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Gaza under attack yet again.

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Because Gaza and the West Bank are isolated from the rest of the world by Israel and the military dictatorship in Egypt.

Yep, almost complete physical encirclement, and control of access.

They have a few Iranian missiles but essentially are lobbing explosives that are manufactured in what passes for a metal shop in Gaza.

Yep. Basically, what gets shot into Israel is the equivalent of what was used on Downing Street by the IRA in the '90s, and those ones weren't accurate either, even though they were fired from within 100m as the crow flies, and the 'ra had practiced heavily with them back home.
the much touted faj-5 that could reach Tel Aviv (where anybody they give a shit about lives). Where did they get to eh?

From what I recall, Islamic Jihad didn't buy in Fajr-5s, they built their own using the original design specs (garnered from Hezbollah in Lebanon), and pretty much acknowledged at the time that they were a "one-shot" deal, due to materials availability. Like the glorified mortars, they were more morale booster than booster rocket.
Because Gaza is a ghetto. It's surrounded on all sides by extremely expensive surveillance and interdiction operatives and equipment. It's hard enough for people to smuggle in the gas bottles used, and enough food and medicine to make sure that if the IDF decides to shut the gates then people don't starve or die of needless infections etc, let alone smuggling in parts of, or even entire missiles.

That would seem to indicate that the blockade is having at least one of the effects desired by Israel - keeping good weaponry out of the hands of Hamas.

If Hamas is going to the trouble of jury-rigging gas canister rockets to fire at Israel, it stands to reason that if they could get more powerful rockets with proper guidance systems, they'd be using those as well.

It's interesting that in spite of the heavy blockade, illegal drugs appear to be making it through.

Has the tunnelling stopped?

Obviously not, as you'd know if you'd read the part of my post where I mention that most of the traffic is devoted to food, fuel and medicine.
It's also pretty obvious even to perception-challenged folk that there's very little in terms of substantial artillery, that can be transported through a man-size tunnel.
last I heard the egypt tunnels had been either bombed into disuse or closed at the exit points by the interim governments/military juntas of egypt.

Just like screws do in nicks, the jailers of Gaza let a little bit of the necessary get smuggled in, just enough to stem constant rioting.
[QUOTE="ViolentPanda, post: 13259017, member: 2660] there's very little in terms of substantial artillery, that can be transported through a man-size tunnel.[/QUOTE]

I'm not a military person: but I'd assume that surface to surface rockets, like most things, can be disassembled down to component parts, then reassembled.
If Hamas is going to the trouble of smuggling in gas canisters to make rockets with - why not just smuggle in real rocket components?
Because the number one idea is to survive, that means food,fuel and medicine.I don't think you understand the situation,Hamas has the support it has by it's social programs.
It's fuck all use to have military resistance if all your people have starved to death.
Because the number one idea is to survive, that means food,fuel and medicine.I don't think you understand the situation,Hamas has the support it has by it's social programs.
It's fuck all use to have military resistance if all your people have starved to death.

That makes eminent sense: but if they are going to the trouble of smuggling in gas canisters to be used to make rockets; why not just smuggle in rocket components?
That makes eminent sense: but if they are going to the trouble of smuggling in gas canisters to be used to make rockets; why not just smuggle in rocket components?
No because gas canisters are vital to survival filled they come in from Egypt there are no bulk fuel resources in Gaza,the fact they can be used in the resistance is not their main use merely a bonus.
A2a Cement by the way is severely restricted in Gaza and the West Bank because it could be used for hardened bomb shelters, the fact that it's also necessary for home building or a thousand and one other everyday uses doesn't come into it.
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That would seem to indicate that the blockade is having at least one of the effects desired by Israel - keeping good weaponry out of the hands of Hamas.

If Hamas is going to the trouble of jury-rigging gas canister rockets to fire at Israel, it stands to reason that if they could get more powerful rockets with proper guidance systems, they'd be using those as well.

And if wishes were fishes...

It's interesting that in spite of the heavy blockade, illegal drugs appear to be making it through.


Small, portable. Unlike, for example, pieces of artillery.
That would seem to indicate that the blockade is having at least one of the effects desired by Israel - keeping good weaponry out of the hands of Hamas.

