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Galloway's Workers' Party of Britain

In 2015, co-founder of Novara Media Aaron Bastani wrote an article for the George Soros-funded lobby group OpenDemocracy. (...) Why has Bastani written for OpenDemocracy, which takes funding from establishment scion George Soros? If you aren’t familiar with Soros, he’s the billionaire former director of the Council on Foreign Relations who has been involved in countless nefarious political causes around the world.

Why has Bastani written for Tribune Magazine? This is a magazine bought out in 2018 by the Jacobin, a US publication with significant funding from a couple of questionable sources. One of those is the Annenberg Foundation, who helped to bankroll Israel’s 1967 war against Palestine. Another is the Jewish Communal Fund, for whom the Tribune and the Jacobin are just two more happy beneficiaries amid an endless list of worthy Zionist causes.

WPB article on Novara media . Surprised to see Laurie Penny being named as a source

Not surprised by the antiSemitic bits.
Absolutely bonkers to go dogwhistling about who Bastani has written for given the variety of scumbag outlets Galloway himself has been on (regular on Russia Today and Press TV irrc). He's going full transphobe, homophobe etc over on Novara itself atm.
From what I have seen - online and IRL - WPGB appears to be growing by recruiting some of the worst people (on the left or otherwise) - TERFs, Islamist reactionaries, unreconstructed Stalinists, Catholic reactionaries, people amongst that minority where the accusation of Anti-semitism in Labour was not just a smear, blokes who cannot seem to avoid casual sexism and racism, nasty anti-socials who have been expelled from more than one party before etc etc.
Quite an amusing chat with a very uncomfortable SPEW/TUSC activist yesterday - their decision to pal up with Galloway now coming back to bite them, as it did with the SWP in the Respect years…
I watched the Novara interview. GG clearly not remotely stitched up. Almost the opposite since Bastani really doesn't push back much if at all. IMO he should have done given the guff GG was saying regarding sexuality. Completely bizarre to frame this as a sticj up
I can't say "you didn't show the whole context where I also slagged off trans people" is up to his usual standard of brinkmanship tbh.

Seems like Novara doing some relatively kid gloves interviewing has ended up putting him in more of a tizzy than combative questioning would have.
I'm painting and listening to the Novara interview
First off he brings the whole topic up, it's no gotcha trap.
Then he goes on to say Adam and Steve and men in frocks.... Tbf he goes on to say he is a Catholic (and therefore a bigot) by way of excuse .

There is a little nuance missed in the clip extract but not much. For him it's a matter of education rather than rights, equal rights which he supports and has voted for
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WPB article on Novara media . Surprised to see Laurie Penny being named as a source

I would understand that as in "we know from a publicly available article Penny wrote in the Statesman" rather than as in "we know from the exclusive on-the-record interview Penny just gave with us."
Dr Phil Bevin, please. He also has some clear views on the Dont Pay campaign.

Incidentally the Unity News Network ( who don't seem to be great supporters of unity despite the shop name ), which he also posts on have a delicious hatchet job on Plan C.
(Opinion) Who is “behind Labour”? PART 1 – Agents of Influence: Novara Media? - Unity News
That article is amazing. It's like a reverse Paul Mason. "The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a big chart is a good guy with a big chart", etc.
Solidarity with Plan C, who seem to be caught in the crossfire between the commentariat and weirdo tankies.
Oh, are they getting shit from the commentariat as well? I'd happily missed that. It is quite impressive for an organisation that, as I understand it, don't really seem to have done anything much for the last few years.
Oh, are they getting shit from the commentariat as well? I'd happily missed that. It is quite impressive for an organisation that, as I understand it, don't really seem to have done anything much for the last few years.
not yet, just the tankies and the useless prof so far. They do seem to have been brought into it all because of the fallout of the Novara Galloway interview though, which is nothing to do with them.
Plan CIA is so laughable I was hoping it began and ended there.
It’s brought out the biggest brains* in the left wing counter-intelligence community on Twitter.

I’m sure it will all blow over, but it’s not great spending time trying to explain to lunatics why you are not controlled by the CIA.

*shut-ins who have no idea how things work.
The key is to not explain it to them. It won't help, and they'll be delighted with the attention. They come up with this shit precisely because the community they can reach is comprised almost solely of other weird shut-ins and they're desperate to provoke someone else to notice them. For these people an official response is a) as good as a confession and b) bragging rights in weirdo city.
I do watch Novara media every now and then. Bastani has been much more sympathetic to Galloway than the other presenters on it.

I haven't watched the interview but read this.

Which probably upset Galloway. Bastani seems genuinely surprised by Galloway socially conservative views. Got the feeling that Bastani got carried away by Galloway's eloquence and ability to defend himself when attacked. And his success at winning seats.
Bastani's writeup suggests not only did he not know but he would have voted for Galloway in Rochdale. Honestly the amount of unhinged attack patter going on is way out of proportion to a situation which has only really been difficult for Galloway because the interview took him seriously and wasn't just freaking out about the Threat To Society he poses. There's been hundreds of angry comments from these headbangers within hours of a piece going up about it on Youtube where Bastani makes further comments.
It would be interesting to know the size of WPGB, in terms of active supporters. Theyre talking about standing hundreds of candidates. Right now I think all publicity is net good publicity from a purely cynical party position.

I find it hard to believe that GG didn't know exactly what he was doing by giving and then saying what he did in this interview. Surely too shrewd and effective an operator
It would be interesting to know the size of WPGB, in terms of active supporters. Theyre talking about standing hundreds of candidates. Right now I think all publicity is net good publicity from a purely cynical party position.

I find it hard to believe that GG didn't know exactly what he was doing by giving and then saying what he did in this interview. Surely too shrewd and effective an operator
Have a guess at the membership size ?
That's bigger than I expected, but there'll be a fair number of non member supporters.

The Novara interview wasn't terrible but it did go soft.... I'm not interested in GGs thoughts on Israel as they are well known and that bit of the interview lasted what felt like 45 minutes. Would've been much more interesting to ask him about Russia, Ukraine, his stint on Russian media, Greyzone politics, Syria etc.
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