her wanting me killed. (being white and male)
Am I missing something? She doesn't claim to be black there?

Very first line of story
A university diversity officer who banned men and white people from an event about equality has said she cannot be racist because she’s an ethnic minority woman.

Direct quote from Mustafa herself
I, an ethnic minority woman, cannot be racist or sexist towards white men...

...women of colour and minority genders cannot be racist or sexist, since we do not stand to benefit from such a system

Black, ethnic minority, and person/woman of colour are being used as effective synonyms here.
Am I missing something? She doesn't claim to be black there?

She banned 'men' and 'white people' from an event she was organising and then made references to people of colour - so she doesn't seem to consider herself white

no she doesn't claim to be black either
I, an ethnic minority woman, cannot be racist or sexist towards white men...

I don't know why she's put herself in the sentence though. Women in general cannot be sexist towards men, and people from ethnic minorities cannot be racist towards the predominant ethnic group. But, like probably a great many other things, she only seems to be interested in this stuff as it pertains to her personally.

Also, 'not racist' does not necessarily mean 'not an idiot'.
And they certainly aren't being used as synonyms.

Sorry, I should have been clearer about the synonym bit.

What I meant was that the terms are widely used as such within student identity politics circles, not that they're being used as such on this thread.

It is strictly true that whoever said on this thread she was saying she herself was black is incorrect, but IMO that's not especially important in the overall context.
Sorry, I should have been clearer about the synonym bit.

What I meant was that the terms are widely used as such within student identity politics circles, not that they're being used as such on this thread.

It is strictly true that whoever said on this thread she was saying she herself was black is incorrect, but IMO that's not especially in the overall context.
Posters in thread were complaining that she isn't black enough or something. I was just wondering where that came from, as it seems to have formed the bulk of the discussion so far.
From this thread I'd guess her job is all about race. Odd, if I was disabled and a Goldsmiths student, and had a load students stopping me disability support, i did would of thought her office would have been my next port of call. To find that she wasn't there and was in fact trying to arrange my grievance was shouted down, would have pissed me right off, more so than her wanting me killed. (being white and male)
I wouldn't believe the uni on that one, knowing how much uni of Birmingham have lied about occupations here, I'd be very surprised if any student was blocked from accessing support services, unless it was by university security staff.
I wouldn't believe the uni on that one, knowing how much uni of Birmingham have lied about occupations here, I'd be very surprised if any student was blocked from accessing support services, unless it was by university security staff.

:confused:so the uni has resorted to lying in a petition, to get a referendum that mght see her sacked.
Posters in thread were complaining that she isn't black enough or something. I was just wondering where that came from, as it seems to have formed the bulk of the discussion so far.

IMO the issue is not whether she is "black enough", whatever exactly people think that means, but that she has apparently countered various claims of wrong-doing on her part by saying
‘There have been charges laid against me that I am racist and sexist towards white men.

‘I, an ethnic minority woman, cannot be racist or sexist towards white men, because racism and sexism describe structures of privilege based on race and gender.

‘Therefore, women of colour and minority genders cannot be racist or sexist, since we do not stand to benefit from such a system.’

She's using her BME position to attempt to deflect any criticism in an utterly dishonest and disengenuous way
:confused:so the uni has resorted to lying in a petition, to get a referendum that mght see her sacked.
Not necessarily, but plausible, uni of bham has lied like that on two separate occasions to (try to) do exactly that to union officers here, more likely just general lying to seek to discredit the occupation/occupiers, as that will have been an agreed line to take when talking about the occupation.
She's using her BME position to attempt to deflect any criticism in an utterly dishonest and disengenuous way

Within the subculture of the subculture (left-wing student politics) this is a totally valid, and indeed basically the only, response. Look at social media around the NUS elections and it's basically just student politics grouplets using this language against each other over and over. No actual politics or logical argumentation, just this stuff.
From the petition: "This is especially relevant to the repercussions of the recent occupation she was involved in leading. During the occupation she booked a short amount of leave and then declared she was ‘on leave until further notice’, leaving students without an official Welfare and Diversity Officer. When asked to attend a meeting intended to allow disabled students to voice their concerns in a safe space where they would not be shouted down, she complained to the organiser that this was a negative sounding meeting and asked people to attend to voice support for the occupation. This has actively oppressed the voices of disabled students seeking to speak to their representative officers."

So a load of disabled people that weren't prevented from accessing disability services, decided they needed a meeting to complain / or make one up in order to help counter some militants. That's MORE plausible than the alternative version of events?
IMO the issue is not whether she is "black enough", whatever exactly people think that means, but that she has apparently countered various claims of wrong-doing on her part by saying

She's using her BME position to attempt to deflect any criticism in an utterly dishonest and disengenuous way
Yeah, she's full of shit. Countering her shit by saying she isn't black enough doesn't strike me as the most effective method though. That we're discussing her at all seems a bit odd.
Within the subculture of the subculture (left-wing student politics) this is a totally valid, and indeed basically the only, response. Look at social media around the NUS elections and it's basically just student politics grouplets using this language against each other over and over. No actual politics or logical argumentation, just this stuff.

And in the end it still just comes down to which candidate has the most friends, or the bossiest friends.

It also helps if your mates are studying philosophy or politics, not for debates or anything but because they'll have loads more free time to put up posters and stuff because they never have any proper work to do.
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