If Hamas is going to the trouble of jury-rigging gas canister rockets to fire at Israel, it stands to reason that if they could get more powerful rockets with proper guidance systems, they'd be using those as well.

It's interesting that in spite of the heavy blockade, illegal drugs appear to be making it through.

What a fucking pity you fuckers aint got the bottle to rocket the murderous regime to your south
Gutless shit gobblers the fuckin lot o you
Do you put some flags out and have a nice dance and cheer when some more Arab children die?
Best you get back to the plantation and choke on the Massa's cock as you fuck miss it so much you arse flannel
[QUOTE="ViolentPanda, post: 13259017, member: 2660] there's very little in terms of substantial artillery, that can be transported through a man-size tunnel.

I'm not a military person: but I'd assume that surface to surface rockets, like most things, can be disassembled down to component parts, then reassembled.[/QUOTE]

And you'd be wrong. While you could disassemble the payload, disassembling the motor would still leave you with a rather bulky and obvious package, and as for the casing for a proper artillery rocket (you'd also have the pressurised liquid fuel to deal with), they tend to break down into 3 large pieces (as most rockets are not man-portable in the field, as they're designed for platform launch (usually from a vehicle), and are anything from 3m to 7m long.
So, even if the casings were forgone, and the Palestinians could somehow fabricate those themselves, they'd still have large rocket motors, fuel tanks and warheads to smuggle through, taking up smuggling time and space where much-needed food and fuel could be being brought in.
If Hamas is going to the trouble of smuggling in gas canisters to make rockets with - why not just smuggle in real rocket components?

A gas container is 1.5m-2m long, and can be bought from a scrap metal supplier for the equivalent of about $10. It's also, because it's designed to hold gas under pressure, strong enough for what HAMAS etc wish to use it for.
Actual artillery rockets start at about $5000 (if you've got an ideologically-inclined supplier), are much bigger, harder to smuggle, and easier for any intelligence agency to track. Smuggling the components (if HAMAS had the tools and materials to fabricate the parts that were hardest to smuggle) would still be difficult and dangerous. An accident with pressurised liquid fuel would do far more damage than a petroleum fire.
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I don't think it descended there, I think Israel came into existence with that mentality.

Quite but it's just increased to the ridiculous levels we see today. I think the world is getting sick of them and it will end up being an anti apartheid struggle as someone mentioned earlier.
And the BBC pro-Israeli propaganda makes me fucking sick! :mad:

Yeah, just watched a report on the 6 o'clock news where they were more bothered about a Hamas 'rocket' (if you can call it that) damaging an Israeli field than they were the kids that have been killed
What a fucking pity you fuckers aint got the bottle to rocket the murderous regime to your south

If we decided to go that route, we've got all the modern military accouterments. Problem is, the conventional battle would probably be over in about a week. The guerilla war, though... that might be a different kettle of fish. :)
I'm not a military person: but I'd assume that surface to surface rockets, like most things, can be disassembled down to component parts, then reassembled.

And you'd be wrong. While you could disassemble the payload, disassembling the motor would still leave you with a rather bulky and obvious package, and as for the casing for a proper artillery rocket (you'd also have the pressurised liquid fuel to deal with), they tend to break down into 3 large pieces (as most rockets are not man-portable in the field, as they're designed for platform launch (usually from a vehicle), and are anything from 3m to 7m long.
So, even if the casings were forgone, and the Palestinians could somehow fabricate those themselves, they'd still have large rocket motors, fuel tanks and warheads to smuggle through, taking up smuggling time and space where much-needed food and fuel could be being brought in.

51 Palestinians killed, over 450 injured in Gaza assault.

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Two Palestinians were killed and one seriously wounded in an Israeli airstrike on northern Gaza Wednesday evening, bringing the total death toll in Gaza to 51, medical officials said.


ffs :( Heavy Navel shelling, airstrikes from both F-16 & Apache right now. And still mad Benny talking about ground assault. The fucking cunt.
I'm convinced Mark Regev is actually an android who gets switched on and wheeled out to the world's media every time Israel decides to bomb Gaza a little bit further back to the stone age. In the mean time he's just stored in a cupboard somewhere in Tel Aviv.

'Activate Regev 500'
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