We're back...finally. We've only been driving since 11.15am! Took us 2 bloody hours to get off the field, then the A39 was choccer, then the friggin rain meant almost zero visibility. Am very, VERY tired.
We got there too late for the meet up on Thursday (see traffic jams and yet more driving rain) but great to meet the people I did see...even though people were starting to think that I didn't actually exist!
The mud...well...what can I say? There really is NOTHING like glastonbury mud. Bollocks to health spas, if you wanna get fit quick, trog round there for 4 days. Our tent looked like the Somme inside, and was made even worse last night thanks to my mate drunkenly falling into no less than 7 huge fucking puddles, then falling all over the tent
I learned some new survival tricks, such as how to skin up under a poncho in the pissing rain, and eat whilst maintaining balance in mud so sucky me wellies nearly came off several times.
Huge thanks to bees, William, and moose - my holy trinity of tent bearers and erecters
You'd best come to Hebden for those drinks I owe you
I had a corker, some quality glastonbury madness moments, but I have to say it was bloody hard work, and having been when it's sunny, they are two completely different festivals dependent on the weather.