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Gaza under attack yet again.

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a possible positive might be to help make many of the factions fighting in syria to sit up and start making up their differences. - grasping at silver linings to this rather large cloud. but lebanese involvement might make this sitation more, er, interesting
A senior military source says that the IDF will mount a significant military operation in the coming hours, after the [civilian] population is cleared from areas from which rockets are fired, mainly in northern Gaza. Residents [to be cleared] will receive announcements, SMS messages, media bulletins and leaflets. According to the military source, this type of operation is accepted under international law. Israel did the same in the past in Lebanon and that experience proves a population may be cleared from an area exploited for the purposes of acts of terror.

Was just about to say I was unsure what you meant in previous post. Will have a read.
what i was getting at was i wondered what lessons the zionist entity had drawn from the americans' extensive experience in military operations on urban terrain over the past decade and what the americans had learnt from the zionists.
not a like for the quote in your post but for raising this issue. when i looked into racism within the zionist entity some years ago it was quickly obvious the zionists were creating a very very racist society, something which the media and governments in europe prefer to ignore.

It's an incredibly racist society. The way they treat Sudanese refugees is nothing short of appalling. I never fail to be staggered by the fact a nation born out of a murderous catastrophe to happen to its people can behave in the way it does.

what i was getting at was i wondered what lessons the zionist entity had drawn from the americans' extensive experience in military operations on urban terrain over the past decade and what the americans had learnt from the zionists.

Arms & ordnance would spring to mind.
Arms & ordnance would spring to mind.
yes, but perhaps more importantly they'll have explored tactics and so on for urban warfare: although when only one side's really fighting i don't know if warfare's the right word, i'll stick with the less wieldy 'military operations on urban terrain'
yes, but perhaps more importantly they'll have explored tactics and so on for urban warfare: although when only one side's really fighting i don't know if warfare's the right word, i'll stick with the less wieldy 'military operations on urban terrain'

I don't doubt they've swapped notes. Both forces have operational differences - 'bomb the fuck out of everything from the air & water' seems to be a common trait. Would Benny risk a ground invasion of conscripts & reservists involved in FIBUA? Lebanon didn't go to well.

e2a: If Israeli forces & US forces wanted to learn from anyone, it'd be Hezbollah.
#Hebron earlier tonight to watch rockets 4 #Gaza


Is there any proof offered by the Israelis of the claim that Hamas operate from mosques, schools, hospitals and so on? They always trot this out but I never see any proof. There is certainly proof of the claim that they're in the centre of urban areas because where else they gonna be? That place is so packed the entire strip's pretty much an urban area.
This is even worse:


'Oh go on America. What would you do eh? Support us America, support us in our murderous endeavours, America. Afterall it's you who gives us all the money, jets, missiles, bombs and equipment to carry out these crimes so support us! We don't really give a fuck about anyone else's views anyway.'
This is even worse:


'Oh go on America. What would you do eh? Support us America, support us in our murderous endeavours, America. Afterall it's you who gives us all the money, jets, missiles, bombs and equipment to carry out these crimes so support us! We don't really give a fuck about anyone else's views anyway.'
At least it's accurate. Only a couple of these rockets are on target.

i wonder what the interplay's been in recent years about military ops on urban terrain between the idf and the us army.
Israel has been the teacher. They advised the American military on urban counter insurgency for use in Iraq. From a 2003 article......
In fighting insurgents in Iraq, the United States is drawing on some of Israel’s methods and experiences in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, including running checkpoints and tracking militants with drone aircraft, Israeli officials say.
Israeli and U.S. security experts have met repeatedly in recent months to discuss urban warfare and Israel’s lessons from its grueling three-year fight against Palestinian militants.
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