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Gammon is not racist

There are a load of people who look like that in this country though. They don’t all believe the same things.

true, you could find 9 bods like that at TUC conf within one audience camera shot ( and another one here replying to yr post at present) , but isn't there implied , specific socio- political critiique embedded in 'gammon' as well, even if it's as as blunt as ' another angry white, middle aged, right wing bloke ' ?
We’ve done this before on here and my position remains that it is bad politics to conflate simeone’s physical appearance with their views.
This, with the further, specific qualification of skin colour.
I think Spymaster is spot on; a term to avoid...there are other better descriptors of these folk's views.
true, you could find 9 bods like that at TUC conf within one audience camera shot ( and another one here replying to yr post at present) , but isn't there implied , specific socio- political critiique embedded in 'gammon' as well, even if it's as as blunt as ' another angry white, middle aged, right wing bloke ' ?

The angry white (middle class? Middle England?) man is definitely a thing but Gammon is too reductive as a term.

Are all these men angry about the same things for the same reasons? Where are the women in this picture? Are non-white men angry about different things for different reasons?

I think Gammon is a comforting term for some younger left-wing people. But not a useful one.
I thought gammon was a descriptive term for ruddy faced chubby chaps that was used in the 1800's, not necessarily racist in that context.
used in
Nicolas Nickleby, according to Wikipedia
"The meaning of that term—gammon,’ said Mr. Gregsbury, ‘is unknown to me. If it means that I grow a little too fervid, or perhaps even hyperbolical, in extolling my native land, I admit the full justice of the remark. I am proud of this free and happy country. My form dilates, my eye glistens, my breast heaves, my heart swells, my bosom burns, when I call to mind her greatness and her glory."
true, you could find 9 bods like that at TUC conf within one audience camera shot ( and another one here replying to yr post at present) , but isn't there implied , specific socio- political critiique embedded in 'gammon' as well, even if it's as as blunt as ' another angry white, middle aged, right wing bloke ' ?
But not one who looks like George Clooney. It has a person's particular looks attached to it. At best, it's on the same level as 'chav', from what I can tell, only having heard of it today.
Ill Fitting Suits would be a good name for a band.
EtA, Oh look...

On Gammon, I for one think it's great to have another insult to use on each other. We defnitely didn't have enough already. Pro Tip .. if anyone ever calls you an insulting name, call them it straight back, obviously. If the insult makes no sense at all when used on them, so much the better :thumbs:
i thought gammons were usually more c1, c2 daily mail/express readers. small business owners, shopkeepers and what not. "aspirational working class/artisan/clerical" - pompous, self important, judgmental, "charity begins at home", envious and definitely tory. the miserable old cunt who wouldn't give you your ball back.
not racist. the skin complexion is from getting all hot under the collar cos "WHY CAN'T WE JUST LEAVE!!??!", bring back the birch and corbyn not being very keen on thermonuclear armageddon.
dunno really.

i'm not keen on the term 'gammon' and even less so on 'chav' but i'd sort of got the idea of 'gammon' being more the daily mail / express types who vote ukip and who used to think the bnp had a point but were too lower class to vote for...

great minds eh?
i thought gammons were usually more c1, c2 daily mail/express readers. small business owners, shopkeepers and what not. "aspirational working class/artisan/clerical" - pompous, self important, judgmental, "charity begins at home", envious and definitely tory. the miserable old cunt who wouldn't give you your ball back.
not racist. the skin complexion is from getting all hot under the collar cos "WHY CAN'T WE JUST LEAVE!!??!", bring back the birch and corbyn not being very keen on thermonuclear armageddon.
Yeah but skin colour; not a great place to start from, is it?
its appropriate - angry blokes - red faced.

tbh - fuck em. they're cunts.
Yes, fuck 'em...fine...for saying/behaving/voting etc in the way that they do. But...there's far better pejorative terms that one that focuses on their skin colour. I think most on here would instinctively steer away from any other insults that related to that innate characteristic, so why make the exception/set the precedent with this (fairly lame) term. We can do better than that.
they are red faced because they are angry - its not about pigmentation its about capillaries. its directly related to their whole shitty worldview.
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