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Gaza under attack yet again.

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From the IDF's facebook page...

That's quite a bizarre page. The IDF are falling over themselves to point out how humane they are and blah de blah. Do other state security forces do this?
Since they call people up before they bomb them (the BBC spins this as humanitarian but it seems like it's just supposed to add to the terror to me) I think this may literally be the case
the bbc is a mouthpiece for the zionist entity. even its round-up of football results on saturdays should be treated with caution.
Since they call people up before they bomb them (the BBC spins this as humanitarian but it seems like it's just supposed to add to the terror to me) I think this may literally be the case

And a time of 58 seconds to evacuate. Impossible for the disabled people's home they bombed today.
Since they call people up before they bomb them (the BBC spins this as humanitarian but it seems like it's just supposed to add to the terror to me) I think this may literally be the case

It's also weird considering they are claiming to be taking out Hamas commanders. Bombing residential buildings because they are meeting places for Hamas is the reason I heard. That's not even a pretense at a military objective, just an aerial house demolition with expected collateral. Civilian casualties outnumbering what might be considered combatant casualties by 4:1.
Reading comments on the IDF page is just depressing. I don't get it, I really don't get it how people think Israel are the victims in this and Hamas are the evil aggressors. It just seems patently obvious to me? It seems patently obvious that Israel has absolutely no interest in protecting its citizens otherwise it would take political steps to do so by not doing the things I mentioned earlier in this thread. How the fuck can you claim you're defending yourself from people you're occupying?
Israel don't know how to subsidize peaceful conditions: whereas even religious fan in the attics are not likely to commit terrorist acts against people that are otherwise at peace with them. If it actually came to it, I'd seek revenge by feeding and clothing my enemy, compared to risking hurting one of the least of these little meek children, which is far more concerning.
From the IDF's facebook page...

Journalist: M. Ben M'Hidi, don't you think it's a bit cowardly to use women's baskets and handbags to carry explosive devices that kill so many innocent people?

Ben M'Hidi: And doesn't it seem to you even more cowardly to drop napalm bombs on defenseless villages, so that there are a thousand times more innocent victims? Of course, if we had your airplanes it would be a lot easier for us. Give us your bombers, and you can have our baskets.

The Battle of Algiers
Because we've been beaten into submission by the quisling so-called rulers of the region. They take their orders directly from the US.

I've often said that we don't have a hope in hell to self determine our own fates whilst we have these fat corrupt cunts feigning sadness for the Palestinians on one hand and brutally stopping the masses from helping the oppressed on the other.

The rot from within must be ameliorated.

You may have often said this. But I've known this since I was in Secondary School in the 1990s.
A few tweets coming through of racists attacking protesters in Tel Aviv. One taken to hospital after having a chair smashed over their head.
A bit about the backdrop to this offensive.

Unfortunately, such attacks are not a new phenomenon, but their scope over the last week is unprecedented. This is not just an escalation – it is an entirely new reality. We have never been in a situation in which attacks against Arab civilians occurred daily and all over Israel. The following is a collection of statements I heard from a firsthand source in the last few days: “Death to Arabs” marches in the streets of Nazareth Illit night after night, gangs of Jewish hooligans roaming the Jerusalem streets and beating Arabs, violent attacks against Arabs on buses, and, in Pardes Hanna, dozens of young people entered a mall screaming “Death to Arabs.” Furthermore, there have been innumerable incidents of profanity against Arabs.
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