I listened to whole Bastani interview on Novara media. As Workers party have tried to do a hatchet job on Bastani thought Id listen to whole thing.
Novara media also have put up short explanation video now Bastani has been personally attacked.
Fair play to Novara media they do not come across in the the way the Workers party website does,
The interview as
Karl Masks says allows Galloway to go on with very little push back.
I think purpose of interview like this ( and there are others with different people on the Novara media YouTube ) is not to have adversarial interview but a long interview where a rounded picture can be taken.
I actually like this. I do go to Novara YouTube channel to look them up.
Its a refreshing change from mainstream media.
As Bastani has said elsewhere Galloway is one of those people who could have gone far.
Considering the interview it shows why Galloway hasn't got far. This is sympathetic interview. Allowing Galloway to put his better side across. He did oppose Iraq war. Let it not be forgotten.
He comes across as very old Labour on social values and pro Brexit. Plus always pro Palestinian.
On social values he is not out of place with old Labour. On Palestine he is.
Its forgotten that Labour party were quite socially conservative.
This comes across when Corbyn is discussed. Clearly whilst both are attacked by Labour party they are very different.
He says this himself. This is one of the most interesting bits of the interview.
Apart from Palestine he has no affinity with the kind of new labour left that was prevalent in London.
Another thing some of his views are not going to out of place with some Labour voters.
What I find unpleasant about Galloway is the attack dog side of it. He got a great long interview with Bastani. Who has been sympathetic then tries to discredit him. Saying he is part of establishment. Which is bollox really.