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Gaza under attack yet again.

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It's not just the slaughter that's stomach churning it's the unbelievable hypocrisy that accompanies it. I heard on the news earlier how Obama had called on both sides to comply with international law......Sorry, what? Comply with international law? How do these people say these things with a straight face? It boggles the mind!
Netanyahu now saying Israel are gonna resist international pressure to halt Gaza attacks.

So business as usual then? There's only one country's opinion they give a fuck about. What's Obama saying? Oh just make sure you abide by international law. Meaningless because Israel, with daddy's backing, already flout it. I fear this is just the beginning, I think they're gonna fucking squash the place :(. Fuck sake.
Gah I should stop reading the news because it's infuriating :mad::

BBC Hack said:
To the outside world the Gaza rockets may seem ineffective - partly because many are homemade and partly because they're hopelessly overmatched by Israel's Iron Dome anti-missile defence system.

But Israeli civilians judge the rockets by the intent behind them and not by their military effectiveness. They are grimly familiar with the ritual of running for shelter with their children when they hear a 15-second warning. They expect their government to put a stop to it.

The problem is that there's no easy way of doing that.

Even if you believe in the myth of the accuracy of modern weapons systems you have to accept that air raids are going to kill innocent people.

What? No easy way of doing that? Yes there is. Stop collectively punishing a population for voting, democratically, in a way you don't agree with. Stop imprisoning them, stop blocking supplies, stop demolishing their homes, stop building illegal settlements, stop illegally occupying land, stop illegally annexing land, withdraw back to the original border lines of Israel and stop attacking people with sophisticated 21st century weaponry when all they have is bottle rockets to defend themselves with.
The BBC are fucking awful, they have a bit on the "weapons being used by both sides" .. here it is http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-28245343 that talks about the extent of the arsenal in Gaza, then talks about the Iron Dome. Umm yeah, and what about the rest?? :rolleyes:

It's also really sickening to see a burnt out petrol station and some structural damage to buildings given the same amount of space and words as all the airstrikes on Gaza put together. They're basically saying that they're equivalent. On what planet is that "unbiased" ffs.
ABC news knee-jerk mistake. Amazing they could think for one second that photo showed Israeli victims. Shows the built in bias.
ABC “World News” anchor Diane Sawyer apologized on-air Thursday for misidentifying photos of Palestinians as Israelis standing amid ruins after an airstrike.

“I misidentified these powerful images. The people in these photos are Palestinians in Gaza in the aftermath of an airstrike by Israel, not Israelis, as I mistakenly described them,” Sawyer said. “We want you to know we are truly sorry for the error.”
ABC news knee-jerk mistake. Amazing they could think for one second that photo showed Israeli victims. Shows the built in bias.


Underneath it, there's 100+ comments consecutively spewing bile at the reporter, and Palestinians, from what I guess would be right wing perspectives, if they were sincere views someone was taking.

"The media continuously tries to make the radical Muslims look like the victims.
The Israeli Jews are the true victims. The radical Palestinians are the aggressors.
The radical Muslims started the war, but the Israeli people will end it"

"Paleo, stinians. Why the hell is Israel leaving a few to walk around in a stupor for a while? Level it. Doze it. Do it again."

It all seems unconvincing enough as anything like an argument, even as anything that a non astroturf human would deliberately write, that I guess whoever's paying for or organising it is happy just with some more emotional effects. An outraged sense of decency at the content, or a feeling of hurt that 'someone' who's reaching out to communicate is actually just taking brute force action on you - I'm not sure how those reactions, for instance, help them though.

Maybe the intention is only that some people feel abashed enough by the sheer violence of it all to disengage from this one, particular comments thread. No persuasiveness or credibility as sincere human commentators required.
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Stop collectively punishing a population for voting, democratically, in a way you don't agree with. Stop imprisoning them, stop blocking supplies, stop demolishing their homes, stop building illegal settlements, stop illegally occupying land, stop illegally annexing land, withdraw back to the original border lines of Israel and stop attacking people with sophisticated 21st century weaponry when all they have is bottle rockets to defend themselves with.
Way, way to logical & reasonable a solution there.
This was London on Friday 11th July, showing its support for Gaza.

Silence from the Arab world:

Because we've been beaten into submission by the quisling so-called rulers of the region. They take their orders directly from the US.

I've often said that we don't have a hope in hell to self determine our own fates whilst we have these fat corrupt cunts feigning sadness for the Palestinians on one hand and brutally stopping the masses from helping the oppressed on the other.

The rot from within must be ameliorated.
Underneath it, there's 100+ comments consecutively spewing bile at the reporter, and Palestinians, from what I guess would be right wing perspectives, if they were sincere views someone was taking.
I hadn't noticed the comments. I expect most are evangelical christians . Crazys. And others simply victims of Israel-can-do-no-wrong propaganda that Americans have been bombarded with for decades.
Any country that elected Menachim Begin, a well known terrorist keen to kill as many as possible, to be their PM does not deserve any of its lies re Hamas as terrosist does not deserve any of those lies air or print space
Its deserves complete isolation and seizure of all overseas assets to reduce their murderous activities
Vile racist scum for whom there should no acceptance in any civilized forum
They have gone down the route of large scale civilian casualties. This is not just to do with Gaza being densely populated as the civilian:militant kill ratio far exceeds that of Operation Pillar of Defence or even Cast Lead. Deliberately targeting residential homes. Whole families being killed. It's as if Israel has finally snapped and no longer cares about world opinion. The attempts at glossing the offensive as an anti-terror operation are stale and half-hearted.

Notice this little line in the UN's most recent report:
"Some of the attacks have raised concerns about the targeting of civilians and civilian objects, in violation of the principle of distinction under International Humanitarian Law (IHL). "
It's rare for Israel to be accused of failing to make the distinction between civilians and combatants, there have been some instances - the use of white phosphorus and flechetes during Cast Lead - but even then the main criticism was of disproportion rather than failure to distinguish. That's a very bold accusation to make especially while events are unfolding.

There are other developments. There is clearly a psychological war being waged by Israel with constant rumours of a ground invasion and warnings for Gazans living near the border to leave their homes but Israeli propaganda does not seem to be having the desired effect. Furthermore there is a backdrop of mass protests by the Palestinian population in Israel and Arab MK's accusing the IDF of murder (and being expelled from the Knesset for doing so). Egypt under Sisi is playing exactly the same role as Egypt under Mubarak, but Sisi has yet to establish as total a tyrantical rule as his predecessor and the experience of the Arab spring may mean Egyptians might be more willing to take to the streets in protest. Given the overall volatility of the situation in Israel and it's immediate neighbours Israel may back down yet.

An article about Israelis watching the bombings.

On a hilltop a few kilometers from Gaza Israelis sit with popcorn to follow the bombing of the area

While most of the 25,000 inhabitants of the southern town of Sderot in the evening try to stay safe indoors from the rain of rockets from Gaza, you will meet a different image on a small hill on the outskirts of the city. This place changes the ghostly atmosphere into something resembling a party.

"We are here to see Israel destroy Hamas," says Eli Chone, a 22-year-old American living in Israel.
video on facebook, not gratuitous, but seriously emotional

not sure if this is from Gaza or not, but the principle is the same, certainly might as well be
